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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372712

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I did read it and understood what you meant. I speak for myself, I don't need to see myself as #1 or a chart to make this game fun. If that is what you need, create it. Ask Vivek how to make a chart and do it and post it on your Squadron page.

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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372713

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Lembrando, minha questão não seria exatamente pontos, e sim competição e reconhecimento no rank jogo!!!!!! Se pra isso eu tenha que fazer pontos, eu vou fazer como todos fizeram!!! Digo que um modo mais competitivo, atrai jogadores a jogar com mais frequência, e também novos jogadores!!!!

Agora não vem dizer, que pontos atraem más atitudes de jogadores, e novos jogadores não vao jogar DFE, devido essas atitudes! Eu e vocês, passamos por essas situações e estamos ai. Antes DF não havia competição, mais tinha 75% de jogadores há mais, ou gerava uma competição maior, mais agora, pra que começar a jogar DFE, sem jogadores, sem competição. Claro que para alguns Veteranos esta tudo bem, mais dessa forma, o jogo vai acabar, e já esta acabando, Basta você abrir os olhos !!!!

Se uma marca não inova, ela acaba, vai a falência!!

:evil: :evil:
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372714

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I think this game is over unless there is a big change---here we agree. The initial idea of Squad Wars was exciting...where one squad went up against another. There are games like this and very successful. However, the reality was due to circumstances beyond our control and ended up being points only.

When many of us learned of this it was a big disappointment. For one, all points for all squads should have gone to zero----they didn't and we quickly learned we were already 'playing' and points set which gave advantage to some squads and not others.

I think there was competition before DFE. In fact there were different servers and split wars. Made it challenging and fun.

Kaco, I went on vacation and returned never knowing if this game will be gone. It will be a shame if it goes as its' the only game I've played this long.

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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372716

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DireWolf{WP**} wrote: I think this game is over unless there is a big change---here we agree. The initial idea of Squad Wars was exciting...where one squad went up against another. There are games like this and very successful. However, the reality was due to circumstances beyond our control and ended up being points only.

When many of us learned of this it was a big disappointment. For one, all points for all squads should have gone to zero----they didn't and we quickly learned we were already 'playing' and points set which gave advantage to some squads and not others.

I think there was competition before DFE. In fact there were different servers and split wars. Made it challenging and fun.

Kaco, I went on vacation and returned never knowing if this game will be gone. It will be a shame if it goes as its' the only game I've played this long.


Meus questionamentos, é porque, só cego que não ve, que o jogo ficou mais devagar, após o fim semana esquadrão!!!!
Diminuiu o numero de jogadores de Cavaliers jogando com mais frequencia, no horario que jogo, sempre via Frits, Dusty, Monty, 17, VK, todos jogando com mais frequencia, e agora????? Se isso acontece no horario que eu jogo, essa ausencia de jogadores tambem deve ter aumentado no horario em que voces jogam também!!!

Deviamos pensar num bem maior do jogo, não pelo seu bem individual

Mais tudo bem, vamos aguardar o fim do jogo
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372717

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Kaco. wrote:

DireWolf{WP**} wrote: I think this game is over unless there is a big change---here we agree. The initial idea of Squad Wars was exciting...where one squad went up against another. There are games like this and very successful. However, the reality was due to circumstances beyond our control and ended up being points only.

When many of us learned of this it was a big disappointment. For one, all points for all squads should have gone to zero----they didn't and we quickly learned we were already 'playing' and points set which gave advantage to some squads and not others.

I think there was competition before DFE. In fact there were different servers and split wars. Made it challenging and fun.

Kaco, I went on vacation and returned never knowing if this game will be gone. It will be a shame if it goes as its' the only game I've played this long.


Meus questionamentos, é porque, só cego que não ve, que o jogo ficou mais devagar, após o fim semana esquadrão!!!!
Diminuiu o numero de jogadores de Cavaliers jogando com mais frequencia, no horario que jogo, sempre via Frits, Dusty, Monty, 17, VK, todos jogando com mais frequencia, e agora????? Se isso acontece no horario que eu jogo, essa ausencia de jogadores tambem deve ter aumentado no horario em que voces jogam também!!!

Deviamos pensar num bem maior do jogo, não pelo seu bem individual

Mais tudo bem, vamos aguardar o fim do jogo

Sim , o jogo precisa de muito mais jogadores ativos ,para que após isso o desenvolvedor (se ele quiser) ,possa emplementar rooms apropriadas para os esquadrões interessados em lutar entre si . Hoje o jogo não esta divertido da maneira que era ,se nota pela quantidade de jogadores jogando .


