navmed wrote: the pain has beken low today but Im trying not to hunch over .That position is likely the cause of it all. I reset my tablet to accomadate a more upright posture and it looks like it helps. Playing only on elite now. I removed the old game. I may not feel good enough to play much but ya never know.
By the way navy vets, they are looking into gender nuetral titles for enlisted rates. Hospital Corpsman could soon be Hospital Corps Technician or Health care Technician. I like the first one, at least we can still be part of the hospital corps , the ONLY enlisted Corps in the military. There issupply, medical,nurse,etc but those are all officers. I do not want future generations to not know what a corpsman is.
Wow. I retired at the right time. Not to be political but the democratic party has traditionally been unfriendly to the DoD, and I can recall during the Clinton administration a directive came down that prohibited making jokes and bad mouthing the president. LOL gotta love politics.