NLR Recruiting
Updated and Effective May 2015
The New Lunar Republic has established its own approach to recruiting in order to continue to find the best squad/pilot matches within the Dogfight community. This approach kept four key issues in mind:
• Giving agency and autonomy to proven and long devoted members
• Finding well suited candidates to meet our values as a squad
• Offering quick and simple NLR membership
• Maintaining an elegantly simple and self-sufficient recruiting system
Quick and easy terms are as follows:
MORAF, Air Marshals, Group Captains, (AKA Officers) can recruit/sponsor any pilot on-the-spot (one pilot at a time) provided the potential recruit meets these simple conditions
• The pilot is preferred (but not required) to be rated at level 10 (Group Captain III) or higher
• Is well-known to the officer/recruiter/sponsor
• Is considered a good fit within the NLR squad
• Is open to all race, religion, nationalities, and gender identification.
Details and not so easy terms are as follows:
Once an officer brings in a new recruit, s/he becomes a sponsor to the recruit. It is the sponsor’s job to:
• welcome the recruit by an immediate introduction on the forum,
• show the new recruit the ropes and heavily persuade the recruit to take part in forum discussions where all voices are welcome and heard
• inform the new recruit of his/her ranking within the squad (Lieutenant [nlr])
• inform the new recruit about tools like the NLR website and handy links to forum discussions.
• Provide an emphasis on fair play, advice giving, Dogfight/NLR ethics, and forum etiquette are a must. There is a reason the top three forum writers are NLRs.
Only when the sponsor’s recruit moves from Lieutenant status to Wing Commander status, can a sponsor take on another new recruit. In other words, only one new recruit [nlr] at a time per officer/sponsor (see below).
[NLR] & [nlr]:
All new recruits come in as Lieutenants (unless Air Marshals make an exception) and must proudly wear the [nlr] (lowercase) tag. Once a recruit hits the level 20 (II Major General), or is voted in to a higher rank (whichever comes first), the recruit can and should upgrade the tag to [NLR] and move to NLR Wing Commander status.
Both sponsor and recruit will be highly congratulated. The sponsor can then begin to search for another new recruit.
What to do if you are currently sponsoring but know of another potential:
Simply ask other squad members to sponsor the potential recruit. If all members with sponsoring privileges are already sponsoring, then it may be time to slow down on the recruiting process.
The NLR goal is to bring in good, well-suited members. No rush is needed.
Rules for Dismissal:
Any new recruit (Lieutenant/ nlr) is subject to quick dismissal by any 1 vote from an Air Marshal. Some reasons an officer may act to dismiss and terminate an NLR membership are (but not limited to):
• Rumors of poor Dogfight game-play ethics and forum etiquette
• Failure to use the [nlr] tag
• Failure to login and/or post to the forum within 60 days
• Does not seem to be a good fit within the squad
Once the dismissal is determined, the sponsor (not necessarily the dismissing officers) must make the dismissal known to the recruit and should apologize for the recruit’s behavior if necessary.
Since recruiting/sponsorship is a privilege, any NLR member can lose recruiting/sponsorship at any time. Air Marshal votes are required to remove this privilege.