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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372718

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Kaco. wrote: Mais eu acho tão insignificante, jogar a semana toda, mês todo, e não receber uma gratificação, ou seja semanal, ou mensal!!!! Reconhecendo o seu esforço diario, e te incentivando, para jogar com mais frequência, e ter mais jogadores nas partidas.

:evil: :evil:

lol tem uns que """gostam""". kaco kkk vc sabe .... : ou passaram a gostar porque esta sendo conveniente :whistle:


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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372720

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I'm sticking with English.

I think we all agree the game needs to get more players to get better, but we disagree on how to attract and keep new players. Some of us are dead-set against squad wars points, others believe the competition is necessary to make the game better for all.

What I am seeing is good arguments for both sides, however at this point we should all agree to disagree.

Blue tallied and posted squad wars points for several months and a lot of folks became unhappy with how some folks were playing the game. Why not give the "no tally of squad wars points" an equal chance to see what happens?

I want to ask the folks who support squad wars points if they have noticed a difference in gameplay from the players, or simply empty games or the same few players? What is the difference now compared to when squad wars points were being tracked and posted?

There were many, many accusations of folks preying on noobs, giving squad mates a free pass, and other things which turned folks against tracking squad wars points. Has that same style of play been reported now that Blue no longer tracks points? Are folks still visiting the noob server to gain easy points? Was that just imagined by players?

Personally I have only one account and do not visit the noob server so I cannot address that. However I did see squad mates ignoring one another even though they were on opposing teams, and shooting only at folks who were not in their squad. Not every player, not all the squads, but that kind of play is certainly noticeable when you have been around long enough. I'm not claiming to be innocent here. When squad wars was first launched Wolf Pack partnered with N squads and gave free passes. After about a week of operations like that and a whole bunch of complaints Wolf Pack opted to fight everyone who is red, regardless of points, squads, nationality, religion, gender, favorite color, or whatever. I hate to say it but months later the same tactic of free passes was still being practiced. Frustrating to have team mates who won't help their team win in favor of earning points. Imagine playing soccer (football) and your goalie won't stop shots from certain players.... or a baseball game where a pitcher deliberately walked all the blue eyed players. Not fun, and certainly not fair.

Enough rambling. Let's all agree to disagree and give the current state of squad wars a shot for a few months before passing judgment or guessing what will or will not happen.

Fair enough?

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372721

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One last observation. If you want to play against different players I suggest you adjust your hours of game play. When I first get up in the morning I see N17. Later around lunchtime I see V Huntress and Anthrax and sometimes Blue Fighter. In the evening I see all kinds of different players. Late at night there is a whole different set of players in the game.

When I only had time in the mornings I would see the same handful of players every day. Now that I have more free time I have found different players are on at different times. Except Von... he is always on. :)

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372722

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The only certainty I have is the need to have news in the game like any other multiplayer game, this is not happening until December 2018, Dogfight Elite will be a page turned in my life and some players of my squad that live near my house. I'd rather make love to my wife and take care of and travel with my kids than to be in this state of near-inertia where we've been for a long time.

A única certeza que tenho é de necessidade de ter novidades no jogo como qualquer outro jogo multiplayer, isso não acontecendo até dezembro de 2018, Dogfight Elite será uma página virada na minha vida e de alguns jogadores de meu esquadrão que moram perto da minha casa. Prefiro fazer amor com a minha esposa e cuidar e viajar com os meus filhos do que ficar nesse estado de quase inércia em que estamos há um bom tempo.

La única certeza que tengo es la necesidad de tener novedades en el juego como cualquier otro juego multijugador, que no pasa hasta diciembre de 2018, Dogfight Elite será una página en mi vida y algunos jugadores de mi escuadrón que viven cerca de mi casa. Prefiero hacer el amor con mi esposa y cuidar y viajar con mis hijos que quedarse en ese estado de casi inercia en el que estamos hace un buen tiempo.

Единственная уверенность, что у меня есть, - это необходимость новостей в игре, как и любая другая многопользовательская игра, этого не происходит до декабря 2018 года, Dogfight Elite станет страницей, перевернутой в моей жизни, и некоторыми игроками моей команды, которые живут рядом с моим домом. Я предпочитаю заниматься любовью с женой и заботиться о ней и путешествовать со своими детьми, чем находиться в таком состоянии почти инерции, где мы были надолго.

