This past April 12, my dear friend Lone Player got promoted to Air Vice Marshal I LEVEL 37. He told me in advance he was about to level up soon, but I got lost in games and I was not able to be there for the promotion. I’m so sorry about that Lone, but he sent me the picture, so I am uploading it for him and congratulations LONE for this awesome accomplishment. You are one of the best players in the DF Elite skies and a great leader.
. Salute Lone!!
Este passado 12 de abril, meu querido amigo solitário jogador foi promovido a Air vice Marshal I nível 37. Ele me disse com antecedência que ele estava prestes a subir de nível em breve, mas eu me perdi em jogos e eu não era capaz de estar lá para a promoção. Sinto muito por isso Lone, mas ele me enviou a foto, então eu estou enviando-o para ele e parabéns Lone para esta realização incrível. Você é um dos melhores jogadores dos céus de elite DF e um grande líder.
¡Salute Siemens! April 13 Friday! Spooky date to be in the Elite skies and following in his dad’s deadly steps, JASON LOL noooooo, I meant Siemens levels up. Was a bomb the ship game, we were Titaniking the @$^& out of that ship when Simens got his promotion to II Air Commodore Level 23. This comes the very next day his dad Lone Player Level up to Air Vice Marshal. Felicidades to the Lone family of Aces for all the accomplishments.
. ¡ saudação Siemens!
13 de abril sexta-feira! Data assustadora para estar no céu de elite e seguindo as etapas mortais de seu pai, Jason lol não, eu quis dizer níveis de Siemens para cima. Foi uma bomba do jogo do navio, fomos Titaniking o @ $ ^ & fora do navio quando Simens tem a sua promoção para II Comodoro ar nível 23. Isso vem no dia seguinte, seu pai jogador solitário nível até o ar vice Marshal. Felicidades para a família de ases solitários para todas as realizações.
Salute General Edi!
Just when I thought the weekend wars was over; I happened to be in a sink the ship game with general Edi buy my side and he bomb that floating airport all the way to the bottom of the lake. As I watch the destruction from my tank I manage to get a picture of General Edi promotion to II Major General Level 31. U can see him dropping his bombs over the ship in the pictures for the win. FELICIDADES General Edi!
. Saudação geral EDI!
Justamente quando eu pensei que as guerras de fim de semana tinha acabado; Aconteceu de eu estar em um afundar o jogo do navio com o General EDI comprar o meu lado e ele bombardear o aeroporto flutuante todo o caminho até o fundo do lago. Como eu vejo a destruição do meu tanque eu conseguir obter uma imagem da promoção EDI geral para II Major General nível 31. Você pode vê-lo jogando suas bombas sobre o navio nas fotos para a vitória. Felicidades geral EDI!
Gracias por el cariño que siempre he tenido conmigo y ahora también con mi equipo. Quiero elevar a todos los miembros de mi equipo a un nivel superior de Excelencia. Gracias a Jok3r, Gen Edi, Siemens, Bob Lee Dog, Smoke Screen, Blanco Fácil, Strange, y todos los pilotos que compone nuestra escuadra.
Nunca he escondido de todos de mi antiguo escuadrón que tengo un respeto muy grande por los miembros de su escuadra. Como yo mismo dije: Escuela TFL forma buenos pilotos. Éxito para su escuadra.
Hello my friends, please take off your planes, let's fight and fight until you reach victory. We are winners, a team that is happy to play knowing that success depends on our effort. Be the patrollers of the heavens and shoot down all the enemies. Courage, you are the Lone's Rangers !!! I'm proud of our team, a great squad of brave and winning drivers. Top Rangers !!!
Hello my friends, please take off your planes, let's fight and fight until you reach victory. We are winners, a team that is happy to play knowing that success depends on our effort. Be the patrollers of the heavens and shoot down all the enemies. Courage, you are the Lone's Rangers !!! I'm proud of our team, a great squad of brave and winning drivers. Top Rangers !!!
Great performance, a particular rider that I do not agree with his style of play: spawn, camper said my team was a joke, this served as fuel to motivate everyone. So, we are a few weeks ago in TOP 5. Thank you for the motivation you have generated in our hearts. His team is not in TOP 5. This must be because his dry and frozen mood has affected the performance of his good team of which he is a member.
Hola Lone
Come te sugerí hacer tome los banners que te había preparado originalmente para ti y le cambie los nombres según me lo pediste; para que los miembros de tu equipo los pudieran utilizar. Los banners de objetivo fácil y Bob Lee Dog no los prepare pues pude ver que no están mas en el equipo. Si fue que se cambiaron el nombre pues me dejas saber. El de Capitán Edi no lo prepare pues el me indico hace unos días atrás que mi presencia en el juego es un insulto para el y eso fue lo mas bonito que tubo que decir de mi luego de otros improperios; por lo tanto, no lo voy a insultar con un banner que no va a apreciar o a utilizar. El que le correspondía a el se lo prepare para Smoke Screen; porque el de Smoke era igual al de Plutón. Y le preparé tu banner original a tu hijo Siemens pues pude ver que a el le gusto. Espero que les gusten y los puedan utilizar.
Happy Father’s Day to everyone at Dogfight!
Hope u have a nice day with all your love ones; remember your family loves you.
Many blessings to all in this special day and always. .
. PS. Life is a rollercoaster, but you are the Ace that guides us thru it and makes it fun all the time.
The following user(s) said Thank You: R E Z, Lone Player, PROYECT X
Hello my friends and members of the Lone's Rangers squad, greeting everyone. Have a great week of success in your life in general and also as a Dogfight Elite player.
Congratulations Pluto!
This past May 16 I had the privilege of being in a game of dogfight with very good pilots and among them was Pluton38. During the intense battle Pluto got promoted to Air Commodore level 24 when he perform its second kill of the game. congratulations Pluto38.
Félicitations, mon ami Alain, nous parlons habituellement du jeu et de la vie personnelle, je me sens honoré de vous avoir comme ami et membre de notre équipe. Félicitations encore pour votre promotion au niveau 24. Dieu merci, Jessica (Ace Girl) a enregistré cette réalisation. Merci Jessica.
. July 19, 1918 Congratulations Predator in the sky on your promotion to III Group Captain Level 18. It was a bomb the barns mission in a very close and hard-fought game. Predator and one kill took each other out and that trigger the promotion for Predator. I ended un in a tank and was able to reach the enemy base with Tlim shooting at me and just when I was about to start to burn the farms Dusty bomb our base and they got the Victory. Fun well fought game, Felicidades Predator in the Sky!