Hi there!
I'm working on the Squadron Management panel and I'm looking for ideas.
The obvious feature is to be able to create a squadron. At that point, you will be the owner of the squadron.
Question: Imagine you recruit 20 people and you, yourself decide to go to another squadron. What should happen?
a) You can't. You are the owner of one squadron so you can't switch.
b) You can, but then your squadron gets deleted and all 20 members are squadron-less.
c) You can, but the squadron is leader-less.
d) You can, and next in line (second that joined) is new leader.
e) give ideas.
Question: Should we allow someone be in two or more squadrons at a time?
Question: Should we allow to rename squadrons?
Question: What should be the name of the squadron creator? Leader? Boss? Owner?