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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167503

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A lo siguiente que escribo, no pretendo justificar, ni mucho menos defender la actividad de soltar la bomba en un juego de bombardeo, pues la justificación es algo que se hace para algo indebido, lo que intento hacer es negar la posible acusación de que eso es malo, es decir, que simplemente no debe de haber motivo de molestia, simplemente aclaro que no tiene porqué ser esto un motivo de acusación y señalamiento.

Comencemos por el objetivo de la misión “ bombardear el portaviones o base enemiga”. Muy bien, ante la lógica de que se necesitan bombas para bombardear, podemos ver que sin duda es necesario un avión en modo de bombardero, todo esto tiene buen sentido, pero si adherimos que existen aviones enemigos que no dejarán que sueltes la bomba en su territorio, la cuestión entonces es no solamente de ir a soltar la bomba, sino de lograr hacerlo, y precisamente eso nos lleva a un término que curiosamente se tiende a perder en éste juego, siendo sustituido por el simple acto de dispararse cara a cara: LA TACTICA

El juego dispone de un mapa con sus respectivos límites de altura, largo y ancho, así como los aviones tienen ciertas características de velocidad y tasa de giro, y también, por obvias razones, un limite de bombas. Eso nos deja ante la simple ecuación de que tienes solamente una oportunidad de ir y soltar tu bomba y sobrevivir en el acto.

Muy bien, creo que hasta aquí todos podemos estar de acuerdo. Lo siguiente es un poco complicado de explicar y que tal vez suena hasta filosófico: el juego nos hace a nosotros o nosotros hacemos al juego?

Esta pregunta tiene un trasfondo muy importante, pues de ahí nace la negativa hacia los dropers. El juego tiene una moral hecha por los pilotos y otra formal hecha por el juego, es decir, la primera corresponde a lo que entre nosotros calificamos de bueno y malo y lo segundo a lo que el juego de manera sistemática nos dice que cierta acción es incorrecta, y que por hacer aquello tenemos nuestras respectivas sanciones, en eso englobo dispararle a un azul o soltar la bomba en tu portaviones y cosas así.
Muy bien, entonces analicemos lo siguiente:

Existe cierta tendencia en volar en línea recta de una base aliada a una enemiga, de un portaviones aliado a uno enemigo. Un enorme porcentaje de encuentros se realizan precisamente en ésa especie de carretera de la muerte. Con el pasar del tiempo, un piloto que recién ingresa al mundo del juego, tomará como cierta aquella única dirección de combate, eh incluso no conocerá el mapa completo sino hasta que en algún momento se encuentre sólo y decida divagar por él.

Eso entonces no lleva a una de las otras cuestiones, que por similitud causal, debo de citar: “ sneaking”. La tendencia casi bruta de que solamente esa sección del mapa debe ser la única usada, es simplemente una falta de flexibilidad y hasta de imaginación.

Muchas veces eh escuchado (y estoy totalmente de acuerdo) que un piloto debe de jugar para el equipo y no para sus propias estadísticas, pero cuando alguien decide tomar como objetivo verdaderamente bombardear al enemigo y realmente ganar el juego, dejando a un lado los posibles derribos que podrá hacer y mejorar su “juego perfecto”, y toma en sus manos la TACTICA y decide volar por encima de la carretera de la muerte para después caer en picada sobre el enemigo, resulta ser juzgado de cobarde.

Para aquellos que acusan de cobardía a aquellos pilotos, vayan a decirle eso a los honorables pilotos de los bombarderos que duraban casi 12 horas en poder alcanzar la altura óptima para no ser derribados, y que muchas veces sabían que una vez soltando las bombas, debían de buscar donde intentar aterrizar y regresar a territorio aliado caminando, pues las características de sus aviones no tenían la autonomía suficiente para vuelos tan largos.

Para mi, un cobarde es quien busca mejorar sus números, un cobarde es quien no se ATREVE a usar la inteligencia por encima de “lo que dicen los demás que se debe de hacer”. Les recuerdo que esa aparente regla de que no se debe de usar otras zonas del mapa es una regla hecha por nosotros mismos, de lo contrario el creador del juego simplemente hace más chico el mapa.

Bajo éste mismo escenario me traslado al de soltar la bomba:

Ahora imaginen que ése mismo piloto se encuentra ante la lógica de que el juego se divide en ataque y defensa. Pero que curiosamente nadie lo entiende, pues están muy ocupados disparándose cara a cara. Decenas de aviones van y vienen, despegan y despegan de tu base aliada sólo para ser derribados nuevamente ante uno de los actos más ilógicos que he visto en éste juego ( el enfrentamiento cara a cara). Manfred von Richthofen una vez mencionó, que su táctica era no jugar con la suerte, y estoy totalmente de acuerdo con él.

Si algunos me han visto volar, sabrán que yo no realizo el cara a cara, y que tiendo a ser difícil de derribar. Tal vez no soy bueno derribando, pero no suelo ser derribado, y esto no me hace mejor que otros, me hace simplemente diferente en el acto de no hacer el cara a cara. Ya en una lucha de dogfigth, soy tan bueno como ustedes. Mi punto es, que si tienes un avión con características superiores, NO NECESITAS hacer el cara a cara, no necesitas de la suerte, no necesitas que un avión con características menores o un piloto con menos experiencia tenga la oportunidad de ser parte de aquellos que te han derribado. No debes de estar en la mirilla de nadie.

Sin duda el cara a cara requiere de cierto nivel de habilidad y sobre todo de nervios para soportar las balas rozando tu avión, pero eso, eso es egoísmo, eso es luchar para ti mismo olvidando que si te derriban, ése mismo avión enemigo irá sobre otro de los tuyos. La táctica entonces se resume a algo muy simple, evitar que derriben a los tuyos,que tu equipo sobreviva cómo? Evitando ser derribado.

Esa misma VERDAD ( y no me dejarán mentir aquellos que son de las fuerzas militares) es la que se encuentra en toda táctica de combate.

Atención, no estoy diciendo que el enfrentamiento cara a cara sea algo que se deba de prohibir, simplemente que es una característica esencial que han tomado los pilotos en el juego, pero que carece de una verdadera utilidad táctica. Que lo haga quien quiera, pero que no acuse de cobarde a quien no decide hacerlo ( y vaya que existen pilotos increíblemente certeros a larga distancia, muy bien por ellos)

Desde los inicios de la aviación, los militares se dieron cuenta que los aviones podían sobrevolar territorio enemigo y soltar (incluso con las manos) algunas bombas. Esto llevó a la invención del bombardero. Pero más tarde eso era complicado pues ya algunos pilotos despegaban con sus aviones y les plantaban unos balazos a esos bombarderos. Y bueno, supongo que esto no es necesario de explicar, muchos ya lo saben, y me refiero a la separación entre caza y bombardero, y precisamente no logro entender entonces, cómo es que quieren que un bombardero luche contra otro bombardero disparándose cara a cara?

Ninguno de nosotros entramos al juego sabiendo lo que ahora ya sabemos, tenemos mucha más experiencia que la que teníamos cuando recién ingresamos, somos pilotos que pueden durar casi una hora en un enfrentamiento contra un solo enemigo. Cómo es entonces, que seguimos luchando y haciendo lo mismo que hacíamos en un principio? En dónde olvidamos que el objetivo de un combate aéreo es encontrar las 6 del enemigo? En dónde olvidamos que un bombardero bombardea y debe de ser protegido por un caza? ( aunque ya con el paso de los años los caza/bombarderos fueron muy efectivos, pero esas son ya otras épocas y aviones con mejores motores), en dónde cabe la idea que todos debemos de portar la bomba y tirarnos plomo frente a frente?
Yo no acostumbro jugar juegos sencillos, no descargo los juegos de aviones que tienen aviones que nunca se les terminan las balas o que pueden hacer maniobras sin perder velocidad, yo no descargo juegos, yo descargo simuladores, y éste juego es una simulación muy buena.

Yo no acostumbro luchar en misiones de bombardeo, pero cuando lo hago, discúlpenme, pero pediré que alguien suelte la bomba o yo mismo la soltaré. No seré un estático objetivo de alguien, y quiero dejar en claro que esa es decisión de cada quien, y que no debe de ser motivo de molestia si algún día alguien decide no hacer lo de siempre y hacer ganar a su equipo.

Una vez luchando contra XxXx, él soltó la bomba y yo tontamente le reclamé. Él comentó que la soltó porque yo la había soltado, pero no es cierto, simplemente vuelo en círculos evitando que me disparen y eso parece tan extraño que él supuso que yo no la tenía. Él entonces soltó la bomba y me derribó y siguió con el resto de mi equipo. Tontamente le reclamé, pues yo pensaba que ésa regla era del juego, y hasta me puse a pensar cómo es que el avión podía deshacerse de su bomba cuando el piloto quisiera?, cómo es que el creador del juego no se le ocurrió que solamente la pudiéramos soltar cerca de un hangar o portaviones?. Se me ocurrió, entonces, que XxXx tiene táctica, y yo no la tenía.

Procuraré no jugar juegos de bombardeo, pues sé que muchos se sentirán ofendidos por lo que yo expongo ahorita, pero cuando veo que son muchos rojos contra sólo un azul, no duden que despegaré, intentaré limpiar la zona y después me iré, pues muchos pilotos constan que yo acostumbro hacer eso, pues a veces entro y el azul no puede ni despegar, pero yo encuentro siempre la forma de hacerlo y con fortuna logro derribar a los que estaban campeando ( yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el camping, pero a cierta distancia del aeropuerto, o dejando despegar, los dejo girar hacia mi).

Ahora, existen algunos argumentos hablando de “justicia” de que no es justo que cuando alguien durante un buen rato logra tener unas estadísticas de juego perfecto, llega un piloto que suelta la bomba y le destruye todo, bueno, yo a ése argumento le respondo lo siguiente: quieres buenas estadísticas? Consíguelas en un juego donde no esté en juego un equipo, por ejemplo, un dogfigth ( todos contra todos). Pero mientras tanto, tienes un equipo al cual hacer ganar.

