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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #214716

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- Is looking for highly skilled, experienced pilots with a strong desire to work as a team. The NLR is dedicated to developing and using team based strategy to win games. Are you up for true Metagaming?

(Edit: We hope that the game will develop into a form which will allow squad vs. squad combat or at !east so we have the ability to choose our teammates within a game. Until then many strategic elements will not be available. Someday....) ;)

Luna wrote:

Metagame (n)

The highest level of strategy in many complex games, metagame refers to any aspect of strategy that involves thinking about what your opponent is thinking you are thinking.

Metagame comes into play in any game where no single strategy is dominant and opposing sides are aware of multiple strategies that can succeed dependent upon opponents' actions. In order to perform at the highest level, it then becomes necessary to think about what your opponent thinks you will do (which may depend on what he thinks you think he thinks he will do, etc.) and to make decisions based on clues regarding what level they are thinking on.

Applicants must be tenacious and resourceful in action and must be willing to face the displeasure of other established pilots and squads who may consider use of tactics to be a form of cheating. “Tactics” are strategic actions taken with the intention of helping your team to win the mission. Contentious issues may include “dropping”, “sneaking”, “camping” and in some instances “spawn killing”. While some players and squads see these as cheating and abusive, the NLR chooses to use these as valid strategy when done in an effort to win the game. The NLR does not support "stat padding" or abusive game play. These tactics are used to promote the many different strategic elements available within the game. Where head-to-head shooting focuses mostly on a player’s shooting skills, use of a full range of play styles uses many different skills and abilities.

The NLR is not a new squad. It was founded over two years ago and has always been well respected both for its highly skilled pilots and for its lack of drama and controversy. Anyone wishing to join the NLR must be ready to avoid personal attacks, to answer criticism with reason and to avoid inflaming arguments. This does not mean that we do not stand up for ourselves.

We fly as we choose; with dignity, and we shred the reds in the process!

Feel free to visit our website newlunarrepublic.spruz.com/

Apply here or by PM to an NLR Officer. We prefer applicants to be level 12 or above and have a high (> 1.5 / 1) kill to death ratio, exceptions will be made in consideration of other merits. Please be patient. The NLR intends to remain fairly small so we will need to discuss applicants and will want to see potential recruits in-game before making any decisions. We encourage our members to be active on the forum, our website or our private chat app in order to coordinate plans and times we can fly as a squad. Some members use additional means of communication, though it must be remembered that no personal information is to be shared in-game or on the forum.

The following user(s) said Thank You: [NLR]*XxXxX*, Stormbringer, [NLR] The Blue Fighter, 9000, [NLR] Big*Joe, [NLR]DIS*RUPT

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #215204

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Yay!! Glad to see the re-launch/recruitment thread up!!! Now we patiently wait :whistle:

Here is a little of the thinking that went into NLRs new recruiting guidelines for the rest of you

With Squad Wars quickly approaching this will become more and more true....

So imagine heading into battle against some of DFs best and you are able to call on the likes of XxXxX aka Reid (top 40), McFate (top 50), 420 (top 60), Ishan Sang (top 100), AceLink (MORAF), Schrom (MORAF) Ect Ect Ect.... and knowing that there are no Weak Links and any Squad member that is by your side can hold their own!! We will be housing all our pilots together in one squad of 50, and not dividing our pilots!! So for an experienced pilot with good skills this is a very exciting idea!!!

In my opinion DF has been missing that "elite" squad (until NOW) with a strong focus on teamwork, strategy, and tactics, and I am very excited to be a part of this, and for what the future holds!!

Its always fun flying and practicing with you guys as a group and communicating our tactics to each other while we fly (shhhhh), and i know there will be many more pilots that fit the bill that will want to be a part of the "New" Lunar Republic!!!!!

Note: Considering we are looking for those Experienced pilots that may be looking for a change of pace or just a squad where you can fly how you like without higher ranks saying it is wrong (here we will join you LOL) we realize alot of the pilots we would like to add to the roster may already be in a squad, so feel free to PM any officer to keep things quiet until you have made it official.
The following user(s) said Thank You: [NLR]*XxXxX*, [NLR] McFate, [NLR] The Blue Fighter

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #215554

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Great work guys, looks awesome
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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #215855

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Just posted 2 names to the private part of website! I spoke with a cpl promising prospects via PM yesterday so check the site and keep your eyes open for them as they would both make great additions to the family and will be of great help come squad wars! Because my contact with them has been in PMs i am keeping their names private until they choose otherwise. Thx guys!

Note: Luna and Octavia just posted on the site as well so make sure to drop by and check the update!

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #215875

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LUNARtics, please check website for unedited SS and post you input or experiences with this player, THX!

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #215992

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #216047

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How do I be a full member and 420 said I can't leave NLR for 2 years lol :silly:

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #216762

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Feel free to visit our website:

It's been open for a couple of weeks now and new stuff is added daily.

Check out some of our posted videos and be sure to say hi on the "quick shout" board or sign in and comment on our discussion threads. B)

(More content is available to members but you have to be NLR to get in there. ;) )

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #216877

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How do u be a recruitment officer if it means being a squad officer don't give me the power

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217446

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:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Big*Joe wrote:

McFate wrote: Hey officers,

I am posting some info and questions about potential recruits over on the website.
Hopefully we can get back to them asap.

