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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 6 months ago #377524

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[Ñ] The Black Dragons
Volar Con Honor | No Rendirse Jamas

Fundador y Creador de Escuadrón
Oficial Jefe técnica de vuelo, Relaciones públicas y sociales del escuadrón
Máximo responsable supervisor de pilotos y Probador de vuelo
Distinguido Mariscal Alto

Oficial de vuelo, Relaciones sociales del escuadrón
Encargado de informática del escuadrón
Encargado de reclutamiento
Distinguido Mariscal Alto

Oficial de vuelo, probador de pilotos
Apoyo a reclutamiento, Relaciones públicas ayudante a supervisión
De nuevos pilots (Reclutamiento)
Apoyo a escuadrón de formación
Distinguido Mariscal Alto

Oficial de vuelo, Jefe de asesoramiento sobre asuntos relacionados con el escuadrón
Probador de pilotos, Apoyo a escuadrón de formación – (Ala-21 Dragons)
Distinguido Mariscal Alto

Montymor – ([Ñ**] Montymor.)
Jefe al mando en administración del escuadrón (Tesoreria y estadística)
reclutamiento,miembro del consejo de pilotos de la hermandad y miembro del grupo de mandos

EDLP – ([Ñ**] @E.D.L.P.)
Jefe al mando en reclutamiento, supervisión y formación de pilotos
Miembro del consejo de pilotos de la hermandad y miembro del grupo de mandos (Tácticas de combate)

Mark de baires – (Ñ**Mark De Baires)
Jefe al mando en relaccionales externas del escuadron y portavoz para asuntos internos
miembro del consejo de pilotos de la hermandad y miembro del grupo de mandos (Relacciones internaticionales)

Vancuber - ([Ñ*] vancuber)
Jefe al mando en control de pilotos dentro del escuadrón
apoyo a nuevos pilotos y supervisión de los mismos para su adaptación
miembro del consejo de pilotos y miembro del grupo de mandos (Instructor de combate)

Oficiales de apoyo al mando de TBD

Touro – (Ñ(**) TOURO)
Apoyo al mando e instructor de pilotos,miembro del grupo de mandos
(tácticas de combate)

Evans - ([Ñ**] E[V]ANS)
Apoyo al mando e instructor de pilotos,miembro del grupo de mandos
miembro del grupo de mandos(instructor de combate)

charli66 - ([Ñ**] Charle66)
Apoyo al mando e instructor de pilotos,miembro del grupo de mandos(Tesoreria y estadistica)

Apoyo al mando,líder al mando de ala21,miembro del consejo de pilotos y miembro del grupo de mandos(relaciones internacionales)

Hola pilotos noveles,aquí tendréis todas las normas de nuestra hermandad,antes de firmarlas en el foro.Ya que muchos aún no tenéis cuenta.seran de obligado cumplimiento y las deberéis aceptar. (Estoy de.cauerdo con ellas,por ejem,o lo que vosotros queráis poner pero siempre aceptandolas También quiero quedar claro que el piloto que abandone nuestra hermandad ,sin motivo aparente,incurrirá en falta grave,pudiendo ser expulsado.os deseamos lo mejor en nuestra hermandad un saludo y mucha suerte.
Las siguientes normas son de observación general y aplicables a todos los pilotos miembros de los escuadrones pertenecientes a la hermandad!!!
La Constitución del Dragón Negro

