Post here on ideas of what games the 111 falcon squadron can expand into.
So far we have:
Modern Combat 3 (MC3)
Star Warfare: Alien Invasion (SW: AI)
Air Attack (AA)
Minecraft:pocket edition (MC:PE worldwide multiplayer coming soon)
We need more games!
Post your ideas and thanks dfor support.
hamers, not to be rude, but anyone can play the game. slenderman introduced it to us, and qaz wants to introduce it to more people. nothing wrong with that.
sorry, i cant. my brothers using the ipad. i dont really play it, lol i still just have a sword and the assault rifle i think! haha maybe later we can play!
Hahahah, Hamers -- it's okay for other squadrons to expand and use our ideas. Enigma is a beneficial/the ideal squadron. I want it to not only be the best -- but a model for others (when a "Create a Squadron" function is implemented).
The 111th can be united with us Enigma Corps in such games and we can play together since we all come from the forum. But for fun, it'd be cool to have some multiplayer Star Warefare in the near future. 4 vs 4! 111th vs Enigma!
Hey Slenderman, when there are squad matches, are we rivals? It's kinda funny, Enigma and the 111th are nice to eachother, but we compete a lot Anyway, when there are squad matches, you guys might go DOWN! DOWN! DOWN! Hahahahahaha
haha, if you mean rank, i dont think we have any particularly low ranking players. if u mean skill, well, we're kinda like the 112th Falcon Squad. We're one better!
yeah, the 111th has more unofficial pilots i think. slenderman, you should ask z to give u access to squad controls, or at least the lists. that way there wont be any more hunting down rouge pilots like fighter, who i saw yesterday. i think it might have been a fake, i think he had a space in his name or something. not quite sure.
Ok guys some good Ios games maybe android IDK tho but some of my fave ios games r:
Minecraft:pocket edition
Sky Gamblers: Rise Of Glory
Modern Combat 3
Star Warfare: Alien invasion
And of course,DOGFIGHT!!!
For modern combat 3, add me in gameloft live (blue button on the hottom where it says career & multiplayer) searvh for my name 7)UnleashMe97. If i remember, invite to a team battle (not private) no aim assist, yes military support, 30 mins, 150 point limit on either alert or scramble. This is just my fave preferences. Do this around 4 -5 pm