Jacob10000 wrote: The only way I could see it working correctly would be to have a press "group" not a squad necessarily. Anyone flying an ID under PRESS would actually need to have no weapons and be invincible to bullets and bombs. Also in this situation it would be best if you could switch between plane, tank, and soldier at will. If the vehicles were made to look non threatening it would help too. This would allow for some truly amazing photography.
People would use this to spam & troll the chat. And no one would be able to shoot them. Many players will gang up on spammers until they quit playing. People would abuse the system.
Hamers wrote: I understand wht you are saying but z isn't going to change the game spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars for some cool pics. No offence. I understand and yes it would be cool but id be to hard and expensive. Then when ppl try to shoot the person down they call you a hacker. Just trying to give input on something I take intrest on.
Creating a group/squadron wouldn't cost "hundreds" or "thousands".
But you are indeed right, many would cry "hacker".
CalvinIsAwesome wrote: It seems to work pretty well to just declare neutrality. I've done it several times to climb a mountain in a tank, walk up one, I've even tried to drive a plane up one.
This is the best method if you guys want to do a Press group. But you mustn't get mad if no one abides by your Press code.
CalvinIsAwesome wrote: Yeah, I know what you mean. There's people who don't respect the press, but that can't be changed.
My point exactly.
tl;dr It just wont work implementing a new system, squadron, etc.