We should get a ranking system going, and if we do get one going we could show our ranks in game by puting the intisals of the rank in front of our names in between these symbols { } or these ones [ ]. Hear is a example [1stSL] Qaz [2ndSL] green [3rdSL] toney [TO] Sky or somthing like that. We could have othere ranks like recruite [R] ace [A] super ace or blood ace [SA] [BA] Then we could have diffrent types of officers like the tactical officer maby group officers and stuff like that for people with leadership skills. And officers with realy good piloting skills could be called ace officers or blood ace officers or super ace officers. The leaders would be the ones to hand out the ranks. Well I hope you guys like the thought and want to youse it.
O another thought maby a mod could delete this thread and Qaz could remake it with Qaz green and tony having the first three post and they could write down the rules and the squad code, members, and ranks and all that good stuff.
Haha, well......it all started when I was in kindergarten. I had a great love for history, and no one could take that love away from me. Also, the forum wouldn't accept green freedom
email zuperman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . he can help you. also, check when you play to see if your name is misspelled. mine was for a while. :)
Try to change your ingame name once and see if it will change? If it does you can change it right back.
all the links you need Slenderman has at top under "Game and Forum Utilities"
yous your ingame name or your ingame email do not use both it is probly your problem. you use your email and usrname and it says username and pass are wrong.