CalvinIsAwesome wrote: Okay, I've seen too many people called cheaters because of simple issues. YOU CANNOT CHEAT. You would have to physically tamper with the server, and to clarify, physically means that you can touch it and feel it. It's a computer. The only other way, which is LESS LIKELY, is to find Joaquin, RECODE THE GAME, and send an update. Try doing that without being caught. I dare you.
If someone is being shot by you, the hits register, and they don't go down, it's lag. If it only happens to you, then it's lag on your end. If it's happening to everyone, it's on the recipient's end.
If someone dies a few seconds after being shot, they aren't cheating, it's milder lag.
If you shoot someone, and a message comes up "KSDFDH is immune", it's a simple glitch, I believe it's been fixed, however. It originated when Z saw people spawnkilling, and wanted people to stop, so he coded the game to make people immune on the runway, and anyone below III Group Captain for 15 seconds after takeoff. Sometimes the protection would carry over for everyone, and it wouldn't end. Sometimes, once a bomb was dropped, people became vulnerable again, but they still got a free run. People were very rarely immune to EVERYONE, however, it could happen. In one case, a tank was immune, got through to the base, and it fired on it from on top of the closest ridge. It was bombed and shot, but it ended the game. If you see someone who is immune, announce it, and tell everyone to focus on them. Chances are at least one of your teammates will be able to take them out.
If you see a flaming plane, take a screenshot. It's a glitch, and no one knows what causes it. Shoot it, if you can, and take screenshots after you hit it. Any information is valuable.
Thanks for reading. 
Slender or Manfred, will you please sticky this? Just to try to cut down on people calling foul on everyone?
A flaming plane is caused when it takes more then two shots to destroy a plane
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