due to lack of decency and respect on the last rs thread, we have created a new one. Any insults and you will be reported to mod, this is fair warning; to post on this you must:
want to join,
be a mod,
be a member.
bomer1, [e]sputnik, loser, blain, and CalvinIsAwesome are not welcome here, and have earned that. Thus they will receive the corresponding treatment.
Now to the notsobadstuff. to join, go to tools, join squadron, royal skoripian, post i am a member on this thread, and you will be member. THE FIRST TO JOIN GET THE GOOD STUFF. we have 7 guaranteed open spots on the council, and recon division leader is the very first person to join. (sorry to ruin your plans bl13, but that is the most fair thing to do)
This thread is only for discussion of the construction of the squadron. This thread was started so that members would not see "flame wars" started by members of enigma.
www.redtailssquaderon.webs.com thats our website, feel free to join it and look around. go us!