1 more officer approval needed for 2 recruits!!!!!!! Please stop by the site and cast your vote!

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217482

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Heading over

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng
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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217483

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[NLR]~9000~ wrote: How do u be a recruitment officer if it means being a squad officer don't give me the power

Maybe I'm reading this wrong but I don't understand what you're trying to say :)

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217501

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hp111k has been signed in provisionally as a member of the NLR!

We still need to have him post on the forum and take care of some business. ;)

I'm hoping for a good fit! Welcome aboard!
I'll make official announcements after we get a chance to talk.
The following user(s) said Thank You: [NLR] Big*Joe

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217503

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McFate wrote: hp111k has been signed in provisionally as a member of the NLR!

We still need to have him post on the forum and take care of some business. ;)

I'm hoping for a good fit! Welcome aboard!
I'll make official announcements after we get a chance to talk.

Ahhh red tape and paperwork lol

Welcome hp! :)

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217504

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[NLR]~9000~ wrote: How do I be a full member and 420 said I can't leave NLR for 2 years lol :silly:

Oh ya btw 9000........ you can NEVER leave buahahahahaaaa

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217505

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*420* wrote:

McFate wrote: hp111k has been signed in provisionally as a member of the NLR!

We still need to have him post on the forum and take care of some business. ;)

I'm hoping for a good fit! Welcome aboard!
I'll make official announcements after we get a chance to talk.

Ahhh red tape and paperwork lol

Welcome hp! :)

Inspections, neglections, infections :sick: The whole work up! :evil:

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217509

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If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217510

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Nice, can't wait to meet the new member! Welcome!

I'm going to get around updating the front page of the main thread with the new recruiting policies (with link to this new recruiting thread, looks awesome you guys), as well as making/remaking some banners. McFate, you since you've been made moderator, feel free to edit the front page whenever/however you seem fit. I'm sure Luna won't mind!
We liberate from our negative will to nothingness, and once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence.

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217512

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:( I guess I need to change my banner now

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217516

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420, Luna holds you in very high regards and I haven't really gotten the chance to know you but I do too! :)
We liberate from our negative will to nothingness, and once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence.

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 10 months ago #217519

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Thx octavia! My last post wasn't at all about being upset cuz I love our new setup, was just sad to change my old banner cuz I'm a creature of habit lol. I WILL look forward to a fresh, new, pretty banner......wink wink :) ♡♥♡♥

If thats the way to exterminate, it'll take too freaken looonng
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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #218286

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McFate wrote:

Cirqe du New Lunar Republic !!!!

Great time!

*420* . AceL!nk . Big*Joe . *McFate* . DISRUPT . 9000 . Hannibal

Gotta blast some holes in the bridge!

Try to fly into the hangar!

It's handy to have a friendly tank to taxi you back out when you get stuck. Just be gentile about it! :whistle: (notice the d8 grrr Amazon!!!)

A couple of practice shots at the carrier from a covered location. :whistle:

Avoid the drama, complainers, and divided squads and come have fun with the NLR!!!!!! :whistle: ;) :P

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #218832

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hey guys i made this i was kinda bored and i saw the NLR recruitment thread so here
The following user(s) said Thank You: [NLR] The Blue Fighter

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #218834

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lol sorry mcfate copyed your text ;) :P

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #218979

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recruited someone name planetrider kills 5,768 hangers bombed 622 deaths 5,486 :woohoo:


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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #219024

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The following user(s) said Thank You: [NLR] McFate

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #219129

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That looks really cool, 9k. Great work! ;)
We liberate from our negative will to nothingness, and once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence.

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #219142

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Gj 9000,

The only thing missing is the "G" at the end of "Recruiting" ;)

I'm horrible with spelling, please feel free to let me know when I make a typo in something "important". :lol:
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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #219774

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The New Lunar Republic is proud to Welcome its newest member


Jimmy and I have fought many battles side by side as we both came up through the ranks as GIs, he is an OUTSTANDING pilot and more importantly a good guy and I know he will be a MAJOR asset to the NLR!!!! Welcome friend!! Glad to have you on the team!!!

Jimmy is Australian and flies late night/early morning our time so for our many night owls if you see Jimmy please give him a big NLR welcome and enjoy having a another great NLR (3.5/1 kdr) pilot by your side ;)
The following user(s) said Thank You: [NLR] The Blue Fighter

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The NEW LUNAR REPUBLIC is recruiting! 9 years 9 months ago #219885

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Big*Joe wrote: The New Lunar Republic is proud to Welcome its newest member


Jimmy and I have fought many battles side by side as we both came up through the ranks as GIs, he is an OUTSTANDING pilot and more importantly a good guy and I know he will be a MAJOR asset to the NLR!!!! Welcome friend!! Glad to have you on the team!!!

Jimmy is Australian and flies late night/early morning our time so for our many night owls if you see Jimmy please give him a big NLR welcome and enjoy having a another great NLR (3.5/1 kdr) pilot by your side ;)

The following user(s) said Thank You: 9000

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Moderators: [NLR]*XxXxX*[NLR] McFate[NLR] The Blue Fighter[NLR]MysterioCush62boom2
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