TXLAWMAN wrote: Geez. How hard is it to choose not to read something you disagree with? I saw the subject "scripture" and knew exactly what would be here. I find it equally offensive that people might dismiss a person's faith as "magic powers" or my squad is my church.
Offense is not the point, though. How hard was it to just ignore this thread and let the TX Connie post what he chooses? Now this is sarcastic because I like Hammer and Pagan, but *using placating, insincere, exaggerated southern belle accent* , "Bless your heart." 
I do agree that it's easy to choose not to read something, just as it is to not post something that the creator of the game wishes not to be posted, because of the varied population of the dogfight world.
If you had posted in the WP thread I wouldn't have said anything, as that is something for Digger and Viper to do, but since this was a general gossip posting, I felt the need to just bring it to your attention the wishes of Zuperman aka Zup (the creator of this game).
He has made it clear not to discuss politics, religion, profanity, and other games on the forum, and in chat (world chat and game chat).
I do agree people shouldn't say things like "magic powers" about a person's beliefs, and we shouldn't do or say anything that we know will offend people, however many times no matter what we do will will offend someone, just like Pagan's banner, I can't see how calling misfits his church to be any way offending.