Artículo 1: Respetar siempre a los demás pilotos y escuadrones, luchar siempre con honor y buen comportamiento.
Artículo 2: (El camping) no se hará, sólo no será considerado camping, cuando haya 3 o más enemigos o si se hace para ayudar a los que entran a bombardear OJO!!! Si hay 1 o 2 rojos debes volver a base sino si sería camping.
Artículo 3: No tanque en aeropuerto, si estás retirado sí se podrá hacer pero no en él (Ejemplo: Misión Dogfight) si lejos de la base y también en (Misión Bandera).
Artículo 4: Sneaker-(escondido) Dropper-(sin bombas) Gotero-(ataque por arriba), sí siempre que sea en táctica de equipo o bien para ganar la misión. Pero eso si siempre que tu equipo no sea superior en número al enemigo.
Artículo 5: Intentarás siempre ayudar al equipo y te unirás a ellos, si no puedes, les dirás que lucharás con honor (en igualdad).
Artículo 6: No se disparará a ningún piloto de tu bando o equipo en las partidas (Team Killer) ni tampoco bombardear tu propia base o portaaviones.
Artículo 7: Si se tiene cualquier problema con otro piloto se pondrá en conocimiento de los superiores para tomas la medidas oportunas dependiendo del caso o la acción cometida.
Artículo 8: No se insultará, si alguien lo hace, debe ser advertido y hacer captura de pantalla si es posible como pruebas del hecho.
Artículo 9: El dragón no se mata entre sí, lo cual es la belleza de nuestra hermandad. Sin embargo, si lo considera necesario para compartir las habilidades y la experiencia con los demás, podemos luchar informándolos con anticipación.

Cuando lo tengas todo visto si quieres puedes salir de él ya que esta solo para eso. Di que estas de.acuerdo con ellas y.las cumplirá. Gracias. Bienvenidos a la hermandad!!! :)

Solicitud para unirse: No existe una regla estricta y rápida para unirse a la familia Dragon. Simplemente puede pedirle a cualquier miembro del escuadrón que se una a nuestra familia y su solicitud será enviada al liderazgo del escuadrón para su aprobación. Sin embargo, si desea compartir información sobre su experiencia anterior, sería bienvenido.

BARON ROJO - ([Ñ / LF] *** Charli8])
Founder and Creator of Squadron
Official Chief Flight Technician
Public and Social Relations of the Squadron
Maximum responsible supervisor of pilots and flight tester
Distinguished High Marshal

[Ñ**] Montymor. (2nd in Command)
Commanding officer in squad management (Treasury and statistics) recruitment
Member of the guild of pilots of the brotherhood and member of the group of controls

EDLP – ([Ñ**] @E.D.L.P.)
Chief in charge in recruiting, supervising and training pilots
Member of the guild of pilots of the brotherhood and member of the group of controls (Tactics of combat)

Mark de baires – (Ñ**Mark De Baires)
Commanding officer in external relations of the squadron and spokesperson for internal affairs
Member of the council of pilots of the brotherhood and member of the group of controls (internaticionales Relations)

Vancuber - ([Ñ*] vancuber)
Commanding officer in control of pilots within the squadron
Support for new pilots & Supervision of them for their adaptation
Member of the pilot's council & Member of the command group (combat instructor)

Support officers in charge of TBD

Touro - (Ñ (**) TOURO)
Support to the command and Instructor of pilots
Member of the group of controls (combat tactics)

Evans - ([Ñ**] E[V]ANS)
Support to the command and instructor of pilots
Member of the group of controls & Member of the command group (combat instructor)

charli66 - ([Ñ**] Charle66)
Support to the command and instructor of pilots & Member of the control group (Treasury and statistics)

Support to the command & Leader in command of ala21
Member of the pilot's council & Member of the command group (International Relations)

Proud Members
~Black Bandit~
Phantom bandit
[ñ] Baron rojo
lead poison

[Ñ] The Black Dragons
Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

Hello new pilots, here you will have all the rules of our brotherhood. These are the obligatory rules that you will have to accept it (I do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the assigned role, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Squad). I also want to make it clear that the pilot who abandons our brotherhood, for no apparent reason, will incur a serious fault, and may be expelled. We wish the best in our brotherhood and good luck!!!

