Thanks bro.
i have an idea about the banner, having an eagle on it, facing right, 3 levels of text, the first being 112th Eagle Squadron, and the next two i have enclosed, they read "WINGS AND TALONS" and "ARMAMENT".
the color scheme is basically dark green and crimson, with black for outlines and borders. the word 'Armament' should look mechanical, metallic. i have enclosed a file to give you an idea of the general feel of the text and color.
About the name; i tried many times to edit my name from within the game, since the website says i can only do it from there, but it is just not changing. i tried "112th | Armament", "112th|Armament", "112|Armament", even shortened my name, "112th|Arm", "112|Arm", "112Arm", none is working. i don't know why.