Here we go again.
When you fly around without a bomb and the reds all are carrying bombs, that makes your aircraft superior in performance and maneuverability to all the red aircraft. On top of that you cannot complete the objective without bombing the indicated target. Most folks consider that padding your stats because a) you are prolonging the game by not working to complete the objective, and b) using your aircrafts performance advantage to prey on bomb laden reds.
"Oh but I am helping because I am preventing the red bombers from reaching the objective!" Yeah, but you can accomplish the same by carrying bombs and shooting down the reds as they approach or taking a high or wide route to your target. Also, from a bombers point of view, you aren't helping a thing because your flying around light causes the reds to fly light to match you, and now I am an easy target with my heavy and slow aircraft with bombs. Thanks for that.
"Oh but I cant select what type of match I get!", Sure you can. Put a crowbar in your wallet and squeeze the $1.99 out monthly, then you can go to whatever server you want, select a game when all your opponents are also light and maneuverable, and take your chances there. Problem solved. The really great turnfighters, specifically ZebraUp, will select games which a bomb is not required, and then rack up aerial victories against other fighter aircraft. That is the sign of a great turnfighter. Not amassing victories as a fighter aircraft shooting down bombers...... does any of that make sense?
Geez dude, if you have to win every video game you play then I recommend you seek professional help, because your self-esteem needs bolstering or something. Dunno, I'm not a professional.
Anyone can spot a chronic dropper by the kills to hangar stats. It is very easy to watch folks brag on wc, then look at their actual stats, and put everything into perspective. "Oh I am so deadly, and quite the turnfighter, just look at my kdr!" Yeah, anyone can be a great turnfighter against a bomb carrying aircraft. That is quite some accomplishment. Put your arm straight up in the air, fold it over, and pat your self on the back. You are just that awesome.