Yep, picture link is there, just type img parts at the start and the end. I cannot type the link here, because that link appears as a picture when I type it here. You are welcome!
I sent you the complete line from private messages, copy that line to your signature box. Let me know if it works.
Immediately before and after the link, you must add img parts. Please check post #10142. Your line should appear as shown in the picture!
Idk where they are? Von Pay, you ar officially 111th's chief designer!! CONGRAGULATIONS....I'm sure you will please the 111th court of officers. Keep up the good work man.
By the way, you don't have too accept. You can decide. No one will be mad if you rant the designer. Cheers,
I wish z made a thing like the ranks list but for squadrons but insted if ranking the squadrons it show all the members un it becuse I honestly do not know who is all in a squadron. Frome what iv heard thoue is we are not a squadron no more we are more of a whole army.
yeah, i see brand new aspirants in squads, and they arent old players with new accounts, so idk whats up with them knowing how. there needs to be a formal list.
Yeah, there should be a formal list of the squad. For rankings, except for leader and squad tactical officer, the rest should be squad members, and they should hold the in-game ranks. That's what I propose.
Thanks to slenderman, I checked Zuperman's announcemnet on signature images. I didn't know the dimension limit for the images. Now, it's exactly 480x60 as described there. I am sorry for the inconvience due to the images. Links are as follows;