Además de que en éste juego no podemos hablar de justicias, pues podemos ver pilotos con una máxima experiencia derribar a pilotos con aviones básicos, y muchas veces ver ganar al equipo que tuvo menos derribos jajajajaja. Así es el juego, y quien pretenda limitarlo a sólo una parte del mapa, a sólo una táctica, a sólo un estilo, está matando la esencia misma del juego.

En resumen, lo que aquí expongo es que el juego a tomado un rumbo de reglas inexistentes creadas bajo la lógica de la repetición e imitación, todos hacen lo mismo y quien hace algo diferente es mal visto. Sé que muchos de los pilotos que son compañeros míos y a quienes comparto una amistad, se podrán sentir ofendidos, pero se debe de tomar mi argumento como un punto de vista que no pretende criticar de mala manera los métodos usados por muchos pilotos, sino de hacer dar a entender que no debe de ser satanizado el uso de tácticas y métodos diferentes.

Por otra parte, quiero aclarar que si alguien soltará la bomba en un juego de bombardeo, lo correcto (dado que nadie lo quiere hacer) es dar aviso al equipo contrario, para que tome las medidas pertinentes, pero que ya cuando sea generalizado el uso de una táctica compleja que usa el método de bombardero/ caza escolta, ya no será necesario más que ponerse de acuerdo entre los miembros del mismo equipo sobre los que serán bombarderos y los que serán escoltas. Otro punto a aclarar, por último, es que estoy en total desacuerdo con el spawnkiller, y los pilotos sensatos y maduros que no protestan por todo y no gustan de levantarme falsos, saben muy bien que yo al momento de campear, siempre me espero a que el piloto se eleve y en dado caso suelte su bomba, JAMAS, NUNCA EH DISPARADO A UN PILOTO BAJO CONDICIONES DE GUARDIA BAJA DURANTE EL DESPEGUE, cosa distinta es que muchos pilotos aún sabiendo que existen aviones enemigos en su retaguardia al momento de despegar, despegan con total tranquilidad, o con un simple giro como si no estuvieran en peligro, y si uno les dispara se quejan como si hubieran sido derribados en el suelo.

Y por último, pido disculpas si estoy metiéndome con algo tal vez sagrado para ustedes: su método, pero repito de nuevo, no estoy en contra de que sólo usen una parte del mapa o que sólo se disparen de frente, estoy en contra de que si uno hace cosa distinta piensan que es algo incorrecto, cuando simplemente es hacer uso de la táctica y la lógica.

Eso es todo, saludos, y agradecería que algún valiente (por lo extenso del texto) traduzca esto para poder ser leído en la sección de ingles.
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167507

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Hell Ya!!! What he said!!!

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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167509

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I absolutely agree, especially the third paragraph, :woohoo: :woohoo:
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167520

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I agree totally Ziza.. many players that drop their bombs during a bombing mission are thought of as taking advantage of those planes that trudge along with reduced speed & maneuverability while they carry their bombs to the target.. but nowhere is it written that ALL planes on each side must carry bombs to the target! Since the very beginning of the war in the air once dedicated bombers came into existence, there was seen the need for fighters to accompany them both to ensure their safety and the completion of the mission, which was to bomb a specific target. Seldom in any war has it been seen of wings of bombers firing at each other in order to pass one another on the way to their respective targets!! :lol:

So I see no problem with having dedicated air superiority/bomber escort roles as both teams maneuver their planes to their targets.. but the most likely scenario is that if say 2 planes drop & 2 planes carry their bombs for each side, the 2 bomber escorts will get into dogfights while the bombers trundle along still doing the same old thing.. firing head to head at each other, unless of course one sides fighter escorts are superior to the others. If that happens then there will of course have to be adjustments made by the lesser team to compensate is all.. not demonize players that explore all of the tactics that can be employed in this game! That's just silly! :woohoo:

As for sneaking.. there is NOTHING wrong with sneaking, as long as the teams are relatively even in numbers.. heck when starting out I was a sneaker! I had little choice as I could not fire head to head, as using arrow keys doesn't give you enough accuracy to be good at it, along with the fact that I couldn't buy points so I nearly always had the most inferior plane in the mission.. which even WITHOUT A BOMB wouldn't be good enough to take on top tier planes while they still carried theirs LOL! :cheer:
So I became a sneaker, a pretty dang good one too! I did it so often starting out enemy teams would say, "Where's Zebra?" someone else then would reply, "Look Up!" jajajaja! :lol:
As long as the sides are not heavily lopsided I see no issue with somebody sneaking.. heck I applaud it!
If you sneak in on me & my team, well then BRAVO for you! It means we weren't paying enough attention, but we will certainly be doing so after the first time you sneak LOL!

I wish I could translate this for you Ziza but alas, I cannot.. although I can understand the gist of everything you said. You make many salient points.. there is no reason to fly ONLY head to head down through the 'Valley of Death' when there are many different tactics available for a team to still accomplish their mission of bomb the hangars or carrier!
The following user(s) said Thank You: TOPH, [TFL] Robert33, Ziza

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Last edit: by ZebraUp.

DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167595

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Well Said Ziza.
I don't understand a bit about Spanish. But read it :silly: with the help of some Translator. But I got the point :cheer: , You wanted to express. And I fully agree with it now.
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Last edit: by Killer!.

DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167603

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estoy de acuerdo contigo ziza, alguna vez nos hemos encontrado.
a mi personalmente me gusta trabajar en equipo por que me parece mas divertido, pero no nos podemos olvidar que al fin al cabo tu has pagado por el juego y deberias hacer lo que te de la gana. tambien es verdad que hay actitudes que no estan bien vistas en estos juegos de tiros por equipos como por ejenplo el spawn, que personalmente me parece deleznable por que tu enemigo no se puede defender. pero bueno, ya que has pagado por este fantastico juego, disfrutalo como creas conveniente. ;-)
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167605

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Ziza wrote: Droppers

A lo siguiente que escribo, no pretendo justificar, ni mucho menos defender la actividad de soltar la bomba en un juego de bombardeo, pues la justificación es algo que se hace para algo indebido, lo que intento hacer es negar la posible acusación de que eso es malo, es decir, que simplemente no debe de haber motivo de molestia, simplemente aclaro que no tiene porqué ser esto un motivo de acusación y señalamiento.

Comencemos por el objetivo de la misión “ bombardear el portaviones o base enemiga”. Muy bien, ante la lógica de que se necesitan bombas para bombardear, podemos ver que sin duda es necesario un avión en modo de bombardero, todo esto tiene buen sentido, pero si adherimos que existen aviones enemigos que no dejarán que sueltes la bomba en su territorio, la cuestión entonces es no solamente de ir a soltar la bomba, sino de lograr hacerlo, y precisamente eso nos lleva a un término que curiosamente se tiende a perder en éste juego, siendo sustituido por el simple acto de dispararse cara a cara: LA TACTICA

El juego dispone de un mapa con sus respectivos límites de altura, largo y ancho, así como los aviones tienen ciertas características de velocidad y tasa de giro, y también, por obvias razones, un limite de bombas. Eso nos deja ante la simple ecuación de que tienes solamente una oportunidad de ir y soltar tu bomba y sobrevivir en el acto.

Muy bien, creo que hasta aquí todos podemos estar de acuerdo. Lo siguiente es un poco complicado de explicar y que tal vez suena hasta filosófico: el juego nos hace a nosotros o nosotros hacemos al juego?

Esta pregunta tiene un trasfondo muy importante, pues de ahí nace la negativa hacia los dropers. El juego tiene una moral hecha por los pilotos y otra formal hecha por el juego, es decir, la primera corresponde a lo que entre nosotros calificamos de bueno y malo y lo segundo a lo que el juego de manera sistemática nos dice que cierta acción es incorrecta, y que por hacer aquello tenemos nuestras respectivas sanciones, en eso englobo dispararle a un azul o soltar la bomba en tu portaviones y cosas así.
Muy bien, entonces analicemos lo siguiente:

Existe cierta tendencia en volar en línea recta de una base aliada a una enemiga, de un portaviones aliado a uno enemigo. Un enorme porcentaje de encuentros se realizan precisamente en ésa especie de carretera de la muerte. Con el pasar del tiempo, un piloto que recién ingresa al mundo del juego, tomará como cierta aquella única dirección de combate, eh incluso no conocerá el mapa completo sino hasta que en algún momento se encuentre sólo y decida divagar por él.

Eso entonces no lleva a una de las otras cuestiones, que por similitud causal, debo de citar: “ sneaking”. La tendencia casi bruta de que solamente esa sección del mapa debe ser la única usada, es simplemente una falta de flexibilidad y hasta de imaginación.

Muchas veces eh escuchado (y estoy totalmente de acuerdo) que un piloto debe de jugar para el equipo y no para sus propias estadísticas, pero cuando alguien decide tomar como objetivo verdaderamente bombardear al enemigo y realmente ganar el juego, dejando a un lado los posibles derribos que podrá hacer y mejorar su “juego perfecto”, y toma en sus manos la TACTICA y decide volar por encima de la carretera de la muerte para después caer en picada sobre el enemigo, resulta ser juzgado de cobarde.

Para aquellos que acusan de cobardía a aquellos pilotos, vayan a decirle eso a los honorables pilotos de los bombarderos que duraban casi 12 horas en poder alcanzar la altura óptima para no ser derribados, y que muchas veces sabían que una vez soltando las bombas, debían de buscar donde intentar aterrizar y regresar a territorio aliado caminando, pues las características de sus aviones no tenían la autonomía suficiente para vuelos tan largos.

