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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388980

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Only been playing for about a week and the game seems really addicting BUT what is with the low options for planes? I mean I notice that sometimes I am playing against ww1 planes and then I'll be against ww2 planes. Why isnt there an option for new players to have a ww2 plane for the times we are against ww2 enemies? That is a game killer and if I'm playing against ww2 planes the entire time Im rankng up then I can see this is a waist of time. Because leveling up is based on points, my enemy can get to my base 3x faster than me, by the time I finally make it to their base the game could be almost over and I bomb no hangers, made 1 kill to their two and higher rank player just had an easy match racking up points and I make the minimum causing leveling up to take twice as long. Why give one group of players that much of an advantage to make points, I see all this talk about protecting new players but I say heck with that let us have a fair chance to make points. It's a war game and players join with the acceptance of getting killed but not to be unable to make points to level up.
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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388982

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I agree with this message. It is almost impossible to face a WW2 fighter. This turns new players away because they always get knocked down and it becomes frustrating to play. 

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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388983

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ww1 period shouldnt be together with ww2 period in " mixed wars" ww1 are almost unplayable for us vetes.....


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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388985

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1 WW2 plane must be available for new players. Make the 1 st tier available. Then they can compete, and not rage quit for good. And shorten the rank requirements a little. Literally millions of xp points to get some planes. For example, There is a Bearcat in this game. I have never even seen one fly by. This is not a complaint, just a long time suggestion. This game is really great. I would like to see it live. These 2 things I believe would help this game in many ways. 

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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388986

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I'm not sure about how those players feel who use the ww2 planes but from experience playing other games I think it would be less fun having ww1 plane in game because they are taking up space that another ww2 plane could be using, they aren't efficient as team mates. This would resolve the issue of having mixed wars, new players won't complain about being put in ww2 battles, and it would be much more enjoyable for new players to have another plane option. Once they reach a certain level then they can purchase the next ww2 plane. It's a win win situation for everyone.

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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388993

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This game was most popular and most competitive when it was WW1 planes for everyone no shields the new players paid their dues but learned how to compete in the meantime. I went through that learning curve just like all the other long-time players and I would bet most think their better players because of that experience. I realize there are other factors contributing to the popularity of the game but why not try to make the game like it was when it was most popular? Got nothing to lose at this point
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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388994

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I think the problem of lack of players started when the ww1 planes was locked for non subscribers. I know players who stopped the game because of it.


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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #388995

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Agreed, LC. Dogfight Elite was a mistake. I believe the community also made a mistake when Zuperman held a poll to separate platforms and they voted to keep them together. Most did not have the best intentions for the game when voting. It was purely for social reasons. Surprise, hardly any of them have any interest in Dogfight anymore. When the game had hundreds of players and 6 servers to choose from, nearly everybody was playing on a phone or tablet. The disparity between PC and Mobile is insane. The game now caters to very few PC players compared to the hundreds of mobile players that have been driven away. 90% of electronic users use mobile devices as their main form of entertainment. There are very few flight simulation fans on PC who would choose this game over the many better options available to them. I firmly believe platforms need to be seperated immediately in order to bring back the mobile users. That is the bread and butter Zup should be aiming for. It's not a fair fight anymore.

Games used to last hours. And when you'd finish that one, you were in for another hour long game. The map is too small for WW2 planes. One mistake and the game is over in 10 minutes or less.
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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #389002

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I agree. I'm a new player and I don't want this shield protection and I honestly don't see how it helps. It only annoys and causes controversy, as I said before in this thread as a new player we join with the understanding in a war game you get shot down. That's like playing Call of Duty for the first time and complaining about being killed! And I saw where someone mentioned players giving passes? In most war games you will be banned and there is another name for it but I can't think of it right now, definitely a no no! I think giving new players the basic ww2 plane to use when they are put with other ww2 planes would more fun for everyone.

