Squadron Lone 's Rangers founded on 03/03/2018 begins its work with its command center, its officers and members and its directives:
Lone Player [MORAF]
Squad Officials:
Lone Player: Founder
General Edi: Co-founder
Jok3r: Co-founder
Siemens: Co-founder
Member States:
Alvo Facil
Special Collaborator:
Bob Lee Dog
Functions of founding officers:
Jok3r: Officer of the hunting, recruiting group of pilots and Advertising
General Edi: Officer of the Flight training and secret operations
Lone Player: Officer master of weapons and recruiting group of pilots
Siemens: Officer of the support logistic terrestrial, Air, naval and recruiting group of pilots
Motto: "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, so do ye also unto them."
Basic rules
To become a member of Lone 's Rangers stay tuned for a few rules:
First use a Squad Tag for your identification as a member of Lone 's Rangers before or after your name as it is done in all squadrons.
Honor and respect:
Do not argue about a player's religion, customs, color, race, ideology, people, region or country. Be respectful with your language and answers to avoid a misunderstanding that can ban you by the game administrator or our squad. You therefore suffer afflictions, as a good soldier. No one who militates is embarrassed by affairs of this life in order to please the one who enlisted him for war. And if one also militates, he is not crowned if not legitimately military. Do not sit down and take part in the mockers. Always try to help younger or harder players in the game. Always respect everyone even if you do not receive it from the side opposite yours.
Focus your efforts on your individual performance, squad and collective good in-game.
Helping and supporting the disadvantaged:
If you entered the game and noticed that a squad partner is outnumbered on the opposite side, ask if he needs help, try to work as a team to gain the advantage, this also applies to pilots of another squad, the expressive victory gained in numerical advantage over inexperienced pilots does not create a healthy and friendly environment, helping a pilot from another squad does not just have to be given if it is a squad that is in the direct fight with us.
Slaughter of squad members:
Initially we do not kill members of the squad when it attacks us unfairly, observe and ask this what is happening, if this continues to happen, shoot him causing him to give up that match and if he write in the chat then report it, then to investigate and take the necessary disciplinary action. If possible, make a video as soon as the proof is recorded, photos or prints do not always show a true fact. Remember, your attitude can take a member of your squad.
Spawn Killing:
When you can reach the enemy base or the carrier on your plane and an enemy is ahead to stop you, go to kill him and then drop the bomb. There will be dead, but you have struggled to get there, do not let anyone overthrow you, most players and squads have this survival practice to achieve the goal. Doing just this and then trying to escape without killing from disloyal or throwing your plane into the ground you are being a good pilot.
Aircraft Pumps:
We should not play our fools off to take advantage of other pilots, we should take our bombs only on bombing missions. In dogfighting or capturing the transport missions we can throw our bombs away to avoid being outdone.
To camp:
Never stay in enemy territory after bombardment, except if it is the mission of the carrier, in the Dogfight mission let the pilot take off and warn you that you are waiting for combat after he is able to defend himself and attack. Always try to pass the image that the other pilot can trust you to prevent him from leaving the game and may be the only one to play without scoring and having to give up for lack of opponents. Never hang over the base or enemy ship shooting repeatedly against the enemy, do not use poor tactics to camp.
Avoid doing Tank Spawn Kill when you see tanks away from your territory and the mission is to destroy hangars or ship carrier. Only destroy the tanks when they threaten the destruction of your mission. Never use the tank on the enemy base or nearby to shoot down the planes that take off to get more points or to protect the other pilots that are to throw the bombs
Never use this flying tactic on the outside of the map to get to the enemy territory undetected so you do not get knocked over and then throw the bombs. This attitude should be avoided because it shows weakness and some pilots or squadrons become their enemies.
Never take the pains of someone, that is, lawyer on other people's issues, as this may come back
he one who seems to be your friend today can be your fierce enemy tomorrow.
Payback (except for other rules):
If you know a mainly old pilot who plays dishonestly without honor with the poor and poor purpose of punctuating without mercy with you, then apply this rule over him saying: Payback. Remember to record this on video to defend yourself against possible retaliation even though you have been a victim of the oppressor. Avoid applying this rule to defend any pilot without knowing what motivated it. Your support may be good-hearted, but you do not know what you really
Contact and assistance:
If you are busy, difficulties to access the game or support in raising your level, individual rank, purchase of points, doubts to acquire the best equipment: planes, tanks, etc., make contact through the forum, chat or other means that will be made available for you to receive the guidance and help you need to maximize your performance and reach your individual goals and support your squad. As in other active squads, there is a period of inactivity permitted that the player can stay, after that period without any contact or satisfaction by the absence in the game will be made an investigation and evaluation of whether or not the member stays in the squad.
Final considerations:
If you disobey these rules, you demonstrate that you have no respect for other players who try to play and also win. The last resort we do not want to use is for you to be banned from the squad. This leaves marks and we do not want to do that, so play to win more in a balanced, fair and honest way.
The goal is to form a large, joyous and winning family supporting members, respecting everyone who is in the squad and players in other squads.