La seule certitude que j'ai est le besoin d'avoir des nouvelles dans le jeu comme n'importe quel autre jeu multijoueur, cela n'arrivera qu'en décembre 2018, Dogfight Elite sera une page tournée dans ma vie et certains joueurs de mon équipe qui vivent près de chez moi. Je préfère faire l'amour à ma femme et prendre soin de mes enfants et voyager avec eux plutôt que d'être dans cet état de quasi-inertie où nous sommes depuis longtemps.
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372725

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Viper10{WP} wrote: One last observation. If you want to play against different players I suggest you adjust your hours of game play. When I first get up in the morning I see N17. Later around lunchtime I see V Huntress and Anthrax and sometimes Blue Fighter. In the evening I see all kinds of different players. Late at night there is a whole different set of players in the game.

When I only had time in the mornings I would see the same handful of players every day. Now that I have more free time I have found different players are on at different times. Except Von... he is always on. :)

Yep, evening I saw a big increases in players from many squads. Go look at some of the games Acegirl and others took pics of and see the players in strong, competitive and even games.
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372726

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. .
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372733

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DireWolf{WP**} wrote:

Viper10{WP} wrote: One last observation. If you want to play against different players I suggest you adjust your hours of game play. When I first get up in the morning I see N17. Later around lunchtime I see V Huntress and Anthrax and sometimes Blue Fighter. In the evening I see all kinds of different players. Late at night there is a whole different set of players in the game.

When I only had time in the mornings I would see the same handful of players every day. Now that I have more free time I have found different players are on at different times. Except Von... he is always on. :)

Yep, evening I saw a big increases in players from many squads. Go look at some of the games Acegirl and others took pics of and see the players in strong, competitive and even games.

. .
This was on the first of July 1918
It was one of those ghost empty games. The zombies were all out having fun in the DF Elite skies. It was a sink the Titanic game with a lot of great pilots engage in battel. Intense and fun game.
This is just an example, but…
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372734

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~ Congratulations Mean Old Men [M.O.M]~

!!! The Points Leading Squadron of This Week !!!

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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372735

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yes we did

[NLR] The Blue Fighter wrote:

Points Earned by Top 50 Squads For the Period

06/Nov/2016 to 12/Nov/2016 (7 Days)

M.O.M Seems To Be Unstoppable Now

(Three Times in a Row)

Congratulations to all M.O.M Players

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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 7 months ago #372736

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Whoops Dognamitt, looks as if you put up the wrong stat sheet.

Here is the correct stat sheet from last week with all participating squadrons. Way to go MOM #1.

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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 6 months ago #372797