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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #389024

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Cricket brings up a good point about the map being too small for WWII planes.  That is a fact and I believe a contributing factor in why logging out and back in has become a popular and common strategy.  You used to have to fly back to your base to reload. Let me tell you those were anxious moments when you would be parked on your runway or on the carrier watching the clock tick away waiting until you reloaded while the enemy was approaching.  It made the game a bit more exciting there were more close calls and buzzer-beater-type games.  Now if you park to reload the enemy approaches so quickly, your chances are slim to reload and get airborne in time to defend.  That's why I believe players have resorted to logging out and logging back in out of necessity to survive. The map being too small for WWII planes has created issues i.e. Pilgrim's point about players not flying back anymore and Buddha's point about the abuse of the log-out login strategy. Players have taken this strategy and run with it to the point it's hurting the game. Logging out to avoid being killed, losing, or at the end of the game logging out right before it ends so winning players don't receive all points possible is weak, (my understanding is that if there are no opposing players in the game when it's over you earn fewer points for the win.  Please correct me if that is wrong) and its vastly different from logging out to refuel, reload ammo, or get back to base to defend. There are players out there trying to compare the different motivations for using this strategy in an effort to justify the behavior or say if you complain about this player doing it you have to complain about all these others too. A ridiculous argument it's apples and jelly beans.  There is no comparison between the two behaviors. So bottom line the logout login strategy has become a problem no matter the reason for using it. I believe the strategy was born from and popularized by the WWII plane era which seems to cause problems in other areas of the game too like the need for a shield 

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Feedback 1 year 4 months ago #389025

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I've always thought you should loose points if you don't manage to fly that very expensive piece of equipment back and land it safe. Maybe with it also increase the fuel available per flight.
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389039

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Cricket is right. Majority of players are mobile users. Playing on an iPhone, you just can’t compete against a PC with a Thrustmaster flight controller. They shoot faster and farther. You are killed instantly.  I don’t think anything can be done about that , I accept that. But GIVE  NEW PLAYERS ACCESS TO JUST ONE WW2 PLANE !!!!!!!!!!!  Make it a 1st tier ww2 plane that they can have access to and then they can at least compete in any server. Problem solved. New player’s rage quitting for good = solved. Noob shield gone. Learn how to fly. Like we all did. Just let them have a ww2 plane if they are gonna be thrown into the wolves eating them alive in ww2! What is the problem here? It’s hurting the game BIGTIME ! Hello? 
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389046

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Greetings from the Foreign Legion

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389049

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No one asked, but my post here is not a complaint, I appreciate this game and think it is the best. There are some that see cheating or huge unfairness and say something for it to change, and there are those that don’t and condone it.  My apologies, I thought this was the place ideas towards the betterment of the game. Thank you 
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389055

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It is exactly that Buddah. A forum is a place where people can have open dialogue and exchange ideas on different topics like "the betterment of the game".  You should be able to do that here without being hazed. Unfortunately some people are not mature enough to see things from others perspectives or show respect to people that share ideas that differ from their own.

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389062

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. .
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389065

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proves my point
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389066

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the shields are stupid and i hardly play now because of it and with dusty and frits doing the passing or one sttting on the runway while the other collects the points is lame and has ruined the game .any one giving a red the pass should be banned its disrespectful to your team mates and is tantamount to cheating . if i see a player do this i leave the game .then if i see them online i dont want to even play as its a waste of time and no fun .there was a lot of good people here and i now have friends all over the world its gone from thousands to hundreds playing w

