McMillion wrote: I'm definitely gonna listen to that in a minute.
I definitely know how you feel when people call the music you listen to "just noise." They act like it has no meaning.
The first music I was introduced to that I fell in love with years ago was the music known as "screamo." In it I found myself in a lot of ways. My childhood was lonely as all get out, and I found myself in so many of the lyrics. People always said it was trash...just noise that noone could get anything out of. Well, I begged to differ.
The first band I ever crushed on (LOL) was Drop Dead Gorgeous. Such a dark band...but I loved the noise, the lyrics..everything.
So I know how you feel. The Midnight Creed lyrics were amazing. Reading them was definitely moving.
FINNALY! Someone who knows what they are talking about when it comes to music. I really dislike people who are like:
"Ugh this music sucks, its just noise." or "Dubstep doesnt take any skil to mak. Anyone can cram a bunch of noises and make it"
The very basic definition of music, according to (

) is: An art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
And people just don't appreciate just how HARD it is to make music. Once they try composing themselves, they'll see just how challenging it is to create these works of art. Music artists, like Skrillex or DDG, are constantly shunned by ignorant people who listen to music with a closed mind.
I've come to appreciate ALL forms of music, from Techno, to Trance, Heavy Metal to Soft Rock, you name it.
EXCEPT some of these rap songs that are coming out these days. Have you ever heard T Mills? THAT is not music.