111th| Heroicz wrote:
111TH|GOLDENEAGLE wrote: ok if anyone from other squads want to help us with the reconstruction you can but don't screw us up
I'm just curious on how ur thinking another squad will contribute to trying to resolve any issues outside their own ? GE.. 1st of all, I don't see what the problem may be.. u haven't pointed anything out ? I actually don't see anything wrong & I'm waiting to hear what we can do 1st before inviting just anybody to conclude the business belonging to the 111th ? This isn't an anybody Squadron. WE are rooted & that's were i came along.. to keep it operating.. & that it is.. & still known & flying. I showed what were showed to me. All it takes is 1 Falcon to put on a show. Now the rest besides that 1 would be extra, a treat. Its me, u, Guardian, tSWop & JizzyJ.. plus FlyingSolo & more active falcons. That"s a lot if u ask me ? I never seen a troop of Navy Seals.. they rank low in numbers compared to the rest of the branches.. but they are elite.
What would u lke to see be accomplished by this post sir ?
Hum let's see so we could include other squads by helping us get back our wings because they are clipped wings right now so what I was trying to accomplish sir is for the other squads to give us some ideas because this is a game that needs to include all. As I say I am the son of THE FOREIGN LEGION but I'm a falcon I was also trying to make this feel like the other squads can say we help them get back to there feet. Last Friday a kid broke his leg at school so I helped him up even though I didn't want to we are now good freinds, I am trying to make this squad feel like home for other squads Heroicz but as I think we as the Falcons are falcons to the end .
So hero are you against that post or are you starting to get that post and why I posted it.
We are all falcon here the more people think of us as family the more we will be able to reconstruct
Oh and hero remember this always