Para mi, un cobarde es quien busca mejorar sus números, un cobarde es quien no se ATREVE a usar la inteligencia por encima de “lo que dicen los demás que se debe de hacer”. Les recuerdo que esa aparente regla de que no se debe de usar otras zonas del mapa es una regla hecha por nosotros mismos, de lo contrario el creador del juego simplemente hace más chico el mapa.

Bajo éste mismo escenario me traslado al de soltar la bomba:

Ahora imaginen que ése mismo piloto se encuentra ante la lógica de que el juego se divide en ataque y defensa. Pero que curiosamente nadie lo entiende, pues están muy ocupados disparándose cara a cara. Decenas de aviones van y vienen, despegan y despegan de tu base aliada sólo para ser derribados nuevamente ante uno de los actos más ilógicos que he visto en éste juego ( el enfrentamiento cara a cara). Manfred von Richthofen una vez mencionó, que su táctica era no jugar con la suerte, y estoy totalmente de acuerdo con él.

Si algunos me han visto volar, sabrán que yo no realizo el cara a cara, y que tiendo a ser difícil de derribar. Tal vez no soy bueno derribando, pero no suelo ser derribado, y esto no me hace mejor que otros, me hace simplemente diferente en el acto de no hacer el cara a cara. Ya en una lucha de dogfigth, soy tan bueno como ustedes. Mi punto es, que si tienes un avión con características superiores, NO NECESITAS hacer el cara a cara, no necesitas de la suerte, no necesitas que un avión con características menores o un piloto con menos experiencia tenga la oportunidad de ser parte de aquellos que te han derribado. No debes de estar en la mirilla de nadie.

Sin duda el cara a cara requiere de cierto nivel de habilidad y sobre todo de nervios para soportar las balas rozando tu avión, pero eso, eso es egoísmo, eso es luchar para ti mismo olvidando que si te derriban, ése mismo avión enemigo irá sobre otro de los tuyos. La táctica entonces se resume a algo muy simple, evitar que derriben a los tuyos,que tu equipo sobreviva cómo? Evitando ser derribado.

Esa misma VERDAD ( y no me dejarán mentir aquellos que son de las fuerzas militares) es la que se encuentra en toda táctica de combate.

Atención, no estoy diciendo que el enfrentamiento cara a cara sea algo que se deba de prohibir, simplemente que es una característica esencial que han tomado los pilotos en el juego, pero que carece de una verdadera utilidad táctica. Que lo haga quien quiera, pero que no acuse de cobarde a quien no decide hacerlo ( y vaya que existen pilotos increíblemente certeros a larga distancia, muy bien por ellos)

Desde los inicios de la aviación, los militares se dieron cuenta que los aviones podían sobrevolar territorio enemigo y soltar (incluso con las manos) algunas bombas. Esto llevó a la invención del bombardero. Pero más tarde eso era complicado pues ya algunos pilotos despegaban con sus aviones y les plantaban unos balazos a esos bombarderos. Y bueno, supongo que esto no es necesario de explicar, muchos ya lo saben, y me refiero a la separación entre caza y bombardero, y precisamente no logro entender entonces, cómo es que quieren que un bombardero luche contra otro bombardero disparándose cara a cara?

Ninguno de nosotros entramos al juego sabiendo lo que ahora ya sabemos, tenemos mucha más experiencia que la que teníamos cuando recién ingresamos, somos pilotos que pueden durar casi una hora en un enfrentamiento contra un solo enemigo. Cómo es entonces, que seguimos luchando y haciendo lo mismo que hacíamos en un principio? En dónde olvidamos que el objetivo de un combate aéreo es encontrar las 6 del enemigo? En dónde olvidamos que un bombardero bombardea y debe de ser protegido por un caza? ( aunque ya con el paso de los años los caza/bombarderos fueron muy efectivos, pero esas son ya otras épocas y aviones con mejores motores), en dónde cabe la idea que todos debemos de portar la bomba y tirarnos plomo frente a frente?
Yo no acostumbro jugar juegos sencillos, no descargo los juegos de aviones que tienen aviones que nunca se les terminan las balas o que pueden hacer maniobras sin perder velocidad, yo no descargo juegos, yo descargo simuladores, y éste juego es una simulación muy buena.

Yo no acostumbro luchar en misiones de bombardeo, pero cuando lo hago, discúlpenme, pero pediré que alguien suelte la bomba o yo mismo la soltaré. No seré un estático objetivo de alguien, y quiero dejar en claro que esa es decisión de cada quien, y que no debe de ser motivo de molestia si algún día alguien decide no hacer lo de siempre y hacer ganar a su equipo.

Una vez luchando contra XxXx, él soltó la bomba y yo tontamente le reclamé. Él comentó que la soltó porque yo la había soltado, pero no es cierto, simplemente vuelo en círculos evitando que me disparen y eso parece tan extraño que él supuso que yo no la tenía. Él entonces soltó la bomba y me derribó y siguió con el resto de mi equipo. Tontamente le reclamé, pues yo pensaba que ésa regla era del juego, y hasta me puse a pensar cómo es que el avión podía deshacerse de su bomba cuando el piloto quisiera?, cómo es que el creador del juego no se le ocurrió que solamente la pudiéramos soltar cerca de un hangar o portaviones?. Se me ocurrió, entonces, que XxXx tiene táctica, y yo no la tenía.

Procuraré no jugar juegos de bombardeo, pues sé que muchos se sentirán ofendidos por lo que yo expongo ahorita, pero cuando veo que son muchos rojos contra sólo un azul, no duden que despegaré, intentaré limpiar la zona y después me iré, pues muchos pilotos constan que yo acostumbro hacer eso, pues a veces entro y el azul no puede ni despegar, pero yo encuentro siempre la forma de hacerlo y con fortuna logro derribar a los que estaban campeando ( yo estoy totalmente de acuerdo con el camping, pero a cierta distancia del aeropuerto, o dejando despegar, los dejo girar hacia mi).

Ahora, existen algunos argumentos hablando de “justicia” de que no es justo que cuando alguien durante un buen rato logra tener unas estadísticas de juego perfecto, llega un piloto que suelta la bomba y le destruye todo, bueno, yo a ése argumento le respondo lo siguiente: quieres buenas estadísticas? Consíguelas en un juego donde no esté en juego un equipo, por ejemplo, un dogfigth ( todos contra todos). Pero mientras tanto, tienes un equipo al cual hacer ganar.

Además de que en éste juego no podemos hablar de justicias, pues podemos ver pilotos con una máxima experiencia derribar a pilotos con aviones básicos, y muchas veces ver ganar al equipo que tuvo menos derribos jajajajaja. Así es el juego, y quien pretenda limitarlo a sólo una parte del mapa, a sólo una táctica, a sólo un estilo, está matando la esencia misma del juego.

En resumen, lo que aquí expongo es que el juego a tomado un rumbo de reglas inexistentes creadas bajo la lógica de la repetición e imitación, todos hacen lo mismo y quien hace algo diferente es mal visto. Sé que muchos de los pilotos que son compañeros míos y a quienes comparto una amistad, se podrán sentir ofendidos, pero se debe de tomar mi argumento como un punto de vista que no pretende criticar de mala manera los métodos usados por muchos pilotos, sino de hacer dar a entender que no debe de ser satanizado el uso de tácticas y métodos diferentes.

Por otra parte, quiero aclarar que si alguien soltará la bomba en un juego de bombardeo, lo correcto (dado que nadie lo quiere hacer) es dar aviso al equipo contrario, para que tome las medidas pertinentes, pero que ya cuando sea generalizado el uso de una táctica compleja que usa el método de bombardero/ caza escolta, ya no será necesario más que ponerse de acuerdo entre los miembros del mismo equipo sobre los que serán bombarderos y los que serán escoltas. Otro punto a aclarar, por último, es que estoy en total desacuerdo con el spawnkiller, y los pilotos sensatos y maduros que no protestan por todo y no gustan de levantarme falsos, saben muy bien que yo al momento de campear, siempre me espero a que el piloto se eleve y en dado caso suelte su bomba, JAMAS, NUNCA EH DISPARADO A UN PILOTO BAJO CONDICIONES DE GUARDIA BAJA DURANTE EL DESPEGUE, cosa distinta es que muchos pilotos aún sabiendo que existen aviones enemigos en su retaguardia al momento de despegar, despegan con total tranquilidad, o con un simple giro como si no estuvieran en peligro, y si uno les dispara se quejan como si hubieran sido derribados en el suelo.

Y por último, pido disculpas si estoy metiéndome con algo tal vez sagrado para ustedes: su método, pero repito de nuevo, no estoy en contra de que sólo usen una parte del mapa o que sólo se disparen de frente, estoy en contra de que si uno hace cosa distinta piensan que es algo incorrecto, cuando simplemente es hacer uso de la táctica y la lógica.

Eso es todo, saludos, y agradecería que algún valiente (por lo extenso del texto) traduzca esto para poder ser leído en la sección de ingles.

I agree totally Ziza.. many players that drop their bombs during a bombing mission are thought of as taking advantage of those planes that trudge along with reduced speed & maneuverability while they carry their bombs to the target.. but nowhere is it written that ALL planes on each side must carry bombs to the target! Since the very beginning of the war in the air once dedicated bombers came into existence, there was seen the need for fighters to accompany them both to ensure their safety and the completion of the mission, which was to bomb a specific target. Seldom in any war has it been seen of wings of bombers firing at each other in order to pass one another on the way to their respective targets!!

So I see no problem with having dedicated air superiority/bomber escort roles as both teams maneuver their planes to their targets.. but the most likely scenario is that if say 2 planes drop & 2 planes carry their bombs for each side, the 2 bomber escorts will get into dogfights while the bombers trundle along still doing the same old thing.. firing head to head at each other, unless of course one sides fighter escorts are superior to the others. If that happens then there will of course have to be adjustments made by the lesser team to compensate is all.. not demonize players that explore all of the tactics that can be employed in this game! That's just silly!