Actually you are a person without value, you keep telling the same stories, but you probably can't do anything about it. You are so stupid because you were born that way or it is because you have 2 left hands and fell off the roof and got hit on the head. I don't actually know, but what I do know is that there is a serious angle off with you.
But there is still some hope. That's why hospitals exist to try to help people like you who react uncontrollably. Maybe with the right medications? Must be strong stuff for you to help a little. I fear it is already too late.
The fact that you no longer have friends here is not Frits or Dusty's fault, that only has to do with your character. The only ones left are those who, along with you, find it so unpleasant to get into the game to abuse people. The same kind of idiots. That group is not that big anymore, but they do even more damage to the game than the people who give passes.
In fact, I haven't played at all in 3 weeks. Just a few games. Like last week only 1 game, this week 0 games. But you hadn't seen that yet because you don't get into the games yourself. You only pay to watch the forum all day long and wait to see if the name Dusty or Frits appears. This is really laughable.
I have to disappoint you, your friends are already further along and have focused on getting the next one out of the game.
WOW and they succeeded too.
They had opened the hunt for a 14-year-old boy who is also autistic. Easy target, right?
Keep insulting him because he's better at shooting than the man who felt it necessary to insult him all the time.
And you know what? The creator of the game did not feel it necessary to respond when the boy asked for help several times. No reaction.
Until that boy sent a somewhat strange email to zup, WITHOUT INSULT OR WITHOUT SPOILING. (I asked him why he was really banned and he then forwarded the emails and a bunch of screenshots.)
Then the game creator thought it would be easier to ban him forever. Really shameless!!!
If you are always so proud that you have a game for everyone, including children, then you have to ensure that you give those children a certain form of protection. By the way, this is legally required. If you can't or don't want to do that then you should ban children from the game and say only for 18+. You can't just take their money without taking some responsibility.
Isn't it pathetic to push a boy like that even deeper down without helping and then ban him for good and say I can't help you, ask your family for help?
Oh well, if I get banned for a day because there are some whiners in the game who are targeting me and whining about something that a lot of people do, I can laugh about it.
But when a 14-year-old child with problems is caught, I become very angry.
I would therefore like to ask Joaquin to remove the name Frits from his game for good. I am done here.


[IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/16c59jo.jpg[ [img]https://i.imgur.com/2bVsstZ.png[/img]

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389071

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Frits is right there are other players giving free passes. Im not sure how to solve this problem but it isn't just Frits and Dusty.  Somehow the practice of squad mates not shooting squad mates has become part of the game.  I don't recall this practice being part of the game in the past at least it wasn't as obvious as it is today. Squads seem to have a more negative impact on the game today than in the past.  The pairing of squad mates playing outnumbered opponent was not good for the game and now free passes are obviously causing some problems.  Im not against squads I think they should exist and have been largely good for the game in the past.  The game has had some really amazing squads with many many members MOM and Misfits come to mind.  But these recent practices or at least my awareness of them has been disruptive to a more normal competitive game. I am not seeking to ban anyone or eliminate squads. I would just like to play games where the teams are equally distributed with similar number of teammates on each side and everyone on each team try's to help their team win regardless of who is on the opposite team. For me these are the most enjoyable games. Competitive, everyone is doing their best to help their team win, tough fought battles to the end.
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389072

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well said lowdan the norm used to be no matter which squad you where in you would swap to help a outnumbered side .i would rater fight one of my squad mates because id rather loose than just swarm a noob on his own for a cheap win .some people forget its not winning that counts its participation and having respect for your opponent .all i see is paying members swapping to gang up for a win pretty sad really--------------------------------- wrote: Frits is right there are other players giving free passes. Im not sure how to solve this problem but it isn't just Frits and Dusty.  Somehow the practice of squad mates not shooting squad mates has become part of the game.  I don't recall this practice being part of the game in the past at least it wasn't as obvious as it is today. Squads seem to have a more negative impact on the game today than in the past.  The pairing of squad mates playing outnumbered opponent was not good for the game and now free passes are obviously causing some problems.  Im not against squads I think they should exist and have been largely good for the game in the past.  The game has had some really amazing squads with many many members MOM and Misfits come to mind.  But these recent practices or at least my awareness of them has been disruptive to a more normal competitive game. I am not seeking to ban anyone or eliminate squads. I would just like to play games where the teams are equally distributed with similar number of teammates on each side and everyone on each team try's to help their team win regardless of who is on the opposite team. For me these are the most enjoyable games. Competitive, everyone is doing their best to help their team win, tough fought battles to the end.

