I feel the same way, Ive had so much fun over the years,mostly getting my but kicked, but learning and finally getting a somewhat positive kdr. My latest milestone was 10k kills and was working my way to old moraf level, not bad for a 3 to 4 time a week player. I started toward the end of df1, joined wolf pack and made the transition to dfe witthout to much trouble besides dealing with all of the bumpsmand hiccups that we all dealt with. I have tried the wwll theatre but never really liked it so I kept to wwl where I felt like I belonged.
Now with the wwll planes mixed in I find no enjoyment in the games. I have canceled my subscription that I have had almost from the start of my carear in df world and I won't play again unless the games are separated or switched back to all wwl.
This really bums me out because I really love to play. If anyoneknows of another multiplayer wwl game thats any good please pm me.