As for sneaking.. there is NOTHING wrong with sneaking, as long as the teams are relatively even in numbers.. heck when starting out I was a sneaker! I had little choice as I could not fire head to head, as using arrow keys doesn't give you enough accuracy to be good at it, along with the fact that I couldn't buy points so I nearly always had the most inferior plane in the mission.. which even WITHOUT A BOMB wouldn't be good enough to take on top tier planes while they still carried theirs LOL!
So I became a sneaker, a pretty dang good one too! I did it so often starting out enemy teams would say, "Where's Zebra?" someone else then would reply, "Look Up!" jajajaja!
As long as the sides are not heavily lopsided I see no issue with somebody sneaking.. heck I applaud it!
If you sneak in on me & my team, well then BRAVO for you! It means we weren't paying enough attention, but we will certainly be doing so after the first time you sneak LOL!

I wish I could translate this for you Ziza but alas, I cannot.. although I can understand the gist of everything you said. You make many salient points.. there is no reason to fly ONLY head to head down through the 'Valley of Death' when there are many different tactics available for a team to still accomplish their mission of bomb the hangars or carrier!

I see
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167623

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Here is the translation without edit from google translate:

In the following I write, do not pretend to justify , much less defend the activity drop the bomb in a game of bombardment , because justification is something you do to something wrong , I try to do is to deny the possible accusation that is bad , ie , that simply should not be cause for annoyance, just clarify that I do not have to be a reason of this accusation and signaling .

Let's start with the objective of the mission " bomb the enemy base or aircraft carrier ." Okay, before logic bombs to bomb needed , we can see that certainly an airplane mode Bomber necessary, this makes good sense , but if you adhere to there enemy planes that will not let you release the pump in territory , the question then is not just going to drop the bomb , but to achieve it, and just that leads to a term curiously tends to lose in this game , being replaced by the simple act of fired face to face : TACTICS

The game has a map with their respective limits of height , length and width , as well as certain characteristics of aircraft speed and spin rate , and also , for obvious reasons, a limit of bombs. That leaves us with the simple equation that you only have one chance to go and drop your bomb and survive in the act .

Well , I think here we can all agree. The following is a bit complicated to explain and perhaps even philosophical sounds : the game does to us and we do the game?

This question has a very important background because there negative towards dropers born. The game has a moral made ​​by pilots and other formal made ​​for the game , ie , the first corresponds to what among us qualify as good and bad, and the second to the game consistently tells us that some action is incorrect, and that we do what our respective sanctions, that encompassed shoot a blue or drop the bomb on your carrier and stuff.
Okay, then let's look at the following:

There is a tendency to fly straight from an ally to an enemy base, an ally of one enemy aircraft . A huge percentage of meetings are held precisely that kind of road death. With the passage of time, a pilot who just entered the game world, taken as certain that unique address combat, eh not even know the complete until sometime be just for him and decides to wander map.

That then it leads to one of the other issues that causal similarity , I must quote : " sneaking " . Almost gross trend that only that section of the map should be the one used, is simply a lack of flexibility and even imagination.

Many times eh heard ( and I totally agree ) that a pilot must play for the team and not for their own statistics , but when someone decides to target and bombard the enemy really really win the game, leaving aside possible takedowns you can do and improve their " perfect game " and take into their hands and decide to fly TACTICA above the highway of death and then plummet over the enemy , it is to be judged a coward .

For those who accuse him of cowardice for pilots , go tell that to the honorable bomber pilots that lasted nearly 12 hours to reach the optimum height to not be taken down , and often knew that once dropping the bombs were attempting to seek out where land and walking back to friendly territory , as the characteristics of their aircraft did not have enough autonomy to such long flights .

To me, a coward who seeks to improve his numbers , is a coward who does not dare to use intelligence above " what others say you should do." I remind you that this apparent rule that you should not use other areas of the map is a rule made ​​by ourselves, otherwise the creator of the game just makes the map smaller .

Under this same scenario I transfer to drop the bomb :

Now imagine that same driver is faced with the logic that the game is divided into attack and defense. But curiously no one understands , because they are too busy shooting face to face. Dozens of planes come and go, take off and take off your allied base only to be taken down again before one of the most illogical acts I've seen ( the face to face confrontation ) in this game . Manfred von Richthofen once mentioned that his tactic was not lucky enough to play with , and I totally agree with him.

If some have seen me flying, I do not know that conducted face to face , and I tend to be difficult to overcome. Maybe I'm not good knocking , but not be knocked down , and this does not make me better than others, just makes me different in the act of doing the face to face. Already a struggle dogfigth , I 'm as good as you. My point is , if you have an airplane with superior features , NO NEED to do face to face , you do not need luck, you do not need a plane with minor features or a driver with less experience you have the opportunity to be part of those who you have demolished . You should not be in the sight of anyone.

Definitely the face to face requires certain skill level and especially nerves to withstand bullets near your tickets , but that , that's selfish , that is to fight for yourself forgetting that if you get knocked down , that same enemy tickets go on another of yours. The tactic then summarized very simple, prevent torn down to yours , your team how to survive ? Avoiding being shot down.

That same TRUTH (and not let me lie those who are of military forces ) is found in all combat tactics .

Please , I'm not saying that face to face confrontation is something to be ban , simply it is an essential feature that pilots have taken in the game, but it lacks a true tactical utility . Who wants to do it , but no acknowledgment of coward who does not choose to do ( and boy are incredibly accurate long-distance drivers , very good for them )

Since the dawn of aviation , the military realized that airplanes could fly over enemy territory and drop (with hands) some bombs . This led to the invention of the bomber. But later it was complicated because some pilots and their planes taking off and planted them a few shots at those bombers . Well, I guess this is not necessary to explain, many already know, and I mean the separation between hunting and bomber , and just do not understand then how is that they want a bomber fight against other bomber shooting face to face ?

None of us entered the game knowing what we now know we have a lot more experience than we had when we entered recently , we are drivers that can last almost an hour in a battle against a single enemy. How is it then , that we continue fighting and doing what we did in the beginning? Where to forget that the purpose of an air battle is to find 6 of the enemy? Where we forget that a bomber bombed and must be protected by a fighter ? (Although over the years hunting / bombers were very effective , but those are already other times and better aircraft engines) , where it is the idea that everyone should carry the lead pump and throw ourselves face to face ?
I do not usually play simple games , no download games aircraft with aircraft that are never ending bullets or can maneuver without losing speed, no download games , I download simulators, and this game is a very good simulation .

I do not usually fight in bombing missions , but when I do , excuse me , but I will ask someone to drop the bomb or I let it go . I will not be a static target someone, and I want to make clear that it is up to everyone, and should not be cause for annoyance if one day someone decides not to do the usual and make your team win .

Once XxXx fighting , he dropped the bomb and foolishly I complained . He said that because I had let loose , but it's not true, just flying in circles to avoid getting shot and that seems so strange that he assumed I did not. He then dropped the bomb and knocked me down and continued with the rest of my team. Foolishly I claimed it because I thought that rule was the game, and I even started to think how the plane could get rid of your pump when the pilot wanted ? , How the creator of the game has not occurred to him that only the we could drop near a hangar or aircraft ? . It occurred to me then that has XxXx tactic, and I did not.

I try not to play games bombing , knowing that many will be offended by what I explain right now , but when I see that many red against a blue , do not hesitate to despegaré , try to clean the area and then I 'll go , as many pilots consist that I usually do that , because sometimes I go and blue can not even take off, but I always find the way to do this achievement and fortune down to those who were campeando ( I totally agree with the site , but certain the airport or leaving off, let them turn to me).

Now , there are some arguments talking about "justice" that is not fair when someone for a while manages to have a perfect game statistics , a pilot who drops the bomb and destroy you all, good things come , I will respond to that argument the following: You want good stats ? Get them in a game where not in a computer game , for example, a dogfigth ( all against all ) . But meanwhile , you have a team that do win.

Also in this game that we can not speak of righteousness , for we can see a peak experience pilots shoot down aircraft pilots with basic , and often see win the team had less kills hahaha . Here's the game, and anyone trying to limit it to only a part of the map , just a tactic , just a style, it is killing the very essence of the game.

In sum, what I present here is that the game has taken a course of non-existent rules created under the logic of repetition and imitation, and so does everyone else who does something different is frowned upon. I know many of the riders who are my companions and those who share a friendship, may you feel offended , but you should take my argument as a point of view that is not intended to criticize badly methods used by many drivers, but do imply that it should not be demonized use different tactics and methods.

Moreover, if someone want to clarify that the pump loose in a game of bombardment , right ( since no one wants to do ) is to give notice to the opposing team, to take appropriate steps, but already when widespread use a complex method using tactical bomber / escort fighter , will no longer be needed to agree among members of the same computer on which you will be bombers and escorts. Another point to clarify , finally, is that I strongly disagree with Spawnkiller and sensible and mature drivers who do not complain about everything and do not like to get up fake , I know very well that when campear , I always hope to the pilot is raised and given case drop your bomb, NEVER , NEVER EH rELEASED tO A pILOT UNDER CONDITIONS OF GUARD LOWER DURING tAKEOFF , another thing is that many drivers even knowing that there are enemy planes in the rear at the time of takeoff, relax take off , or with a twist as if they were in danger, and if you shoot them complain as if they had been shot down on the ground.

And finally , I apologize if I'm nip something perhaps sacred to you : your method , but I repeat again , I'm not against using only part of the map or only shoot straight , I 'm against it different thing if one does think that there is something wrong , when it simply is to use tactics and logic.

That's all, greetings, and would appreciate some brave ( for the extensive text ) translates this to be read in the English section .


Since Ziza and I had a disagreement about this very thing I will add the twist I see in this logic, SO LONG AS TEAMS ARE EQUAL.

If teams are equal this is 100% correct and SB647 has a whole guide about all of this and more that I think is fantastic. What I didn't agree with is this, I was in a 5 vs 2 with myself and Thulsa being the 2. Ziza was one of the 5, after a few runs we noticed Ziza missing from the pack of planes and I headed back to base to find him as I suspected him going above radar range. I was right and I shot him down before bombing and called him a coward for doind so in such numbers. Thulsa and I were able to beat the 5 back to the last hill of the south base often and then Ziza went over range again. I was still fighting and near their base and after being shot down I saw Ziza had left our base and was a short distance away. As I knew he had no bomb and he was corkscrewing as he left I dropped to catch him and fight. I always drop to twist fight, if you don't you will lose if the player is a good fighter. I then twisted and turned with him for some time taking out other planes that got close as needed and anything else I could. I was told I was a coward for dropping!! If I am on a team of 2 and you have 5 and you can't win with me only dropping when I twist fight somehow I'm to blame? I'm supposed to allow him to return bombless with the planes on route and keep my bomb the whole time? Ridiculous!

I don't expect players to fly down the middle same height same path and enter head to head, what I do expect is players to understand when they have a 3 plane advantage and not purposefully use the games limitations to gain an advantage. So fly at 1000 not 2000...fly left right corkscrew I don't really care but give the 2 a chance to at least see you coming or all the games that are lopsided are a waste of time.

With Ziza's type of mentality really we should all do what ever the game allows us to do...since they are all exploiting limitations of the game. Who cares who drops or shoots on the runway or camps or whatever? They can all be called tactics and justified in someone's mind. This is what I think is 'fair' and I'm sure these rules don't agree with a lot of players but I think enough to say I'm probably in the middle of the pack so to speak.
For enemies in even teams:

YOU CAN 'Sneak' or evade or whatever you want to call it all you like. Basically go way off the normal path to avoid radar. I've done it myself

YOU CAN Camp and hit as soon as the game lets you, except low ranked players I let them up turn and if I'm in front of them fire or give them suitable time that they should have by then. The defending team has to be able to remove the camper or they deserve to lose their air space,

YOU CAN Drop your bomb but I would expect you to provide support to your team. If you are just taking people down but not getting any bombs in that seems like point mongering.

So I don't say anything to anyone even teams. I think the difference is important since the game makes the teams it's not that our team lost them in combat.
For enemies in outnumbered teams (at least 2 extra players):

The larger team SHOULD NOT: Camp or Sneak. I don't care about droppers, lots do I don't. You can go off the narrow path we all seem to fly but don't go so far that there is no detection of you at all. Give the defense a chance to a least see the blip on radar is my opinion.

The smaller team can do whatever they want except banable offenses.
The way I play in even matched games:

I carry a bomb and I only ever drop to twist fight and often I don't if the player is in a low plane.

I bomb and go and I only camp if is a very dishonorable player that I owe a few bullets. I turn when fired upon.

I go down the alley so to speak and I only sneak say 1 in 500 runs and only because the game could go on forever sometimes it seems so somethings gotta give but only in even teams or worse. I don't go high i use the sides typically since that seems like less cheating to me but that's up to anyone to decide.

I wait for wheels off to shoot planes or more if they are new players except if bringing in a bomb. Then I hammer every plane I see on runway or not.
The way I play in the smaller team:

I carry a bomb and I only ever drop to twist fight or chase someone down and often I don't if the player is in a low plane.

I will camp for as long as I can. If the defenders allow me to get all the way over their airport with 2 extra planes they don't deserve air space.

I wouldn't sneak there is no time and leave you very weak in my opinion will unless I had Max on my side.

I hammer every plane I see on runway or not.
The way I play in the larger team:


I carry a bomb and I only ever drop to twist fight and often I don't if the player is in a low plane.

I bomb and go and I only camp if is a very dishonorable player that I owe a few bullets. I DO NOT turn when fired upon.

I go down the alley so to speak always.

I wait for wheels off to shoot planes or more if they are new players.
That's how I play and always play. If you think using the games design against other players when you have 2 or more extra players isn't being cowardly since what you are avoiding is the fight then I don't know what is. There isn't enough planes to cover everyone defensively so at least give the chance to win the fight.
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167625

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Whiplash wrote: That's how I play and always play. If you think using the games design against other players when you have 2 or more extra players isn't being cowardly since what you are avoiding is the fight then I don't know what is. There isn't enough planes to cover everyone defensively so at least give the chance to win the fight.

Whip you made some very salient points.. (btw, google translation sucks, but you can get the gist of it lol)
until your last paragraph that is.. then everything you said went out the window... as there IS ENOUGH PLANES TO COVER EVERYONE DEFENSIVELY!
I do it all the time when outnumbered.. stop flying down the alley through Death Valley & just stay in the vicinity of your base fighting defense! I drop my bomb and play defense to protect my hangars.. after all that is 1/2 of the mission.. if I don't have enough pilots to mount an effective offense then why would I leave my hangars undefended?? Seems obvious & logical to me...
Plus while defending my base I don't have to worry about 'sneakers' nor players flying bombless.. as I am already bombless while staying in the vicinity of my base in a protection role. When enemy reds leave the game after being shot down too many times then perhaps the game will shift as some blues may spawn in.. or maybe it won't, but whatever the case I alter my tactics to suit the situation at hand, not the situation as I would like it to be!!

Seems like an obvious solution to me when outnumbered, you have to adjust your tactics to whatever the game & other players are throwing at you! If you can't then you will lose.. & perhaps then feel as if the enemy played 'unfairly' which in the light of the fact that this is a wargame is ridiculous.
Just my two cents..
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Last edit: by ZebraUp.

DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167628

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Just like real aerial warfare, not every battle will have even sides. If a group of five bombers can't push past two faster and more agile planes by going up the middle, they should logically give the high or wide routes a shot. Using your head isn't cowardly. If you think that's unfair, see how long it takes to make a climb as a bomber, and then as a defender.

Seems like a big portion of DF pilots are more concerned with following a flawed "code of honor" and throwing labels at people who don't conform to them, than actually learning how to combat that particular label.
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Last edit: by Cricket.

DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167643

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ZebraUp wrote:

Whiplash wrote: That's how I play and always play. If you think using the games design against other players when you have 2 or more extra players isn't being cowardly since what you are avoiding is the fight then I don't know what is. There isn't enough planes to cover everyone defensively so at least give the chance to win the fight.

Whip you made some very salient points.. (btw, google translation sucks, but you can get the gist of it lol)
until your last paragraph that is.. then everything you said went out the window... as there IS ENOUGH PLANES TO COVER EVERYONE DEFENSIVELY!
I do it all the time when outnumbered.. stop flying down the alley through Death Valley & just stay in the vicinity of your base fighting defense! I drop my bomb and play defense to protect my hangars.. after all that is 1/2 of the mission.. if I don't have enough pilots to mount an effective offense then why would I leave my hangars undefended?? Seems obvious & logical to me...
Plus while defending my base I don't have to worry about 'sneakers' nor players flying bombless.. as I am already bombless while staying in the vicinity of my base in a protection role. When enemy reds leave the game after being shot down too many times then perhaps the game will shift as some blues may spawn in.. or maybe it won't, but whatever the case I alter my tactics to suit the situation at hand, not the situation as I would like it to be!!

Seems like an obvious solution to me when outnumbered, you have to adjust your tactics to whatever the game & other players are throwing at you! If you can't then you will lose.. & perhaps then feel as if the enemy played 'unfairly' which in the light of the fact that this is a wargame is ridiculous.
Just my two cents..

Gee what a surprise you two missed the point...maybe you cant count or something but if 1 plane goes high, another left, another right, and another 2 down the middle for say a 5 on 3 how do you cover them all again. You camp at your own base, and that's how you can win the game right...no you are supposed to lose because the game you a crappy team? Leads into Cricket's point and just deal with it because that is what the server gave you. What a load of crap. I guess from people who leave games after being hit a few times I might have that mentality too. I never leave games and understand THIS IS NOT REAL WAR! People come back to life...you always safely eject to chute with a mother of a rifle...you always land beside a tank that is available...you can crash and only one player takes damage and so on. I don't think how the server distributes the team should be a major factor in who wins the game. Don't think I don't take them down or have defense strategy to deal with these but as I said the time taken to do that and the simple existence of so many targets that must be dealt with is the problem.

Maybe when I'm outnumbered I should swap sides...the game lets me do that and then I can sneak around hit the hangars and camp over base ending the game quickly...that's using my head right?

How about this you 2 and I'll bring 4 dragons and we will see who wins and how fast? And we won't even sneak....err use 'tactics'

The code of honor is common decency like you don't with little kids like you would adults since it discourages them from playing more and what you can't sacrifice a little of your obvious advantage to give someone a chance.

We will be waiting for your answer.
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167648

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Gee what a surprise you two missed the point...maybe you cant count or something but if 1 plane goes high, another left, another right, and another 2 down the middle for say a 5 on 3 how do you cover them all again. You camp at your own base, and that's how you can win the game right...no you are supposed to lose because the game you a crappy team?

Looks like it was YOU who missed the point, like usual. Take a look at Zebra's post. If you are forced into a defensive game, you stay close to your base. That's how you cover planes from all directions. Sometimes a good gameplan and effective execution gives you the win, not how many planes you have.

Leads into Cricket's point and just deal with it because that is what the server gave you. What a load of crap. I guess from people who leave games after being hit a few times I might have that mentality too.

You have choices when in an outnumbered situation:

1. Deal with it. Turn the enemies advantages to disadvantages by making adjustments.
2. Swap sides
3. Leave the game
4. Whine

The power is yours.

Also, you're implying that one or both of us leave games after being hit. I seriously doubt that. Isn't that why we play the game? Would love to see some data on that claim.

I don't think how the server distributes the team should be a major factor in who wins the game. Don't think I don't take them down or have defense strategy to deal with these but as I said the time taken to do that and the simple existence of so many targets that must be dealt with is the problem.

Maybe when I'm outnumbered I should swap sides...the game lets me do that and then I can sneak around hit the hangars and camp over base ending the game quickly...that's using my head right?