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Vamos por partes ,en este juego que estamos es decir D.F.E.es diferente en muchos aspectos al clásico,se hacen más puntos es decir con menos se hacen más,otra cuestión es los nuevos pilotos, no es que no los haya ,nó,sino que están en otro servidor.Los niveles están separados del 1 al 17 y del 17 hasta el 47.Es decir ...no puedes ver niveles bajos,sólo a partir del 17,es decir todos los nuevos batallan contra pilotos de su nivel,no puedes verlos en donde están los veteranos, por eso muchos que los masacraban ya no juegan o apenas se les vé,Es un juego sin normas,por que las normas las pone cada escuadrón o piloto según le parece que es jugar limpio o nó
Hay reglas impuestas claro,no matar con tanque y alguna más como general,pero muy pocas,pero sí que hay y esas son para todos
Otra cosa es las que tu pones ,las regala realmente las hemos hecho los escuadrónes jugando de la manera que pensamos más limpia.En cuanto al juego no esta para nada acabado sinó dejado muy dejado.Jo dije que no suyo es que Joaquín vendiese el juego a
Alguien que lo pudiese gestionar,va fallando todo poco a poco ,es normal.Yo pienso que hacer puntos y divertirse van de la mano
Otra cosa son pilotos que sólo buscan matar sin opción de defensa una y otra vez.Cuando haces puntos también es una motivación no sólo para tí so nó para tu escuadrón, para todos los pilotos, para superarse y ser mejor, pero siempre primando la diversión y el gusto de volar para pasarlo bien.En clásico también había de todo, menos pero también, pilotos sin bombas,snaker,goteros ,acaso no fastidiaban los juegos igual?.muchos pilotos del clásico no juegan por que?por que antes se podían esconder hasta con su Nick y apenas podías caerlos,en el élite eso no lo puedes hacer y mueres ,como les caes mil veces ya para esos pilotos no es lo mismo.
2 punto-la caída de la bala,no permite ser tan bueno de lejos y ya así no puedes caer tantos pilotos,así què ya tampoco caen los que caían de lejos,y el juego ya no les atrae tanto.
3-los juegos son más cortos ,entonces no hacen tantos killer, como hacían en el clásico en una misma misión necesitan varias horas para hacer lo que se hacía en un par de misiones en el clásico,lo cual necista muchísimas más horas para hacer lo mismo.
4-aviones de la 2 guerra.A muchos no les gusta y menos mezclados ósea no les atrae .
5-siempre hubo lag ,en el clásico también, pero aquí es rara la vez que no lo hay y eso desespera.
5-subir a 47 el nivel y el precio de los aviones hecha para atrás eso seguro.(cuando va a tener un piloto nuevo un avión decente?)
Si juega unas partidas en el nivel bajo y no hacen más que caerlo se desanima eso está claro,pero si sube al nivel superior y no tiene un buen avión al final también se desesperada y dejará el juego.Si encima como todos sabemos hay mucho aprovechado que está esperando caramelos de eso tipo,Lo freiran una y otra vez h al final se cansada y se irá eso seguro.
Ósea el juego es jodido hasta para los que llevamos años ,Imaginaos que será para los jugadores nuevos,si a eso le añades que está dejado de la mano y necesita urgentemente actualizaciones, pues estamos ante un juego que ha perdido mucho que no es tan atractivo y que cada vez tiene menos pilotos.El que lo hizo ,Joaquín debe aparecer cuanto antes y darle de nuevo vida ,con cambios necesarios ,novedades y sobre todo corrección de errores.Un aaludo
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 6 months ago #372984

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It seems like the chain of thought of my 2 South American friends is still a bit confusing and I’m beginning to feel embarrass for the too of you. Yet your posts are short but still pointless. You talk about hypocrisy? And being two faces? On the forum you claim that you are worried about the game dying and loosing players, that something need to be done but on world chat you constantly post about how the game is worthless, empty and that is not worth playing. But long behold you are here playing every day. Talk about some hypocrites. I seen the two of you enjoying yourself on full games and at the end even writhing good game; is that not been a hypocrite? Or do you have 2 faces?? One to enjoy the game when you want to and another to trash the game? It seems to me that you two are not clear in what you want and are the ones looking like hypocrites. People that have disagreed with zuperman and the way he change the game have pick up and left (BIG GUNNZZ) to never come back; so be brave!
U also express that you always see the same players, well guess what since I started to play I have always seen the same names playing, Viper, Blue Fighter, 3med, Von Kilmer, Charli8, Fritz, Dusty, Frank Barraca, and many others. Some have move on but still we see a few new names pop up, like Tlim, Outlaw and Smoke. Why don’t we see much new names coming up? Like I posted before because a brilliant bone head had the great idea to go to the noob servers to slaughter the new players all for the points race. The result was that many left not to come back; and the thing is you two knew that this was going on and did nothing to stop it. Talk about being a HIPOCRIT. If you want to help the game survive, why don’t you promote it?? Go to social media and try to get new players to join in. I already did that to see how they were abuse in the noob servers. Easy to complaint about not having new players in game when you turn a blind eye to what you knew was going on and causing harm to the game. Talk about 2 face hypocrites and how to preach moral on your underwear.
. .
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 6 months ago #373049

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kkkkkkkkkkkk muito Hilário ACE BUBI BOY, estão acabando seus argumentos, vai sempre falar a mesma coisa

Para um bom entendedor, poucas palavras Bastam ;)

Claro que eu queria uma melhora no jogo, porem a minha opinião não muda, jogo esta um lixo. Porque eu jogo? Paguei pelo jogo, e vou jogar até quando eu quiser!!mais minha opinião não muda ;)

Muito feio, você justificar seus erros, em cima do erro dos outros !!!! Você erra por que outros estão errando??? Pouca moral a sua !!!!!!!

