I Was asked by several DN's to organize a training.
This concerns exists a few posts on page 4 and 5.
I told u that i saw an training from WP. I asked my
Wolf-bro blackwolf, and the messages are not good.
Said training was alot longer ago as I was thinkin', maybe
A year or more. Long before zup lost control over this game,
In the good old time as switching was no prob.
The only one way he see is if we would on same time go the the
Same server and so we would 8 bring in.
I think its technically possible, but i didnt coordinate this party,
If someone want feel free to try it, i will be ready just tell me time
And server! im sorry, not practicable! - FILE shooted!!
I heard dark become help from str8 and wasp. I found its not a bad idea if u three are together the
Recruitment-division. Dark is the responsable officer and str8 and wasp can directly invite and dark
Accept or not. Or u communicate first with dark, u can that handle so or so, thats now darks and your business, feel free to do whatever its necessary. Dark you can hunt the two from carrier to the duckhill
And back, if we will not be more i have u and its funny to make a new lieutenant who was before
Hahaha lololol imao thats a funny idea with the lieutenant!
This file was an open one but now its also - SHOT DOWN !!
the 1st open file is conc. Banners. Alot are interested, not one ordered one!
Whats with the banners? If someone like one its time to say it!
Ok, 4 remained, 2 closed = 2 left. We have one open and the 2nd one was closed
By myselfes, without further comment, not important.
Therefore we should know who wants a banner, and thats it!!
This thread is now like new, for all posts an answer!
I thank u all for read this long text and wish u all
A good n8!
Ps. Dont forget to have a look on guitard, he will made moraf
In the next few days! He would be DN MORAF #5 after von, un, myselves, and
Baron velmeho! 5 DN MORAFS, THATS more than nice! Maybe sweet?!