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G-Money wrote: Hey Brothers , just dropping in... couldn't remember previous login info. More planse than I remember. Nice to see y'all. Attachment not found Attachment not found
G-Money wrote: Hey Brothers , just dropping in... couldn't remember previous login info. More planse than I remember. Nice to see y'all.
111th| Heroicz wrote: G-Money wrote: Hey Brothers , just dropping in... couldn't remember previous login info. More planse than I remember. Nice to see y'all. Attachment not found Attachment not found Haha nice pic, Hey G-Money.. Gud to see u, our camp is raggedly but we still have a few Falcons left !? O.k... maybe not raggedly, joking just kidding, type in 111th in game (Squadron Section) to view our Newly Ezpansion Wings. We're still here.
111th| Heroicz wrote: