Hello Dogfight!! I know we said we would be back about a month ago, we held off our return because quite a bit has changed in our little World the past few months. Squads have disappeared, new ones emerged, some of the Legends of the game have retired and most of all, everyone is migrating to Elite.
That really added a new element to our Project, so we decided to wait a bit and see how things unfolded.
We wanted to start off the year by bringing back some of the original Categories. And that is what we will do in the upcoming weeks.
We're going to start off with, Best Head On Fighter 2016. But here is where we need your input.
Do we have one Category for both versions or should we separate the Legacy version and the new?
Please post your comments or PM me or any of the members of the HOH Team.
Let's bring some positivity back to our Community!!
The HOH Guardian Team