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THE OFFICIAL ~DARK*NIGHT~ SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #307202

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Hey dark, if u are sick, u Have to look first to have enough silence and sleep, this is
At least a game and i cant tolerate that u will made anything others as easy recovery untill u are fit again. I know about your high motivation, but recruit can u after u feel yourself as strong as popeye after a portion spinach! I need u fit dark, and ähm i hate this word but this is definitifely an ORDER!
The 2nd one since i lead dn and both orders was given to ppl who are sick but wanted to fight for us!
Nice, we have a great squad, but remember health is not for all money of the world to pay.
Thank for your informations dark.

After the short delay with unit2 we will the no.of dn officers
Set to 8 again, this too concerning. following votes. I want 8 valid votes,this represents
Someting which should be enough solid!

I have 2 names from dns which are For a long time with us and i will ask them asap.
Exactly we need a DN viceofficer, 6th in command, with one vote. Yes that is this expensive thing.
Good for revolutions, as well as to find the way to paradise! Lol

But for now i will 2of our pilots promote, these 2 are engaged oft to see and myself and DN are glad to have you two:

- The Darkness is new wing commander
- Wharf Rat is new wing commander

Congratulations, you earned it! Keep up the great work!

And so looks this post really nice, right?

I wish u all a good mornin and we see us, bye

Bros. And sis, this new thing will be a good one, with you all
It will.be a success, thats for sure, isnt it??
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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #308699

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Hello DN bros. and sis.

Now the Squad command structure is like it should be,
We are 8 again, red wasp2 is now DN Vice-officer and is
With his vote now able to organize his revolution.
Attention wasp u have to win the vote, a 4:4 is not enough
Cause in case of a remis i get a second one. This makes it sure
That a voting ends quickly and we can go further.
Theoretically 8 but in practize i calculate that 6 only will vote,
Rad and current blackfighter (wlan conn.to install) are not to count
Really, we cant wait a month till the end lol!

Therefore the actualised list is as follows:

1st in command ENOXX ! (Leader / MORAF)
2nd in command Dark rain (Head responsible Recruitment )
3th in command UNbeatable (Co-Founder / MORAF)
4th in command von kilner (PR-Officer / MORAF / WR#8)
5th in command Guitard.did (MORAF)
6th in command Red Wasp 2 (vice responsible recruitment)
7th in command Blackfighter (currently Excused)
8th in.command Radient (Founder / currently inactive)

The recruitment unit with two responsible officers,
I made this that i can quickly fire the whole unit if we didnt get
New ones lol! U all know that i think the recruitment is the key
For all squads, i done it as DN pilot and its not so easy! earlier
As i start this game it was a unwritten rule to wait untill u get an
Invitation from a squad. I fly and fly,and yep i never asked anyone
For join. I was brigadier generalIII, in a game i meet rad and un.
It was the only one game i saw the two together. But i get an invitation,
Good luck for me and for dn, hm... I think too. They need long long time,
I fly over a month with my DN sign, untill one saw my request, lol, a funny squad!

Wish u all a good n8, c u
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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #308704

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Andy Friend! Just step to greet you!

Great squad! Great Names!
go ahead friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetings with Style!

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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #308758

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Hello D*N. Thank you for the promotion Enoxx. Not sure how everything works yet but if you need anything for me to do then please send me a email, P.M or in squad chat. Thanks again squad.
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #308995

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Hello all DN's

As i look back to all the sq i have been in this one is by far the best the best. You have all become
my second family and i cant see a day without the members of this sq in it. Thank yall for all of your support
and kindness. As i take another step closer to becoming a great in DF i couldnt have done it with out yall by
my side.

please exscuse my french here Enoxx but THIS IS THE BEST DAMN SQUADRON EVER
i mean that.
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #309249

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Thanks Darkness,

Whats a dammned good and motivating post!

Its a pleasure to see this, thanks man!

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THE OFFICIAL ~DARK*NIGHT~ SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #310334

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Hi DN bros. and sis.

I hope u all are feelin' good and u all have still fun into our
DARK family!
After over than a week we know that JL want to be a DN (and that is really ever a good idea, JL),
JL was knowing by his side that we want have JL with us, but it never works all the time!
Untill today, maybe 1hr. ago we find us definitively and therefore,

WELLCOME J...L, you are now at least a DARK*NIGHT!

I wish you a good and funny time with us, we are glad that after all these days we found the right way, lol! We are here for u,pls look in our thread and u are informed well about all news and all u want to know about our sqad.

If u should have any questions, pls post it here and u will get am answer asap.
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THE OFFICIAL ~DARK*NIGHT~ SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #310343

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Hello again, dear bros. and sis.,

I want to inform u about few things.
The 1st one is that Squeak is now a misfit. U will meet him for sure.
We speaked about and he know that he can always come to us, if he want.
I think he need a bit time to see that there is no better squad as... an easy
Question, DARK*NIGHT for sure! And what is misfits? Do u ever heard from a squad
With such a name? I heard for the 1st time, cant be an important one, lol!