Como você alegar que eu sabia de algo???? E seu eu soubesse ???? Você com a sua outra conta BUBI, você consegue ser o jogador mais odiado desse jogo, devido suas atitudes no jogo, qual a moral que você tem, para falar dos outros ???? E com a sua conta ACE GIRL, você só não é tão odiada, quanto você é como BuBI, simplesmente pelo fato de suas imagens Sensuais de Jéssica!!!!! Isso você pode ter certeza ;)

só não esqueça, quando eu fui Nob no DF1, você era Veterano no jogo, e você também acampava em mim e em outros Nobs. Como eu sobrevivi no jogo??? Aprendendo a jogar!!! Você tem que aprender a lhe dar com os problemas, para Obter sucesso na vida ou no jogo ;)!!!! Não esqueçam, maior parte dos jogadores, são pessoas mais Maduras, com mais idade, não criancinhas ;)

Não abuso de Nobs, meus números no jogo, são de derrubar Veteranos iguais a você!!!!! Só não derrubo você, porque você é tão covarde, que quando entra numa partida em que eu estou, você sempre troca para o meu lado, ou também, você é tao covarde, que quando leva um tiro, você se joga ao chão. Nunca desista de lutar, seja na vida ou no jogo!!!! Então sua Covarde, porque não resolvemos isso no jogo??? Sou seu inimigo, qual a melhor forma de resolver meus problemas com o inimigo no jogo??? R; Batalhando contra, e não fugindo, ou mudando de lado!!!! COVARDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Venha resolver seus problemas comigo no jogo, não venha jogar ao meu lado!!!!!

Como acreditar numa pessoa, que se esconde, atrás de outras contas??? Não me escondo atrás de contas e imagens sensuais !!!!

Até mais

:evil: :evil:
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 6 months ago #373051

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Players veterans do new accounts since df1, incluiding df elite (NO only Treppo ) u have no arguments in certains circumtances and do u always try for change the question(subjetc) always with ( Ooooh Treppo Noob account abusing bla bla bla ) as kaco said , he and me also played against lots of veterans in df1 and We dont stoped of play Dogfight , aaah when we was noobs Bubi and u Ms Ace was camp and abusing noobs ,(but that was no treppo ooh ) your short memory ?! when did u seen, kaco and me sayng "fun" on wc it was like a payback to an player who was on a team with 5 against we two ,so on the next match , we won and love to say "fun" for this player.


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But i know subjetc Treppo ussop is like a candy in urs fingers and mouth :)

Tavez eu faça um texto grande para você colocar na quele lugar .


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Here is to the 2 fools that think we are still in April.
#dogfight_elite _conspiracy_theory

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Kaco. wrote: Não abuso de Nobs, meus números no jogo, são de derrubar Veteranos iguais a você!!!!! Só não derrubo você, porque você é tão covarde, que quando entra numa partida em que eu estou, você sempre troca para o meu lado, ou também, você é tao covarde, que quando leva um tiro, você se joga ao chão. Nunca desista de lutar, seja na vida ou no jogo!!!! Então sua Covarde, porque não resolvemos isso no jogo??? Sou seu inimigo, qual a melhor forma de resolver meus problemas com o inimigo no jogo??? R; Batalhando contra, e não fugindo, ou mudando de lado!!!! COVARDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Venha resolver seus problemas comigo no jogo, não venha jogar ao meu lado!!!!!

Como acreditar numa pessoa, que se esconde, atrás de outras contas??? Não me escondo atrás de contas e imagens sensuais !!!!

Até mais

:evil: :evil:

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:evil: :evil:
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Points Earned by Your Squad in Last Week 6 years 6 months ago #373084

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Kaco. wrote:

Kaco. wrote: Não abuso de Nobs, meus números no jogo, são de derrubar Veteranos iguais a você!!!!! Só não derrubo você, porque você é tão covarde, que quando entra numa partida em que eu estou, você sempre troca para o meu lado, ou também, você é tao covarde, que quando leva um tiro, você se joga ao chão. Nunca desista de lutar, seja na vida ou no jogo!!!! Então sua Covarde, porque não resolvemos isso no jogo??? Sou seu inimigo, qual a melhor forma de resolver meus problemas com o inimigo no jogo??? R; Batalhando contra, e não fugindo, ou mudando de lado!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST I LOVE YOU/ TE AMO ACE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! Venha resolver seus problemas comigo no jogo, não venha jogar ao meu lado!!!!!

Doy credito a esta gran pessoa, no es como outras ! Ella es especial es hermosa como sus imagens sensuais yo la amo!!!!

Te quiero Ace Girl y a Bubi Tambien.

:evil: :evil:



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