Hey Fly! Yeah, since Zup modified the ranks, they are a bit glitchy. Position seems to be randomly changed everyday. At first I thought this was your problem: when you open the game after an hour or more since you closed it, your position gets resetted to the 'old' one, I mean, game will count all those players in front of you who haven't logged in for 7 months or more.
Here you can see how, while I should be ranked around #80-90, I am #117.
How to fix this? It's very simple. You only have to check the World Rankings HTML page, and then your position will be the real one.
Just open the page, you don't have to search yourself in the rankings.
I logged in to view the result, and yeah, I am finally #87.
But I tried that with you and this happened...
WTH! Your position is still #1200! I don't really know what happened to you. And some other curious things happened:
Pagan's new account, in rank 7, is above you.
Zup's second account is behind Pagan despite being 2 ranks above.
I then went to check what happened one rank above you, with interesting results:
While Affe mit waffe, one of my squadmates, is slightly in front of you, which is logic...
...this guy is below #400!
I don't know if this helped you, but maybe it helps others who are saying that their ranks are randomly jumping.