The other thing concerns the command structure. For come here in it counts
For me no stats. The only things which counts are 3points:
- how long is one with us
- how active is he/she
- how loyle is he/she
For all points valid is the more, the better. If im not sure about the last point,
There is no way. Loyalty is more much more important as the best stats. All who know me
Long time know this. My loyalty is great, and from all officers in command i can say the same.

DARK RAIN and RED WASP, u have both earned to be in and u can with yr votes active plan the further
Way of our squad. UNBEATIBLE is not a player u will hear much from him. But he is regulary in and i
Know that, UN still earned to be 3rd, same for sure valid for VON and GUITARD.
RAD as founder is set, but no further as 2nd it would be not fair thats the reason that i listed RAD as 8th.

I trust in you all genleman, lets go further and lets do this well!

The last information is an old but important one! We are still a squad without a MORAF.
Guilty is a system failure. All of you who thinkin' i forget this, you are wrong, I DIDN'T!

This should be all for the moment, i wish u all good luck
And have u all a good n'8!

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THE OFFICIAL ~DARK*NIGHT~ SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #310344

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For DARK.and WASP:

I.forget to tell u that i have set the entry lvl 1 down to


Pls.notice this, thx.

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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #310356

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Hey Dark Nights :'(

I have some bad news....Yeah if you havent guessed already my cancer has some how returned and i gave up treatment about 1 month ago i went back to try and get treatment again yesterday......Insted i got a time limit it kills me to deliver the news.
I have been given 2 weeks to live. im sorry enoxx ill try my best to spend as much time with the DN fam as Possible
- Darkness
Ps. Love You Guys

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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 7 months ago #310543

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I just saw this post.

Im sorry i have no words right now.

Darkness u are herewith promoted to group captain, i wish i could do more for u,
I come back to yr msg.

I dont know what i should write....
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #311249

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Just wanted to say farewell to The_Darkness. A fellow member of our squadron. Your journey now is one that everyone must take. Sorry you had to take it so soon. Although it saddens us now that we no longer will see you in this life. We know you will be there with your hand out to greet us as we to make that journey. Till then my fellow Louisianan. Goodbye!
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THE OFFICIAL ~DARK*NIGHT~ SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #311930

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Dear friends, bros. and sis.,
For the 1st time in the history of DARK*NIGHT we loosed
A brother, friend, a very loyle D*N, a good human and for myself
Personally real friend, to the long fingers of the damn cancer.
THE DARKNESS (R.I.P.) died in the first hour on dec.28,2015.
On dec.26 i saw him last time and we talked alot. I was sure we would
See us again due from the 2weeks he should have left there was 2days only
Over and its not difficult to calculate that about 10-12 days should be left for him.
But the cancer calculated in another dimension! Im so sorry to have such sad news, the
Last we can do is to remember him, he who loves our squad so much that he was in his
Last days always to see online till he wasnt be able too!

Thanks DARKNESS (R.I.P.), for all u have done for us!

I will organise a few things in remember of him. The first one is that we let his
Account active for 100 days. On dec. 26. as we meet us last time i promoted him to
Grp.capt.and asked him to let his acc.open in order we can do that. He was glad about
Agreed. So we all will see him daily in the next time.

The next will be the "DARKNESS-CUP" in which it gives D*N medals to win. I will inform you here.

I thank u cajun ace for yr post, maybe u can that better than myselves cause english isnt my
Mother-language. Im glad that u made that for our friend!

At least i wish in the name of the whole squad alot of power to his family, it was a honor and
Always funny to fly with DARKNESS! We will remember him as well as he earned it!

ENOXX! in the name of the whole DARK*NIGHT squadron
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THE OFFICIAL DARKNESS THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #312526

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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #312806

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Our thread is today exactly 1y and 3weeks online!

Is growht from 1 to 7 pages and generated 8788 clicks!

Thanks thread, we need you, you are important for us!

I wish u a good time yr leader trust in you as ever!!
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #312809

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Below listed u find your collected medals. It will give a new internal ranking list and after the darkness cup. A few medals to win!

1st rank: DARK RAIN, 3 medals, 2x platinum and 1x palladium!
2nd rank: ENOXX !, 3 medals, 1x rhodium and 2x silver!
3rd rank: KILLERSPREE,2 medals, 1x platinum and 1x silver!
4th rank: BLK FIGHTER,2 medals, 1x palladium and 1x rhodium!
5th rank: REDWASP, 1 medal, 1x platinum
6th rank: VON KILNER, 1 medal, 1x palladium
6th rank: FRANQ, 1 medal, 1x palladium
8th rank: GUITARD, 1 medal, 1x rhodium
8th rank: RAEVYN, 1 medal, 1x rhodium
10th rank:UNBEATIBLE, 1 medal, 1x silver

The last ranking list is from july.2015! It will be interesting who win
A medal,lol
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #312864

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I won the darkness cup?
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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #313338

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Good evening bros. and sis.,

After the bad news i have here some good ones. We lost a good bro.,
Each one of us have to find a way to live further with that! No, we didnt
Forget Darkness for sure, for me its very hard i was never thinkin'that i
Would sometime loose a DN with such a sad way. DNs would leave us and go to another
Squad, that was sure for me, but such a way, no i never studied about! Its new,but
It is, no one and nothing can amend whats happen, the live go on, the darkness would


Ok darkrain, im sorry u won nothing, less than nothing, or we can say ZERO too!

