Thanks for making this thread!
I'm ENOXX ! / The leader of the DARK*NIGHT squadron.
Command structure: 6 DARK*NIGHT Officers and 2 DN Viceofficers;
Totally 8, each one have one vote, summary votes= 8.
If a result should be remis, the leader recvd a 2nd
vote. This one must be a Y or N vote, zero votes (given to count, but not Y nor N.
abstinent votes (not given to count), are impossible in order to come quick to an end
with a valid result.
The DARK*NIGHTS which want to have a bit to say and yes from time to time really good visions are born und asap from gut to in practice to use re-designed! Interesting is that these DN are not the squads Top-killers! Myself belongs to this group too!
The DARK*NIGHTS which want to play and to kill and kill and k....
Our top-killers didnt want to have a lot to say. As long as the squad.
Runs well they have what they looked for! And we didnt disturb them, they
Should do what they can better as others!
1st in command: ENOXX ! (Leader / MORAF / THREAD UPDATING)
2nd in command: Dark rain (Head responsible recruiting)
3rd in command: UNBEATABLE (CO-Founder of DN / MORAF)
And further untill 8th in command.
Thread : 'THE OFFICIAL DARK*NIGHT THREAD' (7Pages/14k clicks)
To join us,pls send a squad request and we will let u in
look that u are on or over the
The required entry level! Actual = lvl 7 (highest 15 / low 5)
This was a try to find out what the creator of this post was expecting.
Is this nearer your target?????
Thx, cya bye and good n'8, D*N: ENOXX !