Some of my games this morning... 
And we have this at 6 am...
First, fighting with a good friend D6T1, later join us [M]r to the party 
Then a nice Dogfight won in 10 minutes
This one was hard...
With Bep and D6T1 trying to shot down a dropper Hero¡cz, but we succeed
A good game with many pilots coming in and going out.
Finally D6T1 helped to give us the victory
This game was long but we had fun with PSY(OTI(.
I told him at the beginning: "Do you know? We're going to win!"
After the game we feel some of an earthquake of magnitude 5.9, 250km far away in the Southern portion of my province, Salta...
And then a last one... we succeed destroying the Zeppelin