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Server Status - ALL UP Mild Lag 10 years 6 months ago #207192

  • Whiplash
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I decided to see if I can do it without zups help so I know right now servers are down. I think it is the same for all.

*** Important Note on Updates and Server Maintenance ***

Many wonder why update the game it is fine as it is...or think let's roll back to version x...well there are more issues with trying those suggestions than the updates have/will cause.

From an technology standpoint as much as everyone hates updates they are necessary. The hardware and operating system and other technology the game is built upon change all the time and as a result so must the game. We are about to have a major change in the game for Squad Wars but even if there were no features being added the game would still require updates. Think about this, the majority of updates are typically to correct game flaws and security vulnerabilities. Would you rather have the flaws and your account or security compromised? I'm actually really excited when stuff like this happens since it means we are one step closer to squad wars.

Things that don't help:

1. Sending messages to Zuperman/Joaquin/Echoboom asking if the server will be fixed etc. If the whole system is down they know...trust me they know. Now in addition to the game issues they have all sorts of mail traffic and forum threads and people expect answers...I'd rather they work on the issue.

2. Trying to log in over and over on every account you have on all sorts of devices why, now the servers have to deal with all of the players but since they use multiple devices or connections the load put on the server doubles for each who does that. Making the repair take even longer.

3. Getting mad and demanding the game be brought online or money back. That's like bursting into your car dealership and demanding to have you car now when it's in pieces. It's not fixed yet and they are working as hard as they can to bring it on line rest assured. There is something about getting 20 emails a minute that makes you want to fix stuff fast.
As for the money back I paid 2.99 for the game so I'm quite sure for $ to entertainment ratio I have run my $3 's worth. I paid it 2 years ago and I don't think many others paid much more except for enhancements they wanted not needed. After your first multilayer online session I would think you're are compensated, by today's going rates so lets all relax and let the servers be for an hour or two and check again.
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Server Status - DOWN 10 years 6 months ago #207204

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Well said, Its a good thing the game is down or I would have never read this. lol

ALL IN 100%
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Server Status - DOWN 10 years 6 months ago #207208

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:lol: good one

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Server Status - DOWN 10 years 6 months ago #207235

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Seems to be up and running again! Spread the word..

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Server Status - DOWN 10 years 6 months ago #207246

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Server Status - DOWN 10 years 6 months ago #207273

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Well for one thing I'm pissed, the game being down cost me a lot of money and I demand payment from ZUPERMAN .

Here I was sitting on my loung chair ready to press the play button for a day of dogfight. My wife was content to do laundry and stay home relaxing all day.

Then the game crashed, she said to me "Well since you can't play dogfight you might as well take me out to lunch and a movie". Crap there goes my day. Lunch was $23.80 plus a $5.00 tip for a total of $28.80

Now the movie was $11.00 and then the popcorn and soda was $18.00 for a total of $29.00

Now the movie was inside a mall. Crapola, as she left the theater she saw a new kindle that she wanted. Well there goes $180 plus tax.

Then of course she just had to have that dress in the window with the matching shoes and purse. Well there went another $174 plus tax. (Actually I can't wait to try on the dress, I think it will match my eyes)

Then she saw the massage chair and just had to have a message for $80 (the massage lady wasn't even that cute)

On the way out of the exit was the candy store, uggggggg there goes another $23.

ZUPERMAN owes me over $500 however I'm not heartless, I will except monthly payments. Just send me your credit card info and I will do the rest. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
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Server Status - DOWN 10 years 5 months ago #208222

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