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389081

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389084

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Sad to still see the systemic personal bulling and insults going on; I thought our community had got pass that.  I was able to see the screen shoots that Randomly posted of the insults that he was getting in games. I can relate to how he must feel when you see players constantly insulting you just because of your style of play, your friend association, or just the squadron you are a part of; all while the community stays silent. It is frustrating to play under those conditions but zuperman once told me just to block them, that way you are not able to see the insults. What is troublesome to me is the constant targeting of players that are being selected to be ether insulted or critiqued by their style of play just to push them away from the game. This is mostly done by design; I know there is a chat were those that do not have the best interest for the game select which player they will target to try and drive away or get banned from the game.  This is very concerning when you are driving away game subscribes.  Not sure what Randomly did to get banned but that is zupermans prerogative and we must respect that; I also know he does gives second, third and more chances. I would recommend Randomly to e mail zuperman asking for a reconsideration like others have done in the past or ask his parents to e mail zuperman. So sorry to see you go Fritz hope you reconsider your decision; FUN games always with you and Dusty.  Let’s see who they will target next to run off the game. “SE SUMA, NO SE RESTA”. If we truly have interest in helping the game, we should subscribe and advocate other to subscribe not the other way around. 
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389102

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But honestly if your so insecure that someone's opinion of you changes your emotions then maybe is a good idea stay home, stay inside and stay away from social media and forums because it's a cruel world out there and people's feelings are getting way too sensitive. It's a game for crying out loud, a war game at that, and there is a mute feature and a blocking feature.
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389103

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Fritz should have been man and man up that even after he was told not to give free passes to stop but nooo he kept doing it and getting anyone he could to do it with why is cheating ok Lowden answer me that why is eheating being defended why isn't anybody defending what's rightif it looks like and acts like cheater well then so we dont need cheatersin this game if the top rakers are cheaters get rid of them before they teach there cheating ways to more people zup don't want cheaters he has his hands full with this game he was warned so was Dusty Luke And others the only one should be in number on is mean

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389106

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. .
Greetings from The Foreign Legion!

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389112

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Randomplane did nothing wrong. He is one of the few people I ban for his own good. He is a kid that getting bullied around by some dickheads in the game. Unfortunately due to his personal situation, he is not able to handle it and I don't think he should be in a game where adults with zero consideration for kids can be talking and attacking him. I do my best to protect kids and this is what I thought to be the best course of action in an online game. The game is not designed for kids, for the specific reason that there is an online chat and a voice chat. Unfortunately there is no way for me to know the age of the person behind a computer unless they voluntarily disclose it. Therefore I always remind everyone the fact that kids may be playing and to watch what they say and do.

I see some people making comments about me because he was banned without having a slight clue of what is going on. People should keep to their things instead of judging others, and stop acting like dicks towards players. You never know what the other person is going through and you may do some serious damage. In this case, I saw things could end really badly for this poor kid, and I made the decision to let his family know and handle it the way they considered best.

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389114

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That is sad to hear Zup.  I know Random loved this game and to have to ban him to protect him from the actions and behavior of others really sucks. Im not criticizing your decision at all Im disappointed players can't play without personal attacks on other players. Random was pretty good and he was getting the better of some good players.  But some players can't seem to handle being beaten without attacking their competition. 
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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389115

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Owl I am not defending the practice of free passes. I would prefer it if we had competitive games regardless of who is on each team. I agree with you I don't think it is right and I would prefer it to stop but I am not out to ban or call out every player that does it. I have faith that if it becomes a big enough issue it will be addressed. Try to be patient and trust the process

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389122

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Fritz should have been man and man up that even after he was told not to give free passes to stop but nooo he kept doing it and getting anyone he could to do it with why is cheating ok Lowden answer me that why is eheating being defended why isn't anybody defending what's rightif it looks like and acts like cheater well then so we dont need cheatersin this game if the top rakers are cheaters get rid of them before they teach there cheating ways to more people zup don't want cheaters he has his hands full with this game he was warned so was Dusty Luke And others the only one should be in number on is mean

Well, if you think owl, he doesn't see it anyway and I can write down some lies here, then you are very wrong. Since the day I was banned, not one free pass had been given. Everyone here can confirm that. Not even after I said it. Now that I'm no longer in the game, do you still think it's necessary to come and write some lies here?? Well, you are one of those dickheads that Zup mentions here. Simply a piece of trash of the dirtiest kind.

[IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/16c59jo.jpg[ [img]https://i.imgur.com/2bVsstZ.png[/img]

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Feedback 1 year 3 months ago #389130

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Zup is it possible the graphics needs to be update because what I am seeing with the shaking is graphics related and I turned off the detail water and shadows it smoothed out a bit, but I notice a different I'm running a RTX 4070 graphics card on my desktop pc.
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