Hello DN bros. and sis.
Now the Squad command structure is like it should be,
We are 8 again, red wasp2 is now DN Vice-officer and is
With his vote now able to organize his revolution.
Attention wasp u have to win the vote, a 4:4 is not enough
Cause in case of a remis i get a second one. This makes it sure
That a voting ends quickly and we can go further.
Theoretically 8 but in practize i calculate that 6 only will vote,
Rad and current blackfighter (wlan conn.to install) are not to count
Really, we cant wait a month till the end lol!
Therefore the actualised list is as follows:
1st in command ENOXX ! (Leader / MORAF)
2nd in command Dark rain (Head responsible Recruitment )
3th in command UNbeatable (Co-Founder / MORAF)
4th in command von kilner (PR-Officer / MORAF / WR#

5th in command Guitard.did (MORAF)
6th in command Red Wasp 2 (vice responsible recruitment)
7th in command Blackfighter (currently Excused)
8th in.command Radient (Founder / currently inactive)
The recruitment unit with two responsible officers,
I made this that i can quickly fire the whole unit if we didnt get
New ones lol! U all know that i think the recruitment is the key
For all squads, i done it as DN pilot and its not so easy! earlier
As i start this game it was a unwritten rule to wait untill u get an
Invitation from a squad. I fly and fly,and yep i never asked anyone
For join. I was brigadier generalIII, in a game i meet rad and un.
It was the only one game i saw the two together. But i get an invitation,
Good luck for me and for dn, hm... I think too. They need long long time,
I fly over a month with my DN sign, untill one saw my request, lol, a funny squad!
Wish u all a good n8, c u