The Constitution of the Black Dragon

Article 1: Always respect the other pilots and squads, always fight with honor and good behavior.
Article 2: The camping will not be done, it will not be considered camping, when there are 3 or more enemies or if it is done to help those who are coming forward to bomb!!! If there are 1 or 2 reds you must return to base, otherwise it would be camping.
Article 3: No tank at the airport, if you are retired, it can be done but not on it (Example: Mission Dogfight) if away from the base and at Flag Mission.
Article 4: Sneaker- (hidden) Dropper- (without bombs) Dropper- (attack from the top), yes always in team tactics or to win the mission. But that's always if your team is not superior in number to the enemy.
Article 5: You will always try to help the team and you will join them, if you can not, you will tell them that you will fight with honor (in equality).
Article 6: No pilot of your side or team will be shot in the games (Team Killer) or bomb your own base or aircraft carrier.
Article 7: If there is any problem with another pilot, the superiors will be informed to take the appropriate measures depending on the case or the action taken.
Article 8: You will not be insulted, if someone does, you should be warned and take screenshot if possible as evidence of the fact.
Article 9: The dragon does not kill each other, which is the beauty of our brotherhood. However, if you consider it necessary to share skills and experience with each other’s, we can fight by informing them in advance (mutual consent).

If you comply and agree with it, you will become a part of our team known as brotherhood. Welcome to the brotherhood !!! :)

Application to join: There is no strict and fast rule to join the Dragon family. You can simply ask any squad member to join our family and your request will be sent to the squad leadership for approval. However, if you want to share information about your previous experience, it would be welcome. Let’s have a fun and entertainment!!!

XxX-£eaf-XxX 6/7/2019
Fly with Honor | Never Give Up


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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 6 months ago #377562

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Me encanta que le des vida a este escuadron en el foro. Sugue asi.
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 6 months ago #377568

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Montymor. wrote: Me encanta que le des vida a este escuadron en el foro. Sugue asi.

Saludo Monty,

Este es un placer que estoy promoviendo mi propio equipo. Me aseguraré de que nuestras puertas se abran para todos. Amor para todos y odio para ninguno.

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377624

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Why is one of your pilots using my name??
It is both dishonorable and disrespectful to pretend to be someone else.
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377659

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Bravo Montymor!!
Happy New MORAF!
Toujours un grand plaisir de jouer avec vous !
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377680

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Gracias Pegoud, gran jugador y mejor persona.
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377711

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ZebraUp wrote: Hello..
Why is one of your pilots using my name??
It is both dishonorable and disrespectful to pretend to be someone else.

Salute ZebraUp,

Sorry for being late. Sir, its an individual cause, squad doesn't have to do anything with it. By the way, it doesn't violate privacy or term of use. Further, you need to be happy and proud that new pilots are getting inspire from you. Is not? Happy Fly!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377722

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Leaf that is a direct insult because he is a Veteran of this game so am I we don't want are reputation trashed :cheer:
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377725

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Alex Galt wrote: Leaf that is a direct insult because he is a Veteran of this game so am I we don't want are reputation trashed :cheer:

Salute Alex,

Sir, it is not an insult rather an increase in following with respectable fame. :) New pilots might be inspired from him and following his style. Please look it from another side of coin. No body is going to challenge his reputation. His goodwill/reputation is our reputation and we'll not let it down.;) Enjoy Fly!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377731

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hey leaf in the past people have trashed good players reputations It is another thing to honor someone when they die or leave the game like Frits did all the players changed theirs name to honor him I hope you understand
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377733

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Alex Galt wrote: hey leaf in the past people have trashed good players reputations It is another thing to honor someone when dies or leave the game like Frits did all the players changed theirs name to honor him I hope you understand

Even ZebraUp himself says in a previous post on this thread it is both disrespectful and dishonorable to use another players name, but leaf seems to know best. After all he has been playing since, what? Breakfast?

Seems to me if the player who is being "honored" (as leaf would like us to believe) feels using his name is dishonorable and disrespectful someone would take some action and correct what is ultimately disrespectful instead of trying to justify it.

If a player in Wolf Pack took a name of a legendary player like ZebraUp I would give that player a choice: change his name or be removed from the squad, period. To me, that is the only right course of action. But I run a tighter ship and require WP players be respectful.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377737

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Alex Galt wrote: hey leaf in the past people have trashed good players reputations It is another thing to honor someone when they die or leave the game like Frits did all the players changed theirs name to honor him I hope you understand

Alex Galt wrote: hey leaf in the past people have trashed good players reputations It is another thing to honor someone when they die or leave the game like Frits did all the players changed theirs name to honor him I hope you understand

Salute Alex,

Yes, i do agree with you that squadron's members used the name to honor the aspirants. But, i still stick to my words, there is no harm in it unless or until, that guy harm or damage the reputation or goodwill by copying his name and we will be responsible for not taking any immediate action under such case, where such malafide act brought into notice.