You expect 6v2 or 7v1 battles to play out just like 4v4? Let's face it, they don't. "so many targets that must be dealt with is the problem." Uh.. Yeah? Precisely why you switch to a defensive minded game, until its feasible for an offensive attack. It's part of the game and I wouldn't have it any other way.

How about this you 2 and I'll bring 4 dragons and we will see who wins and how fast? And we won't even sneak....err use 'tactics'

Easy money. Let's do it. Make it 6 dragons, though.

The code of honor is common decency like you don't with little kids like you would adults since it discourages them from playing more and what you can't sacrifice a little of your obvious advantage to give someone a chance.

Common decency is letting others play a game they purchased how they want to, and not enforcing your squadrons rules on them. You may like an extremely limited game, but I assure you, there are others who don't enjoy your limitations.

YOU CAN only drop your bomb when....
YOU CAN only sneak when....

That would be a "load of crap"
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167649

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Cricket wrote:

Gee what a surprise you two missed the point...maybe you cant count or something but if 1 plane goes high, another left, another right, and another 2 down the middle for say a 5 on 3 how do you cover them all again. You camp at your own base, and that's how you can win the game right...no you are supposed to lose because the game you a crappy team?

Looks like it was YOU who missed the point, like usual. Take a look at Zebra's post. If you are forced into a defensive game, you stay close to your base. That's how you cover planes from all directions. Sometimes a good gameplan and effective execution gives you the win, not how many planes you have.

No YOU missed the point since how do you bomb their base when you are at your own indefinely?? WOW! I love "a good gameplan and effective execution gives you the win, not how many planes you have" Hahaha

Leads into Cricket's point and just deal with it because that is what the server gave you. What a load of crap. I guess from people who leave games after being hit a few times I might have that mentality too.

You have choices when in an outnumbered situation:

1. Deal with it. Turn the enemies advantages to disadvantages by making adjustments.
That's what I do but hope that players would sacrifice some advantage to make the game more enjoyable. Seeing how that is never your goal I understand why you feel as you do.
2. Swap sides
WOW you would actually do that?
3. Leave the game
I know you do I don't
4. Whine
I guess this is what explaining the lack of honor I see is called so I will say I do 1 and 4 simultaneously.
The power is yours.

Also, you're implying that one or both of us leave games after being hit. I seriously doubt that. Isn't that why we play the game? Would love to see some data on that claim.

You have left every game I have been in with you before the end. Typically after being taken out a few times.

I don't think how the server distributes the team should be a major factor in who wins the game. Don't think I don't take them down or have defense strategy to deal with these but as I said the time taken to do that and the simple existence of so many targets that must be dealt with is the problem.

Maybe when I'm outnumbered I should swap sides...the game lets me do that and then I can sneak around hit the hangars and camp over base ending the game quickly...that's using my head right?

You expect 6v2 or 7v1 battles to play out just like 4v4? Let's face it, they don't. "so many targets that must be dealt with is the problem." Uh.. Yeah? Precisely why you switch to a defensive minded game, until its feasible for an offensive attack. It's part of the game and I wouldn't have it any other way.

But why sneak to exacerbate the problem? Isn't the numbers enough...no I guess it isn't.

How about this you 2 and I'll bring 4 dragons and we will see who wins and how fast? And we won't even sneak....err use 'tactics'

Easy money. Let's do it. Make it 6 dragons, though.

You want 6 Dragons against you two :woohoo: Did you tell Zebra...and you are going to win is that right? So Me, Thulsa, Dino Spider, Big C, JasonMC, Black Flag? I'll have to ask them all but Ok...

The code of honor is common decency like you don't with little kids like you would adults since it discourages them from playing more and what you can't sacrifice a little of your obvious advantage to give someone a chance.

Common decency is letting others play a game they purchased how they want to, and not enforcing your squadrons rules on them. You may like an extremely limited game, but I assure you, there are others who don't enjoy your limitations.

YOU CAN only drop your bomb when....
YOU CAN only sneak when....

That would be a "load of crap"

I don't force anything on anyone. I ask for courtesy, from experienced players to help the community as a whole make the game more enjoyable. If the game was only players like you most wouldn't be here and the community wouldn't have attracted the fantastic people is has. If you read what I said and understood which I feel is a rarity it's how I PLAY and everyone can play as they wish and I can feel and say they are cowards if they do things I think are cowardly can't I? You can deal with that can't you? I can also use the extent of the rules of the game to discard my normal courtesy and keep you pinned to the runway if I get the chance right?
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167651

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Oh and how about this Saturday's Dragon Fight Night for the 6 vs 2 that you are going to whoop us in!?

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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167653

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No YOU missed the point since how do you bomb their base when you are at your own indefinely?? WOW! I love "a good gameplan and effective execution gives you the win, not how many planes you have" Hahaha

Again, like Zebra pointed out, you play defensively and force the opposing team into a long-game. Reds drop, blues join.

You have left every game I have been in with you before the end. Typically after being taken out a few times.

How 'bout them 5000 wins? Typically, a player will either finish a game, or leave before it ends. What else can you do? Oh yeah, there's the quit-bug, mid-game incoming phone calls, or perhaps a player just wants to fly a couple runs for the few minutes he can.

But why sneak to exacerbate the problem? Isn't the numbers enough...no I guess it isn't.

If I'm up against one of the top Dogfighters, no, the numbers might not be enough. That all depends on who is on the blue side and who is on the red side. To completely throw sneaking out of the window is a bit dumb.

I don't force anything on anyone. I ask for courtesy, from experienced players to help the community as a whole make the game more enjoyable. If the game was only players like you most wouldn't be here and the community wouldn't have attracted the fantastic people is has. If you read what I said and understood which I feel is a rarity it's how I PLAY and everyone can play as they wish and I can feel and say they are cowards if they do things I think are cowardly can't I? You can deal with that can't you? I can also use the extent of the rules of the game to discard my normal courtesy and keep you pinned to the runway if I get the chance right?

If the game was only players like me, we wouldn't have virtual dating going on in the World Chat, that's for sure.

And yes, if you have the opportunity to pin me to the runway, by all means, do it. That's how I like the game. You may have the air superiority, but I have brakes, throttle, and a hat view. Perhaps we should teach that to newer players instead of teaching them your ideals and standards.
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167658

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Cricket wrote:

No YOU missed the point since how do you bomb their base when you are at your own indefinely?? WOW! I love "a good gameplan and effective execution gives you the win, not how many planes you have" Hahaha

Again, like Zebra pointed out, you play defensively and force the opposing team into a long-game. Reds drop, blues join.

You have left every game I have been in with you before the end. Typically after being taken out a few times.

How 'bout them 5000 wins? Typically, a player will either finish a game, or leave before it ends. What else can you do? Oh yeah, there's the quit-bug, mid-game incoming phone calls, or perhaps a player just wants to fly a couple runs for the few minutes he can.

But why sneak to exacerbate the problem? Isn't the numbers enough...no I guess it isn't.

If I'm up against one of the top Dogfighters, no, the numbers might not be enough. That all depends on who is on the blue side and who is on the red side. To completely throw sneaking out of the window is a bit dumb.

I don't force anything on anyone. I ask for courtesy, from experienced players to help the community as a whole make the game more enjoyable. If the game was only players like you most wouldn't be here and the community wouldn't have attracted the fantastic people is has. If you read what I said and understood which I feel is a rarity it's how I PLAY and everyone can play as they wish and I can feel and say they are cowards if they do things I think are cowardly can't I? You can deal with that can't you? I can also use the extent of the rules of the game to discard my normal courtesy and keep you pinned to the runway if I get the chance right?

If the game was only players like me, we wouldn't have virtual dating going on in the World Chat, that's for sure.

And yes, if you have the opportunity to pin me to the runway, by all means, do it. That's how I like the game. You may have the air superiority, but I have brakes, throttle, and a hat view. Perhaps we should teach that to newer players instead of teaching them your ideals and standards.

WOW...so Saturday good for you?
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167660

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Whiplash wrote: Gee what a surprise you two missed the point...maybe you cant count or something

First off Whip, was there really a need to use disparaging remarks when replying to my comments? I was trying to give my take on things without calling anyone names or making 'snide' remarks about their gameplay. I primarily responded to your "not enough planes to defend with" remark you made about having the odds against you..

Whiplash wrote: I guess from people who leave games after being hit a few times I might have that mentality too.

Secondly, unless a connection is dropped or some other pressing real life reason pops up I NEVER LEAVE A GAME ONCE I TAKE OFF FROM THE RUNWAY! No matter how many times I am killed! My gosh, I have been decimated by great pilots more times than I can count.. over 100 times in a single mission!! But did I leave? NO!

Whiplash wrote:
You want 6 Dragons against you two :woohoo: Did you tell Zebra...and you are going to win is that right? So Me, Thulsa, Dino Spider, Big C, JasonMC, Black Flag? I'll have to ask them all but Ok...

As for 'whoop you' in a game at 6 vs 2 or 7 vs 1 or whatever, I didn't say that.. (in a 5 vs 3 game though.. who knows?) I said that if the odds are against me I adjust my tactics to compensate for the scenario presented to me as best I can.. You & your Dragons will probably win, in time.. in a 6 vs 2 game.. after all the odds are with you and I doubt anyone you will bring will bailout of the game after they're killed a few dozen times. But in the average mission here many, if not most times this happens... or dinner is served & a pilot has G2G or whatever.. or their parents say it's time to do homework or go to bed or whatever.. then the odds sometimes swing the other way when the underdog side finally has a blue or 2 spawn in..

I am just saying that if the odds are against you, instead of flying up the alley and leaving your hangars unprotected, instead guard your base until either the odds change or until such time as you can mount an offensive with at least some chance of completing the other 1/2 of the mission, which is to bomb the reds hangars.