Hahaha lol bro. thats a bit hardly said from me, you know that i mean it otherwise!

This is the summary of all DNs with their untill now totally won D*N medals.
You are right now the DN with most, or better u have same amount medals as myselves,
But the higher ones. You didnt remember cause squeak was 1st,but hes gone, so you
are now 1st. But its not completed,i have to make a actual internal ranking list,
Which gives for the first 5 DN medals as usual.

After that we start the darkness cup, in which it gives alot of medals to win.

I made this new statistic for that each one remember his medals and its knowing'
Thats going on with these ones.

Other point: P R O M O T I O N S

Yes who didnt like promotions? I know nobody, fine!

I have promoted from lieutenants to new WING COMMANDERS:


and from wing commanders to new GROUP CAPTAINS:


Congratulations to all of you 4, keep yr good work, you all earned it!

For all others: I know what u are doing, i try to be fair always. But
I make mistake like we all. If there is someone who is sure that he/she
Is on the row, just tell me. In this case i would check if you are right
Or no.

FRANQ: You are on my list to promote you, if i see that you play again
U will be promoted, but first start playing again!

I wish u all a nice evening and a good n'8!
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #314130

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"Happy Happy New Year"*"Feliz Año Nuevo"*"Bonne Année" from all of us at The Foreign Legion!

Many blessing of health, love and happiness to all of you and everyone in your families on this New Year. Muchas bendiciones de salud, amor y felicidad para todos y sus familias en este Nuevo año. Thank you to all for your friendships!!! Gracias por su amistad!!!

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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 6 months ago #314159

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Mmmm mm mm ace ;)
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #316896

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GG with Cajun

Even better seeing him level up


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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #316901

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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #317193

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Never thout ill see ghost here
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #317277

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Hello bros. and sis.,

I promoted FRANQ from lieutenant to new WING COMMANDER
and.RAEVYN FROM wing commander to new GROUP CAPTAIN

Further you all remember that i try to act fair against each one of our wonderful squad.
Rad will stay officer untill DN exists, cause he founded our squad. But i think he isnt interessed since long time what with his idea happens. The first step was that i set him down from 2nd to 8th in command.
Now i set him from group capt. down to new WING COMMANDER.
Its nothing personal, its fair only. If i see that RAD visit us from time to time he get his old ranks back. And for founding DN he has a special status. He will stay officer in command without he was in for the last 220 days. No other one would stay DN officer in command with such a long outtime.
But i gave him my word and i hold what i promise. I think this way is fair, he stays in command, but i can show him with these lower ranks that we would be glad to hear something from the DN founder.
Pls dont forget that UN was also a founder of DN, but he is often here and he knows whats happen in our squad, we didnt hear much from him, but he is around, i know that, trust me!

I thank all for your motivation, i know better as the most of you (except VON and UN), how long the way is, but it paids out, if u work well you will promoted soon, i do what i can, the promotion rate in our squad is for sure one of the highest, i like to promote and i will go this way further. If a DN fight good, you havent to wait long time untill u will promoted. And for me the motivation and loyality counts,
If u have bad stats this isnt a reason for me to someone promote later. Stats are and will stay secondary
For me!

Have you all a good day, the greatest honor for me is still to lead this squad, and this will i do as.long as you all support me further. Thanks for your trust in me, i try to give it back with doing a good job.

See u all, bros. And sis, yr leader ENOXX!
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #317448

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Thanks for the promotion Enoxx! I love being a Dark*Night.
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #317455

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Dogfight fly trip!!!
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #317747

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Am sad to say but Blackfigher has left Dark Night he's reason is to get better gats to see him go but good luck in NRL and come back ur here!!! this is Dark Rain
with ur Dark Night news. =X=
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THE OFFICIAL SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #320401

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HAPPY V DAY and thank you all for your goooooood Friendships!!!

BIG HUG & KISS!!! :kiss:

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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #320440

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Hello sis. and bros.

Blackfighter is changed to NLR, i wish him a succesful start with his new squad.
Further left us PARDHUF FROM INDIA.

I COUNT 21 members but 5 from this 21 are not to count, the result is 16,this is our net. Actives,
Thats BAD!

Ok i start with blackfighter. He was DN Viceofficer, 7th in command with one vote. I close this vacancy
With our only one girl in DN, means RAEVYN, YOU ARE NOW 7 th in command, valid as per todays date.

Batt. Low, rest come tom.

C u all , thx i trust in u all!
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THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT SQUADRON THREAD !! 8 years 5 months ago #320499

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That's awesome , thanks Enoxx!!!
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