Further, there is a lot of difference between the identifies of both pilots, THOUGH, there is another pilot who is using the same name, just look at it.

Now, my question is did they asked or raised the issue before? Likewise, Sir ZebraUp, do you raised the issue of that aspirant who has almost similar identity like your one? Did he harm your reputation? If Yes, please tag me or post here, we will consider accordingly and will forward the case to squad's council about the issue raised by ZebraUp. I again ask you, be optimistic rather pessimistic about these things. I see such things from optimistic perspective such as fame following or some sort of inspiration.Thank you!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up


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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377739

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Viper10{WP} wrote:

Alex Galt wrote: hey leaf in the past people have trashed good players reputations It is another thing to honor someone when dies or leave the game like Frits did all the players changed theirs name to honor him I hope you understand

Even ZebraUp himself says in a previous post on this thread it is both disrespectful and dishonorable to use another players name, but leaf seems to know best. After all he has been playing since, what? Breakfast?

Seems to me if the player who is being "honored" (as leaf would like us to believe) feels using his name is dishonorable and disrespectful someone would take some action and correct what is ultimately disrespectful instead of trying to justify it.

If a player in Wolf Pack took a name of a legendary player like ZebraUp I would give that player a choice: change his name or be removed from the squad, period. To me, that is the only right course of action. But I run a tighter ship and require WP players be respectful.

Salute Viper,

Hope to be good with you. I answered him according to my best experience since i am enjoying this beautiful game (Bundle of Thanks to Zuperman with prays and wishes). Firstly, no body can use the exactly same Identity because of algorithm used in this game as you also aware about it. Secondly, how it is going to be disrespectful or dishonored? :dry: Third, there are many aspirants who are using the identity "Viper", so how it is going to challenge your earned reputation?

Giving a choice is your squad's policy which we respect. And, we are not supposed to follow it. B) However, we would be happy, if other aspirants will take the inspiration from us. Happy Fly :)

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up


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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377741

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£eaf wrote: Salute Alex,

Yes, i do agree with you that squadron's members used the name to honor the aspirants. But, i still stick to my words, there is no harm in it unless or until, that guy harm or damage the reputation or goodwill by copying his name and we will be responsible for not taking any immediate action under such case, where such malafide act brought into notice.

Further, there is a lot of difference between the identifies of both pilots, THOUGH, there is another pilot who is using the same name, just look at it. [/b][/color]

Now, my question is did they asked or raised the issue before? Likewise, Sir ZebraUp, do you raises the issue of that aspirant who has almost similar identify like your one? Did he harm your reputation? If Yes, please tag me or post here, we will consider accordingly and will forward the case to squad's council about the issue raised by ZebraUp. I again ask you, be optimistic rather pessimistic about these things. I see such things from optimistic perspective such as fame following or some sort of inspiration.Thank you!


omg! You DO realize that the aforementioned imposter hasn't played the game in TWO YEARS right?!?
Also, when has 2 wrongs ever equalled a right??
And if you believe that there is nothing wrong with pilots in your squadron impersonating other well-known players of good standing then your judgement is seriously flawed.
It isn't as though your fake ZebraUp asked me if it was okay to pretend to be me... and if he is as you say "Honoring" me then why didn't he ask first? I wouldn't "Honor" Davy or Hulk or Wig or Acegirl without asking them first what they thought about it !!!

In closing let me state that i don't feel honored.. i feel like a victim of identity theft!
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377742

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Likewise, the fellow in the screenshot who was imitating me commenced to spawn kill, team kill, etc. to the point where I had to prove I was me in games I entered by not playing poorly. I even emailed zup about it as I recall. I didn't feel honored either.

I accurately predicted leaf wouldn't listen. He and his squad are okay with dishonorable players. Too bad, it used to be a good squad back in the day.......

Hopefully Charli will intervene and put a stop to this nonsense.

United We Prowl/Together We Howl
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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377743

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ZebraUp wrote:

£eaf wrote: Salute Alex,

Yes, i do agree with you that squadron's members used the name to honor the aspirants. But, i still stick to my words, there is no harm in it unless or until, that guy harm or damage the reputation or goodwill by copying his name and we will be responsible for not taking any immediate action under such case, where such malafide act brought into notice.

Further, there is a lot of difference between the identifies of both pilots, THOUGH, there is another pilot who is using the same name, just look at it. [/b][/color]

Now, my question is did they asked or raised the issue before? Likewise, Sir ZebraUp, do you raises the issue of that aspirant who has almost similar identify like your one? Did he harm your reputation? If Yes, please tag me or post here, we will consider accordingly and will forward the case to squad's council about the issue raised by ZebraUp. I again ask you, be optimistic rather pessimistic about these things. I see such things from optimistic perspective such as fame following or some sort of inspiration.Thank you!


omg! You DO realize that the aforementioned imposter hasn't played the game in TWO YEARS right?!?
Also, when has 2 wrongs ever equalled a right??
And if you believe that there is nothing wrong with pilots in your squadron impersonating other well-known players of good standing then your judgement is seriously flawed.
It isn't as though your fake ZebraUp asked me if it was okay to pretend to be me... and if he is as you say "Honoring" me then why didn't he ask first? I wouldn't "Honor" Davy or Hulk or Wig or Acegirl without asking them first what they thought about it !!!

Salute ZebraUp,

I hope that you are doing well. I try to explain it, but still there is an ambiguity. Well, let me answer your posed queries respectively.

omg! You DO realize that the aforementioned imposter hasn't played the game in TWO YEARS right?!?
Yes, you are right, he hasn't played the game from last 725 days as it can be seen from "Last Seen".
Also, when has 2 wrongs ever equalled a right??
Of-course not, but we don't know their intentions either it is bonafide or malafide.
And if you believe that there is nothing wrong with pilots in your squadron impersonating other well-known players of good standing then your judgement is seriously flawed.
Well, I already explained it that there is no violation with respect to privacy, terms of use or similar stuff. However, i request you before challenging someone judgement, please make your argument convincing and appealing rather further escalating.
It isn't as though your fake ZebraUp asked me if it was okay to pretend to be me... and if he is as you say "Honoring" me then why didn't he ask first?
I request you, please don't ruin your goodwill and so far earned reputation with such words and dishonoring someone identity. That's his own choice, thereof, we cannot put the liberty of fun and entertainment in complex regulations.
I wouldn't "Honor" Davy or Hulk or Wig or Acegirl without asking them first what they thought about it !!!
This is your personal opinion, we don't have to do anything with it.
In closing let me state that i don't feel honored.. i feel like a victim of identity theft!
We respect your goodwill, reputation and honor your patience, Further, we valued your opinions. It would be easy for me to close this matter, if you provide us any of the stuff as asked before.
1) Any post or thread where you raised the issue that someone has theft your identity without asking or getting permission as before?
2) Any evidence where players are damaging the reputation of valued pilot by copying their name?
If you give us any of the required item, it will make your case strong and allow us to make a decision in short-term. However, upon your appeal, i am going to forward the case to the Squadron's council and their decision will be final and it will be locked. Thanks for your patience and consideration! Happy Fly!!!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377746

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Viper10{WP} wrote: Likewise, the fellow in the screenshot who was imitating me commenced to spawn kill, team kill, etc. to the point where I had to prove I was me in games I entered by not playing poorly. I even emailed zup about it as I recall. I didn't feel honored either.

I accurately predicted leaf wouldn't listen. He and his squad are okay with dishonorable players. Too bad, it used to be a good squad back in the day.......

Hopefully Charli will intervene and put a stop to this nonsense.

Salute Viper,

There are many campers in your squad but we didn't complain because we believe that a nonsense response will be given. Though, i have much more to show that might dazzle but for now, it is enough. Have a look on it...