Whiplash wrote: I can feel and say they are cowards if they do things I think are cowardly can't I? You can deal with that can't you? I can also use the extent of the rules of the game to discard my normal courtesy and keep you pinned to the runway if I get the chance right?

You have the nerve to call people 'cowardly' and yet here again you have said you would spawnkill someone on their runway again & again??? Keep them 'pinned to their runway'?!? I don't even do that to someone even if they had just done it to me a dozen times!! Do you know why? Because in my mind other than when incoming with a bomb or sometimes when the zep is directly in front of the german base & they are firing at it when taking off, is that I feel that spawnkilling is cowardly. But that's just my view on it.. every pilot in this game has their own take on it, and I won't force my viewpoint/opinion upon them.. but that's me.

This isn't me jumping on you Whip or challenging your way of play, this is me saying that as to the point of Ziza's thread, that other tactics besides going head to head through the Valley of Death are available.. and to call someone a 'coward' or whatever is kind of heavy-handed, as well as out of line.. and even more so when they don't have a top tier plane or as much experience as you do.. as well as I don't EVER recall ANY war where wings of bombers shot at each other in mid-air while trying to get past one another on their way to their target! :woohoo:
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167663

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ZebraUp wrote:

Whiplash wrote: Gee what a surprise you two missed the point...maybe you cant count or something

First off Whip, was there really a need to use disparaging remarks when replying to my comments? I was trying to give my take on things without calling anyone names or making 'snide' remarks about their gameplay. I primarily responded to your "not enough planes to defend with" remark you made about 5 vs 3 odds.. which really isn't all that horrible odds against you.. certainly not overwhelming!

WOW yes I make these remarks because you guys are ridiculous! you can cover all planes when you have 5 vs 3? I said the scenario...and if you think you can do it lets go. Enough BS.

Whiplash wrote: I guess from people who leave games after being hit a few times I might have that mentality too.

Secondly, unless a connection is dropped or some other pressing real life reason pops up I NEVER LEAVE A GAME ONCE I TAKE OFF FROM THE RUNWAY! No matter how many times I am killed! My gosh, I have been decimated by great pilots more times than I can count.. over 100 times in a single mission!! But did I leave? NO!

Well I guess you and Cricket have the same bug since that's how it is in the games I've been with you two.

Whiplash wrote:
You want 6 Dragons against you two :woohoo: Did you tell Zebra...and you are going to win is that right? So Me, Thulsa, Dino Spider, Big C, JasonMC, Black Flag? I'll have to ask them all but Ok...

As for 'whoop you' in a game at 6 vs 2 or 7 vs 1 or whatever, I didn't say that.. I said that if the odds are against me I adjust my tactics to compensate for the scenario presented to me as best I can.. You & your Dragons will probably win, in time.. in a 6 vs 2 game.. (in a 5 vs 3 game though.. who knows?) after all the odds are with you and I doubt anyone you will bring will bailout of the game after they're killed a few dozen times. But in the average mission here many, if not most times this happens... or dinner is served & a pilot has G2G or whatever.. or their parents say it's time to do homework or go to bed or whatever.. then the odds sometimes swing the other way when the underdog side finally has a blue or 2 spawn in..

"You & your Dragons will probably win, in time.. in a 6 vs 2 game.. (in a 5 vs 3 game though.. who knows?)" 6 vs 2 probably hahahaha did you hit your head...Lets find out! Besides Cricket made that challenge...did you miss that?

I am just saying that if the odds are against you, instead of flying up the alley and leaving your hangars unprotected, instead guard your base until either the odds change or until such time as you can mount an offensive with at least some chance of completing the other 1/2 of the mission, which is to bomb the reds hangars.

Hmm that sounds a far cry from "As for sneaking.. there is NOTHING wrong with sneaking, as long as the teams are relatively even in numbers.. and mine was 5 vs 2 so I hover around base and hope for gifts from the server...good plan

Whiplash wrote: I can feel and say they are cowards if they do things I think are cowardly can't I? You can deal with that can't you? I can also use the extent of the rules of the game to discard my normal courtesy and keep you pinned to the runway if I get the chance right?

You have the nerve to call people 'cowardly' and yet here again you have said you would spawnkill someone on their runway again & again??? Keep them 'pinned to their runway'?!? I don't even do that to someone even if they had just done it to me a dozen times!! Do you know why? Because in my mind other than when incoming with a bomb or sometimes when the zep is directly in front of the german base & they are firing at it when taking off, is that I feel that spawnkilling is cowardly. But that's just my view on it.. every pilot in this game has their own take on it, and I won't force my viewpoint/opinion upon them.. but that's me.

Do you even listen?? Who do I spawnkill?? Spawnkillers...and other low lifes that take advantage of the game. Where do you get your information? What you said is you would camp on me in a 5 vs 2 being one of the 5. I said if you did that to me I would show you no mercy and if I caught you at a spawn point you wouldn't see air and that's the truth. Just go ahead and test it...is that cowardly?

This isn't me jumping on you Whip or challenging your way of play, this is me saying that as to the point of Ziza's thread, that other tactics besides going head to head through the Valley of Death are available.. and to call someone a 'coward' or whatever is kind of heavy-handed, as well as out of line.. and even more so when they don't have a top tier plane or as much experience as you do.. as well as I don't EVER recall ANY war where wings of bombers shot at each other in mid-air while trying to get past one another on their way to their target! :woohoo:

You man up and if you can't get it done with 2 or 3 or 4 extra planes you don't deserve to win. Remember the server creates the unbalance not the team.

You two seem to miss a lot of conditional facts yet they are there in black and white?? So 5 vs 3 then??
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167665

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Whiplash wrote: Secondly, unless a connection is dropped or some other pressing real life reason pops up I NEVER LEAVE A GAME ONCE I TAKE OFF FROM THE RUNWAY! No matter how many times I am killed! My gosh, I have been decimated by great pilots more times than I can count.. over 100 times in a single mission!! But did I leave? NO!

Well I guess you and Cricket have the same bug since that's how it is in the games I've been with you two.

That's so wrong I don't even know what to reply, but to say in the almost 4 months I have been here I haven't even dropped out of a dozen or so games that I can recall, mostly due to lost connection or someone at my door etc... I honestly can't believe you said this about me as you alone have killed me dozens of times in just a single mission, yet I didn't leave.

Whiplash wrote:
"You & your Dragons will probably win, in time.. in a 6 vs 2 game.. (in a 5 vs 3 game though.. who knows?)" 6 vs 2 probably hahahaha did you hit your head...Lets find out! Besides Cricket made that challenge...did you miss that?

Yes I did miss that, because it was YOU that issued the challenge!

Whiplash wrote: How about this you 2 and I'll bring 4 dragons and we will see who wins and how fast? And we won't even sneak....err use 'tactics'

We will be waiting for your answer.

Whip, I have always admired & respected you in the past.. until now. I don't know why you are acting this way, but it ill becomes you..
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167669

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ZebraUp wrote:

Whiplash wrote: Secondly, unless a connection is dropped or some other pressing real life reason pops up I NEVER LEAVE A GAME ONCE I TAKE OFF FROM THE RUNWAY! No matter how many times I am killed! My gosh, I have been decimated by great pilots more times than I can count.. over 100 times in a single mission!! But did I leave? NO!

Well I guess you and Cricket have the same bug since that's how it is in the games I've been with you two.

That's so wrong I don't even know what to reply, but to say in the almost 4 months I have been here I haven't even dropped out of a dozen or so games that I can recall, mostly due to lost connection or someone at my door etc... I honestly can't believe you said this about me as you alone have killed me dozens of times in just a single mission, yet I didn't leave.

I have been in I think 3 missions with you that I remember...you stay a short while and leave...all bombing missions. i haven't seen you in like a month or more.

Whiplash wrote:
"You & your Dragons will probably win, in time.. in a 6 vs 2 game.. (in a 5 vs 3 game though.. who knows?)" 6 vs 2 probably hahahaha did you hit your head...Lets find out! Besides Cricket made that challenge...did you miss that?

Yes I did miss that, because it was YOU that issued the challenge!

Whiplash wrote: How about this you 2 and I'll bring 4 dragons and we will see who wins and how fast? And we won't even sneak....err use 'tactics'

We will be waiting for your answer.

NOT THE 6 vs 2 CHALLENGE! Wow...and yes you both have skills to keep the game alive and win so I would love to see. My challenge was what I was complaining about a 5 vs 2

Whip, I have always admired & respected you in the past.. until now. I don't know why you are acting this way, but it ill becomes you..

You both want to degenerate my view point and feel that you can use and abuse the community as you see fit. You tell players what they can and cant say in chat while Cricket spends his time enraging players good job guys. Now you both want to defend obvious abuse of mismatched games and don't see a problem. You then say I'm somehow cowardly or ridiculous for not taking advantage of players or dropping my bomb to fight in a 5 vs 2? That's why you get the remarks and that's why I said you two don't get it...and you probably never will.
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167673

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Whip I don't 'stay a short while and then leave' I don't stay anytime at all! If it's a bombing mission and doesn't have pilots of my squadron in it I very very seldom stay. I quit right away because I primarily play dogfight missions & capture the carrier missions and zep missions.. maybe that's why recently you haven't seen me.. because I seldom see you in any of those 3 missions.. whether by design or happenstance.

And I don't tell anyone what they can or can't say in World Chat, I just say & think that this game's chat shouldn't be used by a handful of younger players as their personal social & 'dating' chat site.. there are other venues much better suited for that anyways such as Facebook Chat & kik & whatsapp etc... that's my opinion.. nothing more. You & they are welcome to disagree with it & talk about anything you want on World Chat...

As for Cricket, he is his own entity and should not be lumped in with me. He has his viewpoints & I have mine.. they aren't the same except in a few instances.. for example: he personally as I understand it thinks spawnkilling is fine.. I don't, except for in certain circumstances.
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167683

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ZebraUp wrote: Whip I don't 'stay a short while and then leave' I don't stay anytime at all! If it's a bombing mission and doesn't have pilots of my squadron in it I very very seldom stay. I quit right away because I primarily play dogfight missions & capture the carrier missions and zep missions.. maybe that's why recently you haven't seen me.. because I seldom see you in any of those 3 missions.. whether by design or happenstance.

