Hi Renso
I tried sending you the message that I wrote below to you in a PM, but I keep getting an error message when sending it. It is because your name comes up in the "to" box with strange characters and causes the send to fail.
So I am posting it here for you...............
Hi Renso
I don't know if I misunderstood something from that flag game or not. I think you asked me not to drop my bombs. I would like to make things clear to you because maybe you did not know.
In all mission games (capture the flag, capture the carrier, dogfight) dropping bombs is acceptable. In fact every player should drop them unless they have a reason that they want to hold their bombs.
It is in the bombing game, such as bomb the base and bomb the carrier, that the players should not drop. Well some players will drop in them too, but I do not.
I just wanted to bring this up with you because I don't want you to think that I was doing something wrong in that flag game. Tell you the truth I would have thought you knew this already. Also, you can ask anyone if what I am saying is true. Treppo would be a good person to explain this.
It is always good to see you in games and that is why I even took the extra time to write this to you.
You are a good player