Nowadays, proven theory failed to predict for the next happening, so don't ruin yourself, please don't say it. I internally respect and honor you. And don't disrespect anyone either pilot or squad, it is not going to effect me rather your own goodwill. Of-course, our squad's members know what is happening around as we believe in brotherhood and utterly support the democratic system. By the way, we don't have a dictator :) However, it has been stopped so far, if asked things are provided. My simple question, the guy who joined our squad has a good rank. It depicts that he has been playing from long time, why such things has not raised before, why it is raised when he joined TBD??? I am sure that you are not going to answer these things because you don't have any ground to stand but escalating instead of de-escalating. Happy Fly :)

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up


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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377757

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Salute Aspirants,

I hope that you guys are doing well. I have posted some stuff on TFL official page for fun and entertainment but Ace Girl has modified/removed it as per own wish. Therefore, those expressions don't belong to me rather to a person who edit it. I cannot put the evidence right now because I am using mobile phone. But soon, i am going to show it. Happy Fly!!!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377769

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£eaf wrote: Salute Aspirants,

I hope that you guys are doing well. I have posted some stuff on TFL official page for fun and entertainment but Ace Girl has modified/removed it as per own wish. Therefore, those expressions don't belong to me rather to a person who edit it. I cannot put the evidence right now because I am using mobile phone. But soon, i am going to show it. Happy Fly!!!


To de-escalate the topic, it has been decided to avoid it and left it in the court of valuable aspirants. Happy Fly!!! :)

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377770

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Salute Aspirants,

I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful game. It has been noticed that some squad's members are taking the screenshot from our page and making the interpretation for their own wish thereof misleading the rational audience. It is their views and opinions which doesn't represent the TBD expressions. However, if someone has any kind of confusion or ambiguity regarding our wording, we could assist them in plain text. Happy Fly!!!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377865

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Thanks Mongo, for showing your loyalty. Unfortunately, you cannot remove this post neither edit it to change the content :P Dude, Win like a man, lose like a man.

Once (D)Von Kilner said: "Gutless"

If not today, but tomorrow, we will succeed to break the chain of monopoly for this tiny group. ;) Happy Fly!!!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377866

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so leaf how many more good player are going to from other squads ?

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377867

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Alex Galt wrote: so leaf how many more good player are going to from other squads ?

Salute Alex,

Well, everyone has a right to join any squad where they feel comfortable. Are you :dry:

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377868

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what do mean ?

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377869

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Alex Galt wrote: what do mean ?

Google it, what is meant by freedom and democracy. Happy Fly

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377870

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I just did you guys are going after player who are happy in there own squads and convincing them to join the black dragons

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377871

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Alex Galt wrote: I just did you guys are going after player who are happy in there own squads and convincing them to join the black dragons

We respect all the squad's members and their leadership. Alex, people are trying to edit the post and misleading the people, this is direct insult, which you should talk and try to control it. By the way, be careful. There are many hypocrite person which are exposing with the passage of time. Be Careful dude. Happy Fly!!!

Don't forget to see, who's last edit at your comment. :P

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377872

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you know why they edit you post just to have fun it really not bad ace girl and the pack do to all me all the time if you tell ace sorry she will stop do that it you tell her she is trying to have fun with don't take it seriously leaf if you apologize to her for what did at the TFL you could be friends again

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377874

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Alex Galt wrote: you know why they edit you post just to have fun it really not bad ace girl and the pack do to all me all the time if you tell ace sorry she will stop do that it you tell her she is trying to have fun with don't take it seriously leaf if you apologize to her for what did at the TFL you could be friends again

Thanks for admitting that she edited and changed the contents to mislead the people. Alex, be aware and careful, this is direct insult, dishonor, dis-respect and attack on your reputation, so go there and stop it. Well, you were not present on that day where dictatorship was visible and rude-face appeared with no courage to listen truth. I already forgive her for her misbehavior and unethical attitude because i have a big heart. I am a friend to all who don't deceive and hypocrite. Happy Fly!!!

Fly with Honor | Never Give Up

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[Ñ] THE BLACK DRAGON Official Page 5 years 5 months ago #377875

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she is try to have fun geez this is a game not REAL LIFE and just drop it and forget ok no need to prove a point IT's NOT YOUR GAME so just drop it

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