And I don't tell anyone what they can or can't say in World Chat, I just say & think that this game's chat shouldn't be used by a handful of younger players as their personal social & 'dating' chat site.. there are other venues much better suited for that anyways such as Facebook Chat & kik & whatsapp etc... that's my opinion.. nothing more. You & they are welcome to disagree with it & talk about anything you want on World Chat...

As for Cricket, he is his own entity and should not be lumped in with me. He has his viewpoints & I have mine.. they aren't the same except in a few instances.. for example: he personally as I understand it thinks spawnkilling is fine.. I don't, except for in certain circumstances.

Fair enough.
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167688

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Well if I SEE any of you as red, I will shoot you. That is all.

ALL IN 100%
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167690

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[M]VonKopp wrote: Well if I SEE any of you as red, I will shoot you. That is all.

OH YEAH, THATS WHAT YOU THINK. :woohoo: :woohoo:
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167692

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Davy Crockett wrote:

[M]VonKopp wrote: Well if I SEE any of you as red, I will shoot you. That is all.

OH YEAH, THATS WHAT YOU THINK. :woohoo: :woohoo:

Except you Davy, I don't want to make you cry again.

ALL IN 100%

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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167694

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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167698

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Ok try this I'm.sick of hearing it dropping on any less than three pilots when ur alone is cowardly also sneaking will only be accepted when teams are even any sneaking on out numbered side is cowardly. Never tank on one Guy. Never camp on less than two to do so is cowardly. And the standard rule no spawn killing that makes you a butt head

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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 2 months ago #167745

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To the next think I write, I don’t pretend to excuse (justify), and not even defend the act of threw down a bombing game, ‘cause the excuse is something meant for something undue, what I’m trying to do is deny the possible charge that says that is something bad, I mean, simply as that, it shouldn’t be any cause for discomfort, I just clarify that it shouldn’t be a reason for accusation or designation .

Let’s start the gold of the mission “Bombing the carrier or the enemy bass”. Well, with the same logic that we use to know that is necessary a bomb to hit the target, we can see clearly that it’s also necessary a plain in a combat mode, all this have a good sense, but if we include that exist enemy plains that won’t let you drop a bomb in their territory, the all deal is not just go and threw the bomb, is to make it, and that’s exactly what it brings to the concept that curiously get lost in this game, being replace for the simple act of shooting face to face: THE TACTICAL.

The game includes a map with the respective limits of altitude, high and long, that’s how plains have certain speed and turn rate and also for obvious reasons a bomb limit. That leave us with the simple equation that you only have one chance to go, drop the bomb and being a survivor
Well, I think that at this point we can say that we’re all agree. The next thing it’s a little complicated for explain and it might sound even philosophic: the game creates us or we create the game?

This question has an important overtone, ‘because this is where negative toward dropper’s burns. The game have a moral made by pilots and another formal made by the game, it means that, the first responds to what we say is wrong or right and the second, to those thing that systematically the game tell us that some act is wrong, and that we’ll have our appropriate, that includes shoot a blue balloon o drop a bomb in your own flattop, and stuff like that

All right, let’s analyze the following thought.

There is some tendency to fly straight over an ally base to an enemy one, from one ally carrier, to an enemy carrier. A huge percent of encounters presents during that way on that highway to hell. Trough the time, a pilot that is new in the game world, will own that combat direction as true.. And won’t even know the entire map until he found himself alone, and decide to ramble in it.

That bring us to another one of the deal, that for a casual similarity, I have to quote: “sneaking”. The almost brutish tendency to think that is the only part of the map for being used, it’s just a simple lack of flexibility and even of imagination.

Many times I’ve heard (and I totally agree) that a pilot must play for the team and not for their own statistics, but when someone decides to target and bombard the enemy and really win the game, leaving beside the possible takedowns you can do and improve his "perfect game" and take into their hands the tactic and decide to fly above that highway to hell and then fly and fall right to the enemy, well, it turns out to be the coward.

For those who accuse of cowardice to those pilots, go and tell to the honorable bomber pilots that lasted nearly 12 hours to reach the optimum height to not be taken down, and often knew that once dropping the bombs were attempting to seek out a place for landing and walk back to friendly territory, ‘cause the characteristics of their plain didn’t have enough autonomy to such long flights.

To me, a coward is someone that is only looking for improve his numbers, a cowards someone that don’t TAKE THE RISK for use intelligence above "what others say you should do." I remind you that this apparent rule that says you shouldn’t use other areas of the map is a rule made by ourselves, otherwise the creator of the game would made the map smaller.

Under this same scenario I transfer to drop the bomb:

Now imagine that the same pilot is faced with the logic that the game is divided into attack and defense. But curiously no one understands; because they are too busy shooting each other face to face. Dozens of Plaines come and go, take off and take off from your allied base only to be taken down again in front of one of the most illogical acts I've seen (the face to face confrontation) in this game. Manfred von Richthofen once mentioned that his tactic was not play with your luck, and I totally agree with him.

If some have seen me flying, you’ll know that I’m not the “face to face” type, and I tend to be difficult to be taking down. Maybe I'm not good shooting down, but I don’t used to be shooting down, and this doesn’t make me better than others, just makes me different in the act of doing the face to face. Although in a dogfight struggle, I'm as good as you. My point is that, if you have an airplane with superior features, YOU DON’T NEED to do face to face, you do not need luck; you do not need a plane with minor features or a pilot with lack of experience to have the opportunity to be part of those who knocked you down. You should not be in the sight of anyone.

Definitely the face to face requires certain skill level and especially nerves to stand bullets near your plain, but that, that's selfish, that is to fight for yourself forgetting that if you get knocked down, that same enemy would go on another of your side. The tactic then comes to be very simple, prevent yours to be knocked down, how your team will survive? Avoiding being shot down.

That same TRUTH (and those who are part military forces won’t let me lie) is found in all combat tactics.
Attention, I'm not saying that face to face confrontation is something to be forbidden, simply that it’s an essential trait that the pilots on this game took, but it lacks of a real tactical purpose. Who wants to do it, fine, but don’t take as cowards those who choose not to do it (some pilots are incredibly accurate for long-distance, very good for them)

Since the starts of aviation, the military realized that airplanes could fly over enemy territory and drop (even with hands) some bombs. This led to the invention of the bomber. But later it become complicated because some pilots were taking off their plains and got a few shots at those bombers. Well, I guess this is not necessary to explain, many of you already know it, and I mean to the separation between hunting and bomber, and I just do not understand then how is that they want a bomber to fight against other bomber shooting them face to face ?

None of us entered into the game knowing what we now know, we have a lot more experience than we had when we just entered, and we are pilots that can last almost an hour in a battle against a single enemy. How is it then that we keep fighting and doing the same thing we did in the beginning? Where we forgot that the purpose of an air battle is to find the 6 of the enemy ? Where we forget that a bomber attack and must be protected from a hunt? (Although over the past of the years hunting / bombers were very effective, but those are other times and better plane’s engines), where it is the idea that everyone should carry the lead pump and throw ourselves face to face?
I’m not used to play simple games, I don’t upload a game with plains that have infinity of bullet or can maneuver without losing speed, I don’t upload games, I upload simulators, and this game is an amazing simulator.

I don’t usually fight in bombing missions, but when I do, excuse me, but I will ask someone to drop the bomb or I’ll do it myself. I will not be anyone’s static target, and I want to make clear that it is up to everyone, and should not be cause for annoyance if one day someone decides not to do the usual and make your team win.

Once I had a fight against XxXx, he dropped the bomb and foolishly I complained. He said he drop it because I drop it too, but it's not true, I was just flying in circles avoiding getting shot and it seems so strange that he assumed I didn’t have it. He then dropped the bomb and knocked me down and continued with the rest of my team. Foolishly I claimed it because I thought that it was a game rule, and I even started to think that, how is that the plain could rid of the bomb whenever the pilot wanted to?, How the creator of the game don’t occurred that we only could drop it near a hangar or aircraft?. It occurred to me then that XxXx has tactic, and I did not.

I’ll try not to play bombing games, knowing that many will be offended by what I explain right now, but when I see that many red are against a blue, I won’t hesitate and I’ll take off , try to clean the area and then I'll go, as many pilots know, I usually do that, because sometimes I go and a blue can’t even take off, but I always find the way to do it and fortunately knock down those who were camping (I totally agree with the camping, but in certain distance from the airport, or giving the chance to take off, I let them turn to me )
Now, there are some arguments talking about "justice" that is not fair when someone has for a while a perfect statistics game, and the it comes a pilot who drops the bomb and destroy it all, well, I will respond to that argument the following: You want good stats? Get them in a game where you won’t be part of a team, for example, a dogfight (all against all). But meanwhile, you’re playing for your team.

Also in this game we can’t talk about justice, especially when we can see pilots with lots of experience against basic plains pilots, and often see win the team that had less kills hahaha. That’s the way it is, and if anyone wants to limited it to only a fragment of the map, just a tactic, just a style, it’s killing the very essence of the game.

That’s it, greetings, and thanks to the translate to my beautiful cousin


And if what you want is that all enemies are visible to you can defend yourself, you are literally asking the opposing team that will not win you "please do not win, I want to see everyone, not hide"
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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 1 month ago #170514

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READ AGAIN WHIP, and there is nothing more cowardly than to accuse someone of cowardice whit simple and fragile arguments

from teh last post


And if what you want is that all enemies are visible to you can defend yourself, you are literally asking the opposing team that will not win you "please do not win, I want to see everyone, not hide" "

also you want me to stay still so you can shoot me?

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DROPPERS¡¡¡¡¡ 10